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Chapter 484 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • "Beauty, what can you say that men and women can do? Don't worry, my brother will make you happy. I promise to make you happy." One of the men rushed towards Mary. I Cora's gaze tightened. Didn't these two men ordered by Mary?I "Go to hell!" Mary had a little skilled. The man who rushed up had no protection and was kicked to the ground by Mary. I "Damn!" The man spit on the ground. scarlet red in his eyes. I The other man did not care about Cora and walked towards Mary. I "Cora. go quickly. Quickly find Austin, I can handle it here." Mary said to Cora.l She was entangled with the bad guys at the moment, then she was at a disadvantage That person just did not expect Mary to be a little tricky, so he was unaware of it, and at the moment, both of them acted out their own skills. Weakened, she even punched a few punches for being out of control | Mary could have just escaped. Why would she put herself in a dangerous situation to save her?I Cora felt suspicious, but at this moment. the situation was critical and she had no time to think too much. It was absolutely impossible for her to leave. She could not leave Mary alone. I He had already owed a lot to Mary's brother, so she could not get rid of her. She did not want to owe anything to Mary. Hatefully, her phone went off when she was brought out by the two of them, so there was no way that she could call Austin. I "Ah..." Suddenly. Mary screamed and fell to the ground, and the two men laughed proudly. I Cora's pupils tightened. If she left now. Mary would surely be... she had no time to think about it. She quickly picked up a bamboo pole and rushed towards them. I "Let go of her!" Cora was ruthless. At this moment, she felt powerless. She continued to wave bamboo poles. The two criminals could not react at once. I Coraused bamboo poles to form a protective circle for herself and Mary, but her heart was very clear. With her strength, she could not support it for long.
  • "Mary, call Austin quickly." Cora said to Mary immediately. She knew that in such a situation, they could only be truly safe when Austin came. I Mary's eyes flashed, then she took out her phone. I He had been looking crazy for a long time. He had not found Cora for a long time After arriving at the place that was planned with Mary, he did not even find Mary, which made his heart very nervous I Seeing the call from Mary. Austin spectator immediately picked up the phone. There was a panicked voice from Mary: "Austin Cora is in the alley outside the mall. Come and save us ..."I "Ah.. "I Before Mary finished speaking, there was a panicked voice on the phone. It was Cora!! Austin immediately ran out of the room. and the tension in his heart had reached its peak. I The power of Cora had been used to the limit, and the speed of swinging the bamboo pole had also slowed down. This just exposed the chance to the criminals. She saw that the bamboo pole was taken by one of the criminals, and Corafell to the ground. I "Cora..." Mary 'hurriedly ran to Cora and helped her up from the ground. I run!"I "Bloody girl, now I see how you guys still Seeing the two men surrounding her. Mary immediately stood in front of Cora. I "Austin leader has already come over. If you guys don't want to die, quickly leave." Mary said coldly. I However, Cora had already frightened them with the suffrage of Austin, and they thought that Mary was just lying to them. I "It's also romantic to be a ghost. Since you're in front of you, you'll be alright. "
  • "Stop!" This scene happened to be seen by Austin He shouted loudly I His speed was fast, and as soon as he spoke, he shot and kicked the man who wanted to be against Mary to the ground. I "You... who are you?" The other gangster immediately felt horrified when he saw that Austin captain had kicked his companion down so easily. I "You guys don't deserve to know yet. Austin's eyes fell on Cora and Mary's ragged clothes, and his anger was burning. I "If you dare to do anything to my people. your life is really too long." After then Austin started to move again, only to hear the sound of crisp joints dislocation. I "You... are you really the head Austin?" The two of them looked at Austin in surprise. They felt the danger coming at the same time. I Austin did not answer, but now there was a roar of police cars outside....I Seeing that these two gangsters would not be able to move anymore, Austin quickly walked to the side of Cora and Mary, watching the two of them ragged, and immediately took off his coats! But there were two people and there was only oneclothing Who should he give it to?! "Give it to Mary!" Cora said I Her clothes were a little bigger, and even if she had been torn apart, she could still cover her body, but Mary was different because she was wearing a thin coat, which was already exposed. I Austin put on the clothes for Mary, then picked up Cora and covered her with his own body. I Mary saw that she was jealous in her heart, but her face was still lucky to escape. HER voice trembled. "Fortunately. Austin. you're here in time, otherwise we'll be done."I Cora's eyes flashed. She still did not understand Mary's move to save her from the bad guys. Could it be that Mary really recognized her position and treated her as a real sister-in-law? Dangerously saved her?! But how could this be?I Cora DID not to believe it. Even though Mary saved her, she still did not believe that Mary had saved her without any purpose, but it was a fact that Mary saved her no matter what purpose she had, she was still grateful. I The security guards had already parked the car at the alley. The duke sent the two of them into the car and closed the door. I Because it was the person.Austin, the police station paid special attention to it. Even the Secretary personally came. At this moment, he was standing in front of Austin. who was trembling with fear.
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