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Chapter 584 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • "Cora, let me be in the kitchen. Does Eric want to eat something?" Austin Lancaster immediately said. I His eyes fell on the back of Cora's hands. After a night, the bubbles on Cora's arm had only a faint trace. However, in his eyes, this was a big problem. He was used to spoil her, not to let her work in the kitchen. I Cora noticed his gaze and immediately raised her hand and said to him. "Look, this is not a wound at all. Besides, the food for Eric doesn't have to be fried. I'll go to the kitchen and wash it. then just put it in the pot and cook. "I "No, you accompany Eric, I'll go." 90." Austin Lancaster was not willing to let Cora hold Eric, but just put Eric on the bed, then said to Eric: "Father goes to make dinner for you, and you and your mother play for a while, ok? "| Eric nodded. In his heart, there was no difference between father's cooking and mother's cooking. I As she watched Austin Lancaster arbitrarily decided to enter the kitchen. Cora's heart was touched and depressed.I Was this man depriving her of the chance to enter the kitchen?I "Austin..."Corawanted to do something for him because she did something wrong, so she could only make up for him, and wanted to be as good to him as possible.
  • I Even if the end of Austin Lancaster was not forgiving because of her betrayal, she could be less sorry. I "I'll be fine soon."I In front of his son, he made her obedient. Cora felt a little weird, and her face got reddish. I As Austin Lancaster finished, he went to the kitchen. Instead of waiting in the room, Cora got Eric dressed, and then took him to the dining room downstairs. I Austin Lancaster's action was quick. and Eric's food was quickly made. I "Come on, Eric can have dinner!"I Eric hadn't really eaten for a long time, so when he saw the food at this moment, his eyes glowed brightly.I The food was still burning in mouth. so Cora was willing to blow it patiently before feeding him.l Eric's little mouth ate very quickly. Even before he didn't finish his bite, he stared at the spoon, hoping that Cora stuff food into his mouth immediately. I "Take your time. Father has done a lot, and it's enough for Eric!"I Austin Lancaster was still cooking in the kitchen.
  • When he came out with a plate, he saw Eric's eager look, his face filled with a loving smile. I When he heard that. Eric's big eyes glowed even more. I "Eat, eat!" He clenched his fists. It seemed like he wanted to have all the food. I Cora would like to smile at Austin Lancaster and Eric's cute move melted their hearts.I However, although he said that he wanted to eat, he ended up eating just a bowl of food. At this moment, Austin Lancaster had already been prepared. The servant came to hug Eric and play. leaving time for them. I "Why did you come back so early today?" Cora asked in surprise. I After all, he was very busy these days. It was as if he had to be home late at night yesterday. But he was free to go home for lunch today!! "I'm just coming back for lunch. I'll still have to go back later." said Austin Lancaster, then placed some food in 17.30 Cora's bowl I "The servant said that your appetite is not good these days no wonder you've lost so much weight. Quickly eat more. "I Corasuddenly had an indescribable taste. The reason he came back was to cook for her, right? This recognition made her both touched and sad. I "Mmmm!" She felt that she had become a tearer during this period. She almost shed tears.I Austin Lancastersaw tears in Cora's eyes, and immediately asked nervously. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"I Austin Lancaster was anxious. He put down the dishes and reached out to touch Joe's forehead. I "It's okay. I'm not sick. I'm just touched."I Cora's voice trembled, which was clearly the reason why she could not control her emotions. I Austin Lancaster laughed, it was because she was touched!! "It seems like I don't care too much about you, so youare so touched!"I Cora would like to shake her head at once.
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