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Chapter 474 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • After Mary heardAunt Lee's words. countless fierce lights flashed in her eyes. Corawas really not pregnant!! She only used her pregnancy to reverse the whole game. She did not expect it to be just a lie. Even she was cheated. I Mary immediately called Yilia and pretended to be in trouble. She said. "Mother. I found something. I don't know if I should say it."I "Mary, you are not an outsider. Is there anythingthatyou can't say to my godmother?" Yilia immediately said affectionately. I Mary was a recognized future daughter- in-law. She was very satisfied with Mary. I Mary said hesitantly: "I... I seem to see Cora to use a sanitary napkin with blood on it "I "What? Mary, is it true?" Yilia asked in shock I She valued her grandson so naturally that she could not tolerate any loss When she heard Mary's words, where did she still calm? She rushed over to clarify Mary's words, and brought a doctor. I Mary knew of her mother's plan, and she immediately followed her. I She had deliberately picked a time when he was not home, and she and her mother had entered Cora's room. I Cora lied on the bed and saw the two of them murderously. I When she saw the doctor behind them. her eyes flashed. It seemed that everything was a ghost of Mary. I "You go and check with her to see if the child is missing?" Yilia said to the doctor behind her.
  • Mary did not directly tellYiliathat Cora was not pregnant, so Yilia thought that the child had a problem. She originally wanted to invite Dr. Hills to come, but Dr. Hills did not come, so she went to the near clinic hired one.l "I'm fine!" Cora said immediately. I She knew in her heart that once she was diagnosed that she was not pregnant. Yilia would be very angry l "Is it okay to use sanitary napkins?" Yilia said coldly. I Seeing that Cora's reluctance, she immediately stepped forward and held on Cora.I Cora knew that she would not be able to hide her secret today, and gradually gave up her struggle. I Auntie Lee was guilty when she looked at the scene outside, but she was stunned by Mary. She immediately trembled and retreated to the outside. She already knew that her son who owed so much money was designed by Mary. I Knowing that this woman was scary. Auntie Lee was afraid of Mary.I "Auntie Lee, you don't look very good!"I Auntie Lee was guilty, but she said to the nanny "Call Austin that his wife seems to be not keep her secret "| The nanny came back from outside I holding Ann. At this moment, when she heard Aunt Lee saying so, she immediately handed Annto Lee, and looked at the direction upstairs. and picked up her phone to call Austin I "Chief Austin, it's not good. The old lady wants to find out that yourwife is not pregnant. "I Austin was busy in doing something Hearing the nanny's report, he immediately put down his work and rushed home I "How's the child?" Yilia asked the doctor and her eyes worried.
  • She looked at Cora bitterly She couldn't even protect the child in her stomach. She was a useless woman. I The doctor's face was a little weird when she heard Yiliaasked her child. I "What's going on? You've said it quickly. You're so anxious." Yilia immediately urged her when she saw the doctor's hesitation. I "This wife is not pregnant at all!" The doctor said I Then he looked at Cora lying on the bed. In his heart, he thought that it was a plot She looked like another woman who had borrowed a false pregnancy to achieve her goal, but her bad luck was discovered I "Aren't you pregnant?" Yilia's eyes widened and she repeated it in disbelief. I "Doctor, are you wrong?" Mary asked as well, but there was a hint of success in her eyes. I When Cora looked over. Mary looked over provocatively. I "I've been a gynecologist for so many years. I can tell if she is pregnant or not." the doctor said with certainty.I Austin mother's face turned pale and she asked Mary to send the doctor out. I Mary smiled and left obediently, but before she left, she looked at Cora happily. I The moment the door was closed. Yilia could not help but roar at Cora.l "Cora, you actually deceived me with pregnancy!" Yilia's eyes were filled with anger. and she shouted at Cora.
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