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Chapter 4 The Night Emperor Has a Terminal Illness?

  • A murder?
  • Shirley immediately dropped the glass bottle in her hand and stepped back repeatedly.
  • "Hurry! Take him to the hospital. We can't let anything happen to him. Otherwise, our whole family won't be able to escape!" Dave shouted anxiously.
  • The family rushed to carry Danny out.
  • Danny, who had fallen into a coma, felt a sudden, intense pain in his consciousness. He seemed to wake up, finding himself in a hazy place. Then, a deafening sound echoed through his surroundings.
  • It was a dark world devoid of any light and filled with eternal silence. Danny stood there, dumbfounded, unable to make a sound.
  • Whoosh!
  • Suddenly, a huge figure rose from the darkness, coiling and soaring in the air. Clusters of dazzling cold light emerged from this figure.
  • It was a dragon, and a black one at that.
  • Danny was horrified, and he trembled all over, but he couldn't move. He could only watch as the imposing and ferocious black dragon appeared before him.
  • The dragon was massive, with scales like blades and flowing whiskers. Its enormous eyes showed no emotion, only endless coldness.
  • "Pay homage to the Night Emperor!"
  • Boom!
  • The dragon's roar shook the heavens and the earth. Danny felt his whole body trembling and his blood boiling.
  • He wanted to speak, but no sound came out.
  • In the next moment, his eyes widened as he watched the lifelike black dragon, with its magnificent body and brilliant cold light, directly enter his body.
  • Afterward, Danny lost consciousness.
  • Inside the emergency room, Caroline asked anxiously, "Doctor, is he okay?"
  • Danny couldn't have any accidents. Her beautiful life was about to begin, and nothing could go wrong!
  • Across from her sat a doctor in a white coat, carefully examining the X-rays.
  • "It's nothing serious. He suffered a head injury, but it's not too severe. We've bandaged it, and I'll prescribe some medicine for him to take later. He just needs to rest for half a month," the doctor said with a smile.
  • Caroline finally breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced disdainfully at Danny, who was still unconscious on the bed, then turned and left.
  • Danny gradually regained consciousness, feeling a splitting headache.
  • "Yes, his condition is very serious. The brain tumor has been confirmed to be malignant. He only has two or three months left." Danny heard these words after waking up, and it made him instantly dumbfounded.
  • A malignant brain tumor?
  • Only two or three months left?
  • Is the doctor talking about me?
  • "Fortunately, his head was accidentally injured this time, so we took X-rays. Otherwise, this condition would probably have been hidden for a while longer."
  • "He should have had symptoms recently, such as drowsiness, occasional severe headaches, and intermittent pain that is unbearable."
  • "I suggest keeping it from the patient for now, to avoid further stress that could rapidly worsen the condition, and to treat it actively."
  • "Madam, I think if you leave him now, it's like pushing him into the abyss. I still believe you should consider the patient. After all, he doesn't have much time left."
  • "Your presence now is more effective than any medication, and you and your husband have been together for all these years. You can't just break up because of an illness, right?"
  • The voices continued, and Danny's mind was already buzzing.
  • If he had doubts before about whether the doctor was talking about him, he was now certain that it was definitely him!
  • His recent mental state, along with the symptoms in his head, matched exactly what the doctor described. However, he had been under intense mental strain, investigating Caroline and Bradley, and had ignored them.
  • It was obvious the doctor was referring to Caroline when he mentioned the woman who heartlessly left.
  • However, the doctor believed that Caroline left because of the high cost of treatment, but the reality was completely different—it was premeditated.
  • At this moment, Danny felt as if the sky was collapsing, and life seemed hopeless.
  • The weight of his wife's betrayal, not to mention his serious illness, was about to crush him completely.
  • Danny clenched the bedsheet tightly, his eyes bloodshot. He wanted to scream, to question why fate treated him like this and made him experience such a tragic event!
  • But when he opened his mouth, he was powerless.
  • He staggered out of bed, his eyes hollow, walking toward the door like a walking corpse.
  • "Hey, you're awake?
  • "But your wife just left."
  • The doctor with thick glasses heard the movement and turned around, quickly getting up with a smile.
  • As he spoke, he picked up Danny's X-rays. "Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with you. Just rest at home, don't stress too much, and keep your mood stable.
  • "By the way, your wife has already left. She said she would be going to prepare for the wedding. Aren't you two married?
  • "Divorced? Young man, go back and tell your wife that bigamy is a crime."
  • Wedding?
  • A sinister smile appeared on Danny's lips. "A wedding? Then, I must personally go and congratulate her. It wouldn't be in vain for us to have been married."
  • After speaking, he left directly.
  • The doctor stared in astonishment as Danny left. "This guy isn't crazy, so why is he acting so weirdly?"