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Chapter 3 Descending Into Madness

  • He had been cheated on!
  • As soon as those words were uttered, Caroline, who initially had a fierce expression on her face, turned pale as if struck by lightning. Her eyes began to flicker, unable to meet Danny's gaze.
  • "Danny, what nonsense are you spouting? You're accusing me of something I didn't do!" roared Caroline as though she'd been provoked.
  • Dave, who was standing beside her, took a step forward and pointed at Danny, saying, "Watch your mouth, Danny. Although we are not a prominent and influential family, we aren't that insignificant either. Also, my daughter will never do such a thing! I won't tolerate your slander!"
  • Slander?
  • Danny's eyes turned even redder, and its terrifying gleam shone like rubies. He stared at the family trio intensely.
  • "Three years ago, you went on a company trip and did not return. Later on, you got drunk and spent the night at the company with your colleagues. Caroline, did you not realize that the manager of the hotel you went to was my friend?
  • "All this while, I held it in for the sake of our family and Taylor. I wanted to give you a chance to change and cut ties with Bradley. I hinted at it several times, but you ignored it every time.
  • "Now, all I feel is regret. Tolerating you for three years only made things worse, and you began using the company as an excuse, never coming home. I guess you must've been comfortable living in the villa at Bellfront Bay, right? Did you ever think about your son and your husband, who waited for you to turn over a new leaf? For three whole years, do you know how I've been living?"
  • Danny grew increasingly agitated, smashing the already broken table with the hammer in his hand repeatedly. Glass shards flew everywhere as the hammer struck.
  • "When business was good, I gave you every single cent I earned, and you used it all on your family! You used my father's connections and the money I earned to help your family go from struggling to where they are now! However, now that the business is tough, you can't bear to share the hardships with me. You're always asking me to buy you a new car and house just to find an excuse to leave me, right?"
  • Danny's eyes narrowed like a mad wolf.
  • "All these years, your family has been sucking me dry like a bunch of vampires. Now that I'm left with nothing much, do you think you can just leave and carry on with a carefree life? No way! I'm going to ruin you, Caroline!"
  • Bang!
  • Danny swung the hammer and smashed it fiercely against the table, causing wood chips to fly.
  • "Caroline, did you really sleep with Bradley?"
  • Richard's eyes widened as they filled with disbelief.
  • "That's the Bradley, the current president of Brady Estates. He has a net worth of billions. Whoa… you're amazing, Caroline! It's only up from here. We'll see who dares to get on my bad side! Haha, this feels great!"
  • Richard waved his fists, imagining a bright future ahead.
  • "Shut up!" Shirley, who was standing aside, immediately scolded her son. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Danny, and her body hunched over. All of a sudden, she appeared much older.
  • Trembling, Shirley walked up to Danny and said, "Danny, our family owes you an apology. We've made you suffer all this while, and it's all our fault. Don't worry; your father and I will handle this matter, and we'll make it up to you!
  • "Now, you mustn't be impulsive. Don't do anything foolish, not for anyone else, but for Taylor's sake. He just started kindergarten, and you can't let him grow up without a mother, right? He's about to arrive soon. If he sees this, he'll be terrified!"
  • As Shirley spoke, she trembled and wiped away her tears.
  • Danny seemed convinced. In his crazed mind, he saw Taylor's smiling face, innocent and pure.
  • "You can’t blame me, Danny! I just want to live a better life. Am I wrong for that?" roared Caroline all of a sudden.
  • She, too, seemed to be losing her sanity.
  • "If only you were capable enough so that I could be a wealthy housewife instead of working out in the sun, I wouldn't have had an affair with someone else! That's right, I had an affair with Bradley. What can you do about it, though? He's better, richer, more handsome, way more stylish, and even more powerful in bed than you. I like him a ton!
  • "After we divorce, I'll marry him immediately. From then on, I will be a wealthy housewife worth billions while you remain a poor bugger!" yelled Caroline through gritted teeth, looking as though she wanted to rush forward and tear Danny apart!
  • Boom!
  • At this moment, all rationality disappeared. It was replaced by madness, burning like a raging fire.
  • "Marriage? I will never let you have it easy! I'll finish you off now!"
  • Danny clenched the hammer tightly, and his anger completely destroyed his sanity.
  • Bang!
  • Out of the blue, he was struck from behind. His whole body trembled as his pupils dilated, and he turned his head to see Shirley, who had a cruel smile on her face.
  • She held a broken glass bottle in her hand that was stained with blood.
  • The next second, darkness replaced everything in Danny's vision, and he collapsed on the ground.
  • "Mom, you killed him!"
  • Richard stared blankly at Shirley, fear filling his eyes.