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Chapter 395 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • "It's already late. Let's go to bed and lie down. I'll go wash and come right away." Austinsaid very naturally. Cora's face had a faint flushon it. They now felt a little like old couples. If it had been before, Corawould have refused to sleep with him, but today she was really afraid. She was probably really tired today. When Austincame, she just relaxed her nervousness and fear and fell asleep on the bed. When Austin came out of the bathroom, he saw that Corasleptsoundly and his eyeswere gentle. He walked to the other side and climbed into bed, then lay down gently and held Cora in his arms. The whole movement was very natural and skilled. Cora felt the slight warmth and mmediately leaned towards his body. They leaned closer together.
  • Austin lowered his head and smelled the scent rom Cora's head. His heart became softer and softer. "Austin, neverlie to me ..." Cora said suddenly.Sheshould be dreaming, with a hint of tenderness. This was something that Austin had never seen while she was awake. "Okay" Almost without hesitation, he immediately agreed to her request. Even though she was in a dream, he had already taken it as real. When shewoke up the next morning, Austin was already gone. When Aunt Lee brought the breakfast out, sheasked a little hesitantly: "Miss Cora, did you get up early to make breakfast?" Cora was stunned, and then it was clear that it had to be Austin cooking breakfast for her before leaving, but it hadn't been discovered by AuntLee.
  • "Mmm..." Of course, she wouldn't tell Aunt Leewhat was going on.She just gave a rough response. Aunt Lee was no longer entangled with it, and shewent to do her own bustness. Coraplanned to go out after breakfast. She was no longer worried at the villa, so now she had to start working on Purple Mountain Villas. She hadn't seen Ann for two days, so she was very concerned. When shearrived at Austin's house, shesaw that the nanny was coaxing Ann who was crying nonstop. Cora's heart tightened and immediately quickenedher pace and walked in. "What's wrong with Ann?" Coraasked.
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