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Chapter 552 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • Lee knocked her head on the ground. Very soon, her forehead had blood on it. I "Since you protected Ann in the past. I won't kill you, but I won't forgive you in this life." Cora closed her eyes and did not want to see Lee's miserable expression. I When Lee was taken away, she suddenly opened her eyes and shouted at Austin: "Mr. Austin, Mary is sinister. She wants to kill your wife, you must pay attention!"I "Austin, whether her son is dead or alive, give her an answer soon!" Cora said with a cold expression.I No matter whether Lee was dead or alive, she wouldn't care, she just gave Lee a result. I Austin quickly found Lee's son, and her son had indeed died for a long time When he found him, he was already a rotting body. When Lee saw her son, she immediately collapsed. I "Ah, my son!" Lee's mournful cry went far away, but her son was already dead, so her grief could only be turned into dust. I The wound on Cora's face caused no pain after changing the dressing three times, which made her feel a lot more relaxed. She was not a person who could withstand the pain. The pain of changing dressing for three consecutive days made her feel a little scared when seeing the nurse.l When the Austin came over, he saw Cora's relaxed look and there was a doting smile on his face: "You can be discharged from the hospital in a few days.
  • You don't have to tolerate the smell of disinfectant."I "Hmm, how do you know?" She didn't act so obviously these days, did she? How did Austin find out that she hated the smell of disinfectant?I "You always frown when you smell disinfectant water. I've seen it."I It turned out to be like this, but she remembered that every time she frowned, she tried her best to control herself especially in front of him.She did not expect it to be discovered by him. I "Mr. Austin. I suddenly realized that your eyes must be equipped with a searchlight. How could it be so clear?"I What should she do? His eyes were so clear that she could not hide anything from him in the future?! Austin saw through Cora's mind. then smiled and said. "My eyes are not clear. That's because you are my Cora, so I know every move you make. "I From his eyes, she could see herself At this moment, Corafelt extraordinarily Chapter 515 peaceful, and she had forgotten all her grudges. I Because his heart was all about her. her world became his. He cared about her more than himself. I "I've already asked the doctor. After two days, your gauze can be removed. After you remove the gauze, you can leave the hospital." Austin continued. he placed the insulation box in his hand on the table. The dishes inside were taken out. I "Because you're still in the recovery period, there are some dishes that don't have chili in them. The taste might not be that good.
  • You eat first. After you've fully recovered. I'll make you some food to make sure you're satisfied. "Suddenly, his hand holding the box stopped in the air as he explained to Cora.l Cora's heart warmed as she looked at the dishes. She knew that he had personally cooked them. I "As long as you make it. I like it!"I Every dish was carefully prepared and it was beneficial to her recovery. He must have spent a lot of time. I Suddenly she saw that there was a Band-Aid on his hand and some blood had leaked out of it. She immediately held his hand. I Austin took his hand back: "It's okay. it's just a small wound. "I Cora did not believe it. There was a lot of blood. How could it be just a small wound? If it were really just a small wound, he would not have a Band-Aid on itdue to his personality I "I don't believe it. I want to check it." Cora said as shegrabbed his hand. He must have been in a hurry, or else he wouldn't have ignored the wound that was bleeding. I "It's really just a small wound. It doesn't matter. The food won't be delicious when it's cold. Let's eat first." Austin put one hand behind his back and gave Cora chopsticks with the other. I Cora's expression was cold as she placed the chopsticks on the table "Okay. Austin, don't you say that you won't lie to me in the future? And now you break it? You want me to leave? "I Hearing Corawas about to leave. Austin immediately panicked: "No. Cora. this wound looked horrible. I'm afraid you won't have any appetite after seeing it."I Austin was still trying to hide, but Coradidn't allow him: "If you don't show me, I won't eat.
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