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Chapter 4 The Wife Behaves Strangely Around Us

  • Norah tightened her teeth silently, her wrath for Nicole intensifying. Sean was quite busy. He returned to his workplace immediately afterward. Gloria pulled Nicole into an east-facing room on the second level. Nicole's corner of the mouth She twitched as she saw everything in the room was rose pink and extremely frilly. "We don't know what you enjoy, but because you're also a girl, we asked Norah for guidance, and she said, "I chose many things for you here." When Gloria mentioned Norah, her eyes were filled with affection. "Ahem." Daniel was scared Nicole would ponder too much, so he immediately alerted Gloria. Gloria regained her composure and spoke more cautiously. "Do you like it?" Nicole was never particular about these things. Just that things were a little out of her league, but she still appreciated their compassion. "Thank you."
  • Gloria was happy that her daughter still enjoyed it, so she followed up and continued. “Those gifts on the table are from your other brothers. Everyone went to work and school today, and they normally don't come back regularly. So, they've placed the gifts here ahead of time." Nicole found it nice to know that her brothers still cared about her. Gloria was scared. Nicole didn't know how to use the facilities in the room, so she showed her how.. She set Nicole down on the bed, an avuncular expression on her face. "This is your home." So please be at peace. If you need anything, just let me know. Okay?" Nicole felt the warmth of her mother-daughter relationship once more as her mother held her hand. relationship. It was slightly awkward, but also heartwarming.
  • She could not help but nod at her. The head moves awkwardly. "Thank you, mom. "Thanks, Dad." Daniel had said nothing, but when Nicole addressed him as Dad, he broke out in a grin. After chatting for a while, they left Nicole alone to relax. Nicole felt really comfortable while reclining in the shower. She had always wanted to put a bathtub at her grandmother's home but was concerned that her grandmother would be concerned, believing that her money came from an unknown source. So, despite having the money, she had not been given the opportunity to do so. She could no longer care for her grandma after moving to San Joto, although she didn't. She doesn't have to disguise her identity anymore.
  • It was still early for supper after taking a bath. Nicole intended to take a trip outside to acquaint. herself with the area, making her future job simpler. But before she could go, a maid appeared and beckoned her into the living area. When she arrived downstairs, she noticed an elderly guy seated on the sofa. Daniel spotted Nicole and instantly invited her to sit down. "Nicole, this is your grandpa." Nicole had lived in a tiny town, yet she had come into contact with many individuals, particularly those from the higher socioeconomic strata. The old man appeared to be over seventy, yet he was still in wonderful health. He had a normal, authoritative personality. He possesses the characteristics of a patriarch or family elder. Nicole bent her head slightly and welcomed Mr. Riddle Sr. with respect. "Hello, Grandpa." "Hmm." Mr. Riddle Sr. answered, then carefully examined Nicole before lowering his eyes.
  • "She looks quite similar to Sean and the other brothers. I requested that you do a DNA test before, but you didn't. Listen." Mr. Riddle Sr. did not state who, but there was no difference in uttering Norah's name. aloud. But he didn't care and said, "Since the actual one is back now, when are you going to send Take the false one away?"Nicole was surprised somewhat. It seems that Mr. Riddle Sr. did not like Norah. "Dad, what you said will hurt Norah dearly." Gloria couldn't handle hearing that. Mr. Riddle Sr. didn't glance at her. "My grandchild would not have lived if not for her. It's been there for so long.
  • Our family has been raising her for many years, and we have never asked her to pay back. "How can it hurt?" Mr. Riddle Sr. understood what he was talking about; therefore, Nicole respected him. Daniel saw Norah's embarrassed attitude and asked, "Norah, why don't you return to your room first?" "Okay." As hesitant as Norah was, she did not want to stay here and be humiliated, so she rushed. Return to her room. "Dad, Sean is now searching for Norah's parents. She will be returned to her parents once. "We find them." Daniel attempted to comfort Mr. Riddle Sr. Mr. Riddle, Sr., frowned. "Are you still keeping her at home if you can't find her parents?" Gloria was surprised for a while, looking in a pickle. "Dad, I understand that you are good to us, but Norah has been living with us for many years. I do not want her to depart without a home."
  • Nicole stared at Gloria, whose real smile revealed that Gloria was a kind and soft-hearted person. Mr. Riddle Sr. paused for a time before saying confidently, "Three months, at most three months, she must be sent away. I do not want others to laugh at the Riddle family, for whom we have reared children.." Daniel acknowledged Mr. Riddle Sr.'s worry and nodded. "Dad, do not worry. I'll discover Norah's parents. soonest." Mr. Riddle, Sr., nodded. Meanwhile, no one spotted Norah huddled in a corner upstairs, glaring angrily at Nicole. Mr. Riddle Sr. has never liked her since the beginning. Nicole returned and became a total joke. She would undoubtedly convince Mr. Riddle Sr. that she was a thousand times superior to that country. girl. Mr. Riddle Sr. gazed back at Nicole. The longer he gazed, the more he liked her.
  • After all, she was his! Biological granddaughter. When the other older men talked about their grandkids the following time, he could finally join them and chat about his beloved grandchild. I heard you attended Great Oak High School. How was your academic performance?" "Dad, the level of education in small towns is nothing like as good as ours here, so don't put pressure on her." Knowing Mr. Riddle Sr. was a straight talker, Gloria jumped to Nicole's defense, concerned that Nicole found the question too difficult.