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Chapter 2 A Night That Will Never Be Forgotten

  • Huston came to a stop and gave Evelyn a direct gaze. Her eyes were large and unclouded, and her face was round. She had flawless, pale skin, devoid of any blemishes. She didn't wear cosmetics, in contrast to the other ladies at the nightclub. She was waiting to be plucked, innocent as a flower. The scent of youth and booze blended together on her body. It had been years since Huston had felt anything for women. However, impatience had surfaced in his heart at this same moment. She was very much to his liking. He raised her chin. "This evening, is it your first?" She narrowed her eyes, mimicking him. "This is my first time ever." She was stoking his flames even more.
  • His lips curled into a smile as he looked at the cunning smirk on her face, slightly twisting his fingers. You're inebriated. You have no idea what you're doing. With a forceful voice, she exclaimed, "Bullsh*t! I'm not even half-intoxicated. You're inebriated." Are you going to be a man and give me what I want?" Evelyn scowled. "As you wish," Huston said, his eyes darkening. Pulling her in closer, Huston pressed the wall-mounted elevator button. When the manager and several others entered, his eyes grew big, and he said, "President Lloyd, this lady..." Huston sent him a glare and murmured, "It's okay, go away from her." The management was afraid to ask him questions.
  • The private suites on the seventh floor of the club were directly accessible via the elevator. Huston unlocked the door to his personal chamber. After tugging on him, Evelyn staggered inside. He did not turn on the lights, instead pressing her up against the door. In his arms, her legs felt like jello. Evelyn experienced a slight coldness. She became aware that her garment had fallen at that point. The man had a strong touch and gave a harsh kiss. She had even softer skin than he had anticipated. She looked as though she had finally comprehended what was happening and started to feel a bit uneasy. Perhaps it would be too wild to spend the night with a stranger, even though she wanted to exact revenge on Jerry.
  • Hold on! Perhaps we ought to start with some wine first? He met her frightened gaze. Now that he was accustomed to the gloom, he could clearly see how vulnerable the woman appeared. But his body was tingling with want. "It's a little too late for that," he murmured in a raspy voice as he covered her head with his hands. Evelyn awoke the next morning with pain all throughout her body. Her entire body ached as though she had been in a car crash, with every joint hurting. Her face flushed bright crimson as memories of last night raced through her head. It's unbelievable that it really did happen. Evelyn pondered in her mind. The bathroom door opened just as she was ready to stand up, wrapping herself in the bedsheets.
  • With just a bath towel wrapped around his waist, the man emerged. He had a height of more than six feet, well-defined abs, and golden, tanned skin. She gasped a little and averted her gaze. "Why, why do you not wear clothes?" Huston watched her writhing under the covers and listened to her halting voice. A smile curled at the corners of his mouth. "Oh, so you're bashful now? You didn't act timidly last night. Evelyn had a red flush. Then, with a frigid tone, she asked, "So, what's your rate? You can leave now that I've paid you for last night. Huston turned to face the bed, his eyebrows going up. She was gone in an instant before he could say anything. Rolling to the other side, Evelyn got to her feet, gripping the sheet tightly, and gave him a fierce look.
  • "My spouse exists! After taking the money, go away. Keep what happened last night to yourselves! The man's eyes went narrow. "Why was this your first marriage, if you are truly married?" "I am married, but we don't have a good relationship." He came to a halt and fixed his gaze on the woman. She didn't seem to be the kind to lie, so he knew what she said had to be genuine. She had a husband. He would never sleep with a married lady, no matter how vicious. He was a little repulsed. With a furrowed brow, he hastily changed into his clothing and flung the bath towel from his grasp to the floor. He gave her a scornful glance before turning to go, saying, "You were such a bore last night." Perhaps next time, consider your personal issues before cheating. Afterwards, he left the room without turning around.
  • Evelyn's eyes slowly reddened as she clinched her teeth in frustration. Is it her fault that she lacks experience? Jerry was the only reason she lacked experience! She showered. Evelyn cleaned up and proceeded to pay the bill at the front desk. The person in charge blinked at her. You didn't reserve any services with us last night, Miss Shelton. However, I'm positive that I did. Verify once more. 709 Room. The receptionist blinked even more when she heard the number "709."" There is a VIP room, room 709. It's not accessible to everyone. Are you at the incorrect room number?