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Chapter 436 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Cora knew that Yilia could not care about her, but shewouldn't care about Austin's son so she purposely used this to stimulate her to see if she could still pretend. I Seeing that Yilia already loosened. Mary immediately stood in front of Coral "Cora, my godmother was hurt at the wedding. I think you'd better not mention the wedding in front of her "Mary said to Cora I It seemed as if they were all thinking about Yilia, but her eyes flashed dark If Yilia was touched by Cora's words, how could she proceed with the next plan?! "Is that right? I thought that these stimuli might work for Mrs. Lancaster. When I said something earlier, I saw Mrs. Lancaster's eyelids moving. "I Cora's words made Austin be suspicious He originally did notdoubtYilia and thought that Yilia was really unconscious, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something strange.
  • Austin's eyes were sharp as she stared at Yilia's face There was a trace of nervousness on Yilia's face lying on the bed, but she had to continue pretending I "Mother, I said that only Cora would be my wife. Since there is no way for my wedding with her to move on. I'd rather be a bachelor forever. And Ann, in this lifetime, he might not be able to live for three years. But you rest assured. I won't let him know that it is his grandmother who personally ruined his hope to live!" Austin said coldly and then looked at Mary. I "Mary, let me know if my mother wakes up." After that, he took Cora's hand and walked outside. I Mary's heart was in horror, and when Austinspoke to her just now there wasa clear dissatisfaction in his eyes. He was resentful of her because she had been cheating on him. that Yilia was pretending to be in a coma I As the door of the ward was closed. Mary's heart was still very uneasy Yilia woke up from the "coma" and looked at Mary with a "Mary. I can't hold it anymore."| She couldn't stop her son and grandson. so what Cora said justmade her completely awaken. I Mary was shocked. When she looked at Yilia's anxiety, she snorted in her heart. It was just a sick grandchild, was it worth her to care?I "Godmother. I know you're worried about Ann, but since we're already pretending, we can't just expose it like this." Mary advised Yilia, but a ruthless expression flashed in her eyes.
  • "But Ann really can't wait anymore. I'm really confused. How could I delay Ann for a woman? This is a top priority!"I Yilia could not listen to Mary's words at this moment. All she was worried about was Ann's body. I "Godmother, I know, I know everything But I think Cora and Austin are just scaring you They're saying this just to be able to wake you up and then have a wedding. If it is really for the sake of Ann.theydefinitely won't care about gossip. "I Mary knew that if she continued to let Yilia pretend, she would probably reveal it, so she changed her strategy I "This..." Sure enough. Yilia hesitated when she heard Mary say it.I "Austin loves Ann so much, how can he let Ann losehisonly hope? In my opinion, all of this is Cora's idea. She intentionally lied to you to let you wake up, so that she could organize a wedding for everyone knew that she flew up to become a phoenix. " Mary continued to analyze, and madeYilia's face darker. I "What does Cora such a woman deserve him?" Yilia said fiercely.
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