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Chapter 10 New Pet

  • One touch of her lips against his, and he lost control. Torn clothes flew across the room while they clashed lips, teeth, and tongues. He pressed his naked chest against hers, arms above her head, pinning her to the bed. His lips scorched a hot path down her neck and to each of her breasts. She found her hands flying to his hair, but not to push him away. To pull him in closer. She did the same when he dragged his tongue lower to her dripping center. He chuckled as he stared up at her debauched appearance, far different from the innocent woman minutes ago. He tore two orgasms from her body with his expert tongue before he finally pushed his hard c*ck inside her. She moaned unashamedly at the intrusion. But he refused to move! She whimpered and squirmed under him. “Come on!” “Look at me,” he ordered. She obeyed. Her pupils were just as wide and black as his.
  • “I don’t want you thinking about any other men. Not your husband, not anyone. You are with me now, Evelyn. Understand?” She blinked a few times, hesitating. He bent down low to whisper in her ear. She’d come more times in a single night than she could remember. From a man she hated! But still, she ached for more. “Say it…” He licked the shell of her ear and pressed his c*ck further inside her weeping hole. “Yes!” she cried, and he growled. His thrusts were relentless, pistoning in and out of her faster and harder than he had before. She came once more, and he groaned loudly as she squeezed around him. He quickly pulled out and turned her over to f*ck her from behind. Her oversensitized body felt yet another orgasm coming.
  • And then another. And another. Pretty soon she lost count, and as she felt his thrusts stutter and a gush of hot wetness inside, her eyes fluttered shut from exhaustion. Later that night, Evelyn turned her back away from the man beside her. At first, she was too anxious to sleep, still reeling from the pleasure Huston gave her body. And despite how much she hated him, she still begged him for more. But as the latter half of the night approached, she suddenly had a piercing headache and eventually fell into a fitful sleep. Huston woke up promptly at 6:30 in the morning. For a moment, he was confused. But soon he remembered the night before. The way it felt with her arms wrapped around him, her nails scratching down his back... Having the habit of exercising in the morning, Iluston wanted Evelyn to join him. He reached out and nudged her. “Wake up.”
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