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Chapter 496 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Aunt Lee immediately became nervous when she heard Cora let her leave. She immediately shook her head and said. "No... no need. "I Then, as if she had realized something. she explained to Cora: "We have already made an appointment. We can make video calls every day, so even if we don't meet directly we can still get close to each other every day. "I A person who missed his son so much would actually not want to visit his son personally with the host's consent. Dr. Hills' eyes were hidden and he looked at Aunt Lee more carefully. I This Aunt Lee definitely has a problem!! Cora saw Aunt Lee's insistence and didn't say much. She just said that when she wanted to visit her son, she gave her a holiday and paid her salary. I Aunt Lee had mixed feelings in her heart. Cora treated her so that she could not be complacent I "Thank you, Mrs Madam. The kitchen is not ready yet I'll go clean up first "Aunt Lee entered the kitchen. I When Dr. Hills looked over, she could see that Aunt Lee's face was looking sad. I These two days of night, Austin Lancaster had come out early and was too late to get away. Cora liked to sleep. She had already fallen asleep by the time he returned. so she had never seen him in the past two days.
  • This situation lasted for three days, and Austin Lancaster was finally idle. I On this day. Austin Lancaster did not go out early. When she woke up, she saw that Austin Lancaster was still there. She thought thatshe had a poor sight, so she rubbed her eyes and saw that he was still there. I She asked in confusion. "Why aren't you out yet?"I Because she had just woken up, her face was pink and rosy, and she looked very cute Her big eyes and a little misty eyes were even more pitiful. Austin Lancaster kissed her forehead and said "I'm not going out today. "I Hearing what Austin Lancaster had said Cora had come back to her senses and found out that he had already got dressed and had a slight scent on his face, apparently just coming from the kitchen. I "You're here to order me to eat," she said clearly.I Austin Lancaster nodded and said. "Get up. let's go have some breakfast. "I In the past few days, what Aunt Lee had made became increasingly tasteless. Cora's eyes lit up when she heard that the night was cooked. I Compared to Aunt Lee's cooking. Austin Lancaster was much better than her.
  • When Cora went downstairs, she saw that Dr. Hills had long waited in the dining room. and a smile flashed in her eyes. I Aunt Hills is definitely a foodie. She has no children and no children. These days, she often spoke about the delicious food Austin Lancaster had made, and she finally got the chance today, so she even had a strong glow in her eyes I "Cora, you're finally down, let's start now!" Dr. Hills said. I Cora looked at Austin Lancaster, and the two of them smiled at each other. They felt particularly close to Dr. Hills. I "Okay!" Austin Lancaster helped Cora sit down, and he sat down on her side. I As soon as Dr. Hills sat down, she started to eat. Once again she praised the food was delicious, and her eyes brightened as she tasted the breakfast Austin Lancaster had prepared. I "Austin Lancaster's cooking is indeed invincible!" Dr. Hills had a happy meal, and finally sighed. She was a little full, and she finally left her eyes and said to them. "Continue to eat, I'm full, so I'll go to the garden to walk away. "I She had to say that Dr. Hills was still very insightful She knew that the couple had a lot to say for a long time. She did not want to disturb them Of course, she was just attracted by the food just now now that she is full, she will automatically cancel her light bulb function.
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