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Chapter 511 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • WhenCora say so, Mary was impatient. and anger in her eyes became even more obvious: "nobody can get what I cannot got. To steal things from me. Cora I will definitely make you die. By the way. I seem to have forgotten to tell you something. Did Austin tell you that Ann has returned home? To tell you the truth, in fact. Ann has not been sent home. Ever since the emergency room came out, he has not woken up As if it was a very serious illness this time. And I was really worried that he would not be able to live this time. It's really pitiful.I Cora dared to look over. "What did you say? Ann is still in the hospital?"I Mary pretended to be surprised and said. "I forgotthat you don't know yet. Ann's condition is dangerous. The doctors say that his condition is beyond control!"I What? Ann would be so serious!! Cora was dazzled, but her strong fears forced her out of the bed and stumbled outside. I All the way to the room where Ann would stoy every time she was hospitalized, Coro trembled and opened the door When she sow that Ann's body was lying quietly on the bed. her face was pale that almost transparent, her tears could be dropped.
  • I that's all my faults. It's the mother who didn't protect you!! Cora's heartbroken heart was like seeing Ann's suffering, which made her heart feel like hurting by a knife.I "Madam?"I Austin had seen Ann just now, and now he had gone back to make a soup. At this moment, the babysitter was by Ann's side and saw that Cora had entered, she was nervous. I Cora did not want to care about her. At this moment, she only cares about Ann. She gently walked to Ann's side and pulled her up "Ann. Mommy is here, can you feel it?"I However, when Cora was willing to speak, Ann could not hear it at all. He did not react at all! =xAnn's favorite thing was Cora. If He had any consciousness, she would definitely respond, but at this moment, she must be too weak. I "Ann. I'm sorry, that's all my faults!" Cora didn't want to cry, but the tears on her face made the nanny on the side sad.I "Madam, you're not in good health. Let's go back and recuperate. Ann is here with me!" The nanny advised. I After all, miscarriage was not a trivial matter, not to mention that Cora that she would still be dead this time, soshe needed to be more physically rehabilitated. I Cora did not want to say anything: she just kept her handshake with Ann and sat there. I Austin was lying to her!! Ann was so ill, how could he lie to her? Had it not been for Mary's bad intentions. would he have lied to her even if Ann had died?I At this time. Ann's attending doctor came to check the room. I "Doctor, how's Ann's current condition?
  • " Cora was willing to wait until the doctor had finished his examination and asked him I The babysitter on the side wanted to wink at the attending doctor but was stopped by Cora. She knew that Austin had told the nanny to hide her condition, so she did not ask the nanny just now. Instead, she decided to know about Ann's condition.I "I am the mother of this child. Don't I have the right to know the child's condition?" Cora step forward and put pressure on the attending doctor. I There was no way. The attending doctor told Ann's condition: "Ann is born with. inadequate blood supply to her body. The larger this condition is, the more serious it will become. The frequent blood transfusion is already a temporary solution. Surgery was just a special blood type, so there was usually no blood type or gene to match. Previously. I had you guys regenerate a child. I just wanted to try using similar cord blood, but now ן" Now that she didn't protect the child in her stomach, not only had she lost that child. but even Ann would not be able to recover? Cora could not stand anymore As soon as her legs were weak, she almost fell I "Is there really no hope?" Her eyes were filled with hope. Even if there was a one in 10.000 chance, she would try. I The doctor shook his head and said unfortunately. "If she doesn't do the surgery. she probably won't really be saved. "I Her throat seemed to be blocked. She didn't know when the doctor left.
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