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Chapter 576 Mr Carson, A Charming Man

  • "Madam, where have you been? Why did it take so long to return?" The nanny asked.I Seeing that Cora did not return for over an hour, she became worried. After all. Cora did not look very good. If Cora did not return after a while, she was going to call Austin. I "Oh, it's just because it's nice weather today, so I wandered around for a while." Cora said without much explanation and walked into the house.I She quickly returned to the bedroom. hiding the sleeping pill in the box on the dressing table before she patted her chest and took a deep breath. I It was already night when Austin came back. He returned to the bedroom immediately.because the nanny said that Cora never came out of the room, so he was worried a lot. I Cora knew that Austin would be worried if he looked at her haggard face. so she gave herself a sleeping pill in the afternoon so that she could fall asleep. I Hearing Austin calling her name. Cora rubbed her eyes. After few moments. she realized that Austin came back. I "You're back!" She looked through the window. It was already dark outside. It seemed like Austinwas busy today. I "Mm, how are you feeling? Are you feeling unwell?"| At this moment. Cora was already much better so.Austin relaxed.I "No, you don't have to worry about me. I just didn't sleep well last night. Of course, there's no problem because I have slept for a long time."
  • Coral pretended to be relaxed, but she felt extremely nervous. I Tonight was the deadline, and might change everything in her life. Everything between her and Austin might change or nothing would happen. I Dr. Mark thought stealing the name list was simple. On the contrary. Cora never thought it was easy. She tried everything possible to get this name list. It gave her the feeling that this name list was very important. She had checked it out on the Internet. Once he made a fatal mistake like losing the name list, even if Austinwas a chief, he could not escape the punishment. I So... she stared at Austin. I "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"I Cora seldom looked at Austinlike this. but she stared straight at him, which made Austin felt a little surprised. I "It's alright. I just think you're handsome."| She did not seem to have praised Austin in the past. At the moment, she thought that they might be separated in the future. Cora wanted to speak everything out. I "Really?" Austin laughed. Cora praised him for being handsome, so Austin smirked and was unable to stop.l "Are you so happy?" Cora asked. I She knew that Austintook her words seriously, but she did not expect him to behave like this. I "Of course!" Austin held Cora's hand. and the smile on his facedid not disappear. "Of course, of course I'm happy because my baby praised me."I With just one sentence, he was happy like this.
  • Cora suddenly thought that if he knew that she had stolen the list from him, would his sadness be as strong as his happiness?I When she thought about this, she nearly suffocated. I No, she couldn't think about it!! Ann's life was very important to her. She could decide Ann's fate, how could she hesitate?I "After sleeping all day, my stomach is empty. let's go eat." Cora said.I Of course, Austinagreed. He went with Cora to the dining hall.I The nanny had already prepared the meal. They could have dinner when they arrived. I Austin didn't like to have anyone else at scene when he was eating, so the nanny had left. He personally gave Cora a bowl of rice.I "Let's eat!"I Cora took the bowl and asked Austin: "Do you have to work overtime tonight?"I Maybe she should give him sleeping pills at other times if Austin had to work tonight. She didn't want to interrupt his work as well as betraying him.I "No. I'm not working tonight. My Cora cannot sleep well if I am not there. I don't want that."I The flirtatious words came out from Austin's mouth. Cora's face instantly became red.I "I didn't!"I Even though she couldn't sleep because of Dr. Mark's matter she was still shy when she heard this from Austin. I "Okay, not for this reason, that's because I can't lose the time sleeping with you."I When Austin said this, his eyes were filled with "fire", which made Cora feelhot.l Why was this man so flirtatious?I "Stop!" Cora said immediately. Everyone knew that Chief Austin was a serious person in front of them, so why Austin changed in front of her?I Austin looked at her and seemed to be especially interested in the word "stop".
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