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Chapter 442 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • "What a shameless woman!"I "Get out... A woman like you is not welcome here!"I She did not know who had pushed her. Cora wished to be pushed back a few steps. Her heart was even colder and she swept over with her cold eyes. I Maybe it was because her momentum was so strong that those who were inspired by Zena did not dare to do anything else. I Cora wished to see these people one by one, then she set her gaze on Zena.l Zena's heart was also a little scared. She could not help but retreat when she saw that Cora was willing to move closer to her. I One step, two steps, three steps... Until she reached Zena. Cora's gaze was still sharp in her eyes. I Zena's forehead had already rolled down a sweat. Such a strong sense of oppression made her feel like that she was under pressure l "Slandering takes a price." Cora was not loud, but it was like a hammer that had savagely hit everyone's heart I "Let me go to the police station now. Do you dare?" Cora wished to continue.
  • The dizziness in her head was even more intense, but Cora was willing to know that she could not fall now. If she did not suppress Zena and these people, she would never be able to protect her reputation. "I... Why should I go to the police station with you? It's you too. Yilia is being stricken by you now. Why don't you feel guilty? You dare to go shopping?" She returned to her senses and ignored the tremor in her heart as she said to Cora.I To cover up her guilt, she even deliberately pushed Cora. I Cora was already dizzy, and she was almost pushed it to the ground. I "Cora..."I Austin came over and he saw that Cora had been retreated by Zena. His face was gloomy and horrible. He quickly carried Cora into his arms His expression was extremely furious I "It's you again "He remembered the person who had bullied Cora, and Zena was also on the list. I His sharp eyes pierced Zena coldly. He no longer wanted to be merciful to this person who had bullied Corathree or two times. I "Austin... Austin!" Zena was shocked. She saw Corato be outside alone, thinking that Austin was not beside her, so she dared to pretend to act like that.
  • But at this moment, when she saw the appearance of Austin, she finally trembled in fear and cleaned the toilet for a month. Apart from her anger, her heart was still more afraid of Austin. I "You pushed my wife, very good!"I Wife? The crowd looked at them in shock. After the wedding, everyone felt that Cora was not successful in marrying Austin, so they dared to treat Cora like that, very shocked. I "How could she be your wife? Didn't you guys not hold the wedding successfully?" Zena asked, ignorantly I She had specifically heard from Mary that Cora had not been successfully married him. so she dared to continue to inject her like this. I Austin's eyes were cold, and there were still people who doubted his statement. He said firmly. "Corais my wife, and we are legal couples!"I Legal couple!! This clAustiny told everyone that he and Cora had already registered for marriage. Even if the wedding did not succeed in law. they had long been an inseparable couple. I "So, you're bullying my wife and you're bullying me!"His tone brought ice, but Cora made him feel extra peace of mind.
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