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Chapter 583 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Cora put Ann on the bed and planned to play with him.I "Mommy!"I Ann was very happy. Although he was having limited fun with Cora in the bed, he was extremely happy. I "Mm. Mommy is here!" Coral replied.Looking at Ann's skinny face.her heart was full of pain. I A child of his age should be sturdy and strong, but her child was so skinny because he had been sick all the time Cora was so sad when she thought of this. She even wanted to cry. I Although Ann was still young. He seemed to feel Cora's emotion. He looked at Cora with his big eyes, and then said. "Mommy, don't cry."I Cora couldn't hold it anymore. Why was this child so considerate? She quickly turned her head away and wiped away her tears. She did not want Ann to see her cry.I After she wiped away her tears, she turned around and smiled at Ann. I "Ann is right. Mom shouldn't cry. Mom should laugh."I She had done so much because she wanted to save Ann's life, and now that the situation had improved, she reallyshouldn't cry.l Ann did not understand, but when he saw that Cora smiled, he smiled as well.I They played for a while. Ann was in a weak state, and soon he looked tired Cora slept with him. I She slept for a long time until the phone rang.I It was David!! Cora immediately picked up the phone. She knew that it must be about the lob so she immediately asked, "David, is the lab ready?"I She knew that setting up a lab was not that simple, and that getting the lab set up in a short period of time required more than money. I "Yeah. I have to say that we are lucky. Yesterday, after you told me to build a laboratory. I asked my friends to inquire. I didn't expect that there was a laboratory for sale.
  • I let some professionals go and take a look, the equipment inside is all okay, but the price is a little high." Davidsaid.I Cora was instantly excited. Maybe it was just a laboratory for others, but for her, it was hope for Ann. No matter how high the price was, she would buy it because Ann could not wait for so long. I "The price is not a problem. I trust you and you mayget the funds ready now." Cora said.I When David heard what Cora said. he immediately understood 1 "Okay, then I'll do it now I will purchase the lab as soon as possible. "I Cora quickly agreed. It was urgent. Dr. Mark gave her medication for a month. Ann would be dead if she did not have enough medicine. She had to make the medicine within a month, and only then could she be free from Dr. Mark's control.I Cora was wondering whoDr. Mark was and why he wantedher to steal the data. This data wasrelated to a chemical weapon. What was he going to do with the data?I She didn't know who he was, but he knew her very well. Such a gap made Cora feel like she was being controlled.I No!! She could be so passive!!!! At least, she had to know Dr. Mark's identity.I She opened the phone's, address book again and was attracted by the words "Detective Agency" I She didn't know if the detective agency could find out Dr. Mark's identity. but she only had this option. I "Hello, Miss Cora?" Because she had worked with them before, they quickly called out her identity.I "Mm, there is a man I need you guys to help me check out his identity. He's a doctor. His name is Mark Anderson. He looks like a gentleman. He is followed by an assistant named Katy..." Cora said. I "Okay, we will investigate right away." The detective agency immediately agreed.I "Mm. I'll give you a double commission. Please check it out as soon as possible."I Cora knew that Dr. Mark might find that someone was investigating him very soon, so she had to have relevant information ahead of him and then she would not be led by the nose l After she hung up. she could not sleep at all, so she sat on beside and watched Ann sleep. I When Austin returned, he saw that Cora was full of love in her eyes.
  • He slowed his pace down and slowly walked towards to them. I "You're back!"I When Cora noticed Austin approaching, he had almost reached the bed. I She was thinking about something just now, so she did not notice the movement of Austin. She felt surprised when she saw Austin.I "Mm. Ann is awake?" Austin sat on bedside and looked at Ann's small face. I "Mm. He woke up in the morning and fell asleep after playing for a while."I Maybe Ann heard that, he opened his eyes slightly. I "Dad?" He might think that he was dreaming. He said with confusion. I "Ann. Daddy is back!" Austin felt his heart softened. He looked at Ann's cute little face and said to him. I This time. Ann opened his eyes and looked at Austin. He immediately had a smile on his face. I "Dad!"I He opened his arms to let Austin hug him. Of course, Austin would not reject Ann and he picked him up from the bed. I Even though the weather was not very cold. Austin took clothes and put it on for Ann. The child was weak and could not suffer fromany coldness. I "Mommy!"I Ann was very excited. Maybe it was because both Mom and Dad were there and he had also had a good rest, he was a lot lively. I Looking at Ann, Cora was a little sad.I Ann needed a happy family. If something went wrong with her and Austin. Ann would be sad as well. I "Cora, Ann is calling you!" Austin reminded Cora when he saw Cora was in silence.I What's wrong with Cora? Why was she always absent-minded currently? Wasn't she the one who was most worried about Ann? She was always worried in the past few days. However. Ann was awake now. Why was she still worried?I "Mommy is thinking aboutwhat to cook for Ann." Cora found an excuse. I But as soon as she said it, she saw that Austin was in panic as if he met an enemy
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