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Chapter 500 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Chapter 460 "Chief Austin!" As soon as the car was stopped. Adam Black greeted him with a smile I However, this kind of smile brought too much meaning. As Austin Lancaster as the head of the army. Adam Black was too proud of such a smile. He just wanted to get benefits from Austin Lancaster. I Austin Lancaster looked coldly at Adam Black's knees and said ironically. "Go in!"I If he would have left immediately before. but it was Mary, so he could endure it now. I Together, they entered the room that Adam Black had booked. The three of them were seated. I Mary was just like a little daughter, she shyly sat beside Adam Black who was also joyfull "Chief Austin. I don't know what you like to eat?" Adam Black asked, handing the recipe to Austin. I He did not accept the recipe, but said lightly. "Anything!"I Adam Black felt very dissatisfied with this meal. Naturally, this meal was not good, so everything was the same. I "Show me, I know what Earl brother likes to eat." Mary said. At this moment, she specially added the word "Brother" after the Sir Earl, and of course. Austin Lancaster was noticed. I Mary really liked Adam Black? She had never had such respect for him before. She didn't want Adam Black to misunderstand it. did she?I "Okay, since you know what Elder Brother likes to eat, then you can order it.
  • remember that. I won't trouble you again." Adam Black interfaced. I Austin immediately turned cold. This person was like a sleek person, and he followed Manly to call him brother. I "I don't have a brother!" His tone was cold and his gaze turned to Adam Black. I "I just heard Manly call out and follow along I'm really embarrassed I'll remember it next time." Adam Black explained I However, Mary did not quit at this moment and complained to Austin Loncaster "It's just a name. It's normal for Adam to call you. He's my boyfriend. I Austin Lancaster looked at Mary and saw the dissatisfaction in her eyes. He was more angry. I He did not look at Mary anymore. Instead. he looked at Adam Black and said. "Adam, the heir of the Black family. has been mischievous since you were a child. Your family Want to encourage you to study and do better, so they adopt a child to compete you. If I guess right. the Black family is now letting you compete. If anyone can win the project in the south of the city, he will win and become the CEO of the Black Group. "I After Mary listened to these words, she did not care about them at all. She was so excited now that Austin really cared about her Otherwise, how could he find someone to investigate these things?I So this made her even more determined. She pretended to defend Adom Block in front of Austin Lancaster, pretending to want to be with him I Adom Black was stunned He did not expect that Austin Lancaster would even know this.
  • This was his family's secret, not even Mary, but at the moment, Austin Lancaster said so easily. I "Sure enough. I can't hide anything from Chief Austin. But you're a little wrong, even though that adopted son is my competitor, it never poses any threat to me. Even if he was the CEO of the Black Group. My status is still above him, so no matter whether I win or not. it won't affect me. After all, I'm the member of the Black family, and the outsiders are only outsiders. "Adam Black said confidently. I But he was still a little stupefied and afraid that Austin Lancaster knew his real purpose. I "Is that right? Everyone says that the Young Master is proud and arrogant, but I don't think so."| "You have misunderstood. I really care about this competition before, but now I'm more concerned about Mary During this time. Mart is not feeling well I don't want to lose the time to accompany Mary because of this competition, so I'd rather give up the competition and don't want to leave any regrets! "I Adam Black looked at Mary lovingly and seemed to really regard Mary as the most important person in his life. I Pretend!! The words that came up in Austin's head. Did Adam Black think that such an explanation. could blind him? The more he explained, the more he said that there was a problem getting close to Mary. I Fighting for the land in the south of the city did not conflict with taking care of Mary. Moreover, although Mary was not in good health, there was no problem walking around.
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