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Chapter 565 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Austin laughed because he did not think that swimming like this was bad at all. I "Yeah, it's said that the underwater world is amazing. We've finally come over, so we should enjoy the beautiful scenery under the ocean!"I Austin tried to change her mind in this way, so he appreciated the beauty under the sea. I Cora was a little helpless, but since she had already been here and what he said was true, so she was not angry. Instead, she was interested in diving. I "Okay, then I'll take a trip to see how beautiful the undersea world is. "I Cora was willing to try, which made Austin feel relieved that he had finally solved the problem. However, what he did not know was that Cora did not want to give up swimming at all It was only because that she saw an interesting thing and wanted to have a try. As for swimming, she could do it any time in this one-month honeymoon. I Soon, it was their turn to dive. Both of them put on their gear and dived into the sea.l As their body slowly sank, the sea seemed to be unveiled. Algae. fish, and all kinds of unnamed animals and plants.... The color of the seabed was rich. and Cora looked curiously at everything around her. feeling that everything was so fresh. I Austin was right beside her. At this moment, they could not speak and could not even see each other's eyes, but they felt warmth at this moment.I Time was up and they were taken out of water. I The moment she took off her diving suit, Cora looked at Austin while he looked at her as well. I Austin took off his diving suit and walked towards Coral "How did you feel?"I This was the first time that Cora dived. The beauty under the sea really made her very happy, but it was not the beautiful scenery but Austin's company that made her emotional.I "Very good, it's beautiful under the sea." Cora replied, the scenery she saw today was beautiful enough for her to cherish forever.
  • I When he saw Cora was happy, he was relieved. Fortunately. Cora felt good about diving, which meant that he had fulfilled his promise. I "But, Austin, I feel like swimming and diving are completely different. It's better to go swimming in the afternoon!"I While Austin was happy about finishing his mission, these words made him headache. I "Swi... Swimming?"I Austin widened his eyes and looked at Cora's resolute face. I "Of course, you promised me that you would take me for a swim, right? Although diving is very enjoyable, diving and swimming are not the same sport. "I Cora snickered. Of course, she knew that Austin wanted to use scuba diving to replace swimming, but she really wanted to swim. I "Cora, they are the same. They are both about getting into water. We've been under the water for so long. You must be tired. Let's go eat lunch first!"I Austin interrupted, fearing that Cora would always keep swimming in her mind. I However, there were times when things happened so suddenly It was this time when the blond guy ran over excitedly I "Sir, beauty!"I Austin's face turned cold as he pulled Cora and turned around, ignoring him. I "Wait!"I The man finally caught up with them and he looked at them with a smile. I "Guys. I've already booked a place Why don't we dine together?"I Sure enough, he was like a sticker that could not be shaken off. I Austin's face was dark. It was the first time he had seen such a foolish person. Didn't he know the relationship between them? Was it appropriate to always act as "the other man"?I Austin did not say anything and he pulled Cora to continue walking. I Though Austin was quiet, Cora didn't want to be rude, so she said to the blond: "Thank you, but we don't need it."I Who knew that he would not give up because of rejection? He did not seem surprised to hear that, and he just continued: "The restaurant I booked is a popular one. If you don't go to that restaurant, you'll leave in regret! You guys should go and try it with me!"I The guy said sincerely. I Suddenly. Austin stopped, and the blond was overjoyed. I "The restaurant is just a short distance away.
  • Let's go now!"I However, in the next second, a loud yell from Austin made him step back in fear.l himl "Scram!"I With a simple word. Austin defeated "Don't be so fierce, man. I just want to invite you to lunch. By the way. I'd like to ask for your tips about swimming. "I "I know what was in your mind. To be honest, I really wanted to play the field After all, this beauty is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen..."I Play the field?I The "golden retriever" said in front of him that he wanted to play the field!! The jealousy in Austin's heart was overwhelming. He felt that whenever this handsome blond followed them, he was trying to accost Cora. If he could bear it. he wouldn't be like a real man!! He punched mercilessly at the blond and knocked him down to the ground. I "Austin, what are you doing?"I Austin's movements were too quick. and even Cora did not react. At this moment, she saw that the blond had fallen to the ground and she immediately wanted to help him, but she was stopped by Austin. I "You're not allowed to help him!"I That tone sounded very jealous and a little threatening. I Cora was stunned slightly, but she didn't listen to him. Although that guy seemed to be over-enthusiastic, he had not done anything excessive. Why did he suddenly get so angry and even punched him?1 "Austin, why are you doing this? You hit him before he even finished speaking. "I Austin did not expect that Cora would yell at him for another man. His. heart was filled with anger, and even his eyes turned cold.I Of course, he wouldn't do anything to Cora. However, he needed to vent his anger, so he aimed at the blond again. I Although the blond had been hurt by his punch, he acted like he was okay after a while
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