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Chapter 468 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Mary did not take the tea, but she snorted coldly and did not look at the tea. She walked outside. I "This..." Auntie Lee looked at Mary's departure, and hadAnngry expression appeared in her eyes. I "What's wrong?" Cora asked willingly. I Auntie Lee was a restrained person, and she usually did not reveal her emotions. At this moment, she seemed to be especially dissatisfied with Mary. I "This is the third time thatMary has asked me to pour tea. She used all sorts of excuses to say. In the end, she left without even drinking. It was too bully. "I Auntie Lee had also been a nanny for many years. She had some research on how to make tea. Today, she was dismissed by Mary. She actually ignored the fruits of her work, which made her feel insulted. I "Auntie Lee, don't care. Mary is here for me "Cora was very clear in her heart that Mary made troubles to Auntie Lee because of her.1 Mary came out of the house and walked back for a while. She saw a dark shade in Cora's eyes.l "The drug must have reacted, and Cora's stomach is already in trouble. "I On the second day at noon. Austinand Cora arrived at the old residence. I "Austin, you guys are here!" Seeing the two of them coming. Mary immediately got up and greeted him with a bright smile. I "Mmm!" Austin nodded lightly and pulled Cora in. I Cora had a sore stomach when she got up today, and her face was pale at the moment. She looked very weak. I "You're not feeling well?" Mary asked. 'worried, and stepped forward to hold on Coral "No, it was just that I didn't sleep well last night. I'm a little sick of cars." Cora explained.
  • Austin immediately lifted her onto the sofa and sat down. He was worried in his eyebrows. He knew that Cora's menstruation came, but he was still very worried when he saw heuncomfortable appearance. I "Don't worry, and I'll be fine soon." Cora said willingly. I Austin did not look relaxed. He just ordered to the servant. "Go and pour a cup of hot water."I When he saw Cora. Mary's eyes were filled with resentment, but in the blink of an eye, a bright smile appeared I "Austin.she has a child in her stomach, so you have to take care of her!" She put her gaze on Cora's stomach Although she was careful, she had already determined that there was something wrong with Cora's stomach I At this time. Yilia had walked out of the kitchen. I "What's wrong? Cora, are you not feeling well? Do you want to go to the hospital to take a look?" Yilia's face was actually nervous. Of course, this tension was for her grandson. I "No I'm fine it's just a motion or hareng," Cora explained willingly I Vilo was still a little worried She looked at Coro stomach nervously then looked at her face for a while before she looked away and said "Don't make fun of the child, go to the hospital if there is anything "I Cora nodded, and Yilia did not continue. I "Cora. I don't think you're looking very well. You're not the same as before. You have a child in your stomach. I think it's better to go to the hospital to check." He said, "Mother she must be embarrassed when she was invited to eat, so she didn't go to the hospital. But the child is much more important than eating. I hope Cora really don't have to worry about mother being angry. It's best to go to the hospital. "
  • Mary said something very reasonable When she heard Mary's words, her mother's face darkened and she immediately said to Cora. "Mary is right, and the child is important. no! We will go to the hospital now and confirm the child It's fine. I won't worry "I As the mother said, she wanted to bring Cora to the hospital I "We have already gone the hospital and the doctor said that it's okay you don't have to toss about it "Austin immediately said I "Really?" Yilia still didn't quite believe her I "Of course, I won't make fun of my wife and children's health."I When she heard Austin's affirmation. Yiliahad stopped thinking about going to the hospital. I But how did Mary miss this opportunity? She knew that Cora had been willing to eat the medication for a few days. I She had asked the doctor when she took this medicine. According to Cora, once there was a miscarriage, the child would never be saved. I There was no point in that Cora still refused to go to the hospital at this moment. I However, at this moment, Yilia had already been said to be persuded, so at this moment, she could not expose it too quickly. She wanted to find a good opportunity for her to find out that Cora could not keep the child.
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