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Chapter 2

  • In that split second when she moved her gaze from his mouth to the most dazzling blue eyes that were so clear but then lost focus and appeared to glaze over, she blushed and felt her pulse pound in her breast.
  • Panic came in when the Greek God began to nod off in her arms.
  • "No! Remain alert at all times. Yes, I am OK. Do you have any aches or pains? We need to get you out of this place as soon as possible! " She screamed, shakily shaking him once again. She winced as she observed his feeble attempt at a nod. "Is it just me, or does your head hurt a bit?"
  • A huge amount of effort was required to say "a lot," according to the speaker .
  • "That's a good start. Let's see what more you can come up with," she said cheerfully. The storm doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon, so we have to get you out of here as quickly as possible.
  • When he tried again to nod, he moaned and struggled with the seat belt, so she assisted him. She blushed and fumbled more as her fingers stroked over the tight muscles of his abdomen, and, as she pulled them away, she felt herself flushing even more . In the end, she was able to release the belt, and she pulled her hands away from her body in an effort to avoid being burned. A taller than expected man followed her, and she was concerned about how she would get him back to her home.
  • When she got off the plane, he said, "Yeah," and stumbled after her. "I'm going to get drenched," he said as he stood at the door and peered out at the sight.
  • "Come on, you won't melt," she stated firmly. He fell on the wet ground when he was ejected from the plane. She asked herself more than him, "Your legs aren't going to hold you," she said. "Here, let me assist you." One of the nicer things her stepmother had remarked about Amanda's tall, sturdy build was that she was "a strapping girl." Although at this point, she was grateful to be tall and powerful, her shoulder was pushed down and into the man's armpit and into his side as they made their way towards her house.
  • "I'm OK," he mumbled, but Amanda could see he wasn't and wrapped her arm over his back to steady him as they made their way into the woods. Both arms were securely wrapped around him, and she braced herself with her knees to keep him steady. He apologized in a muddled voice. It seems as if the ground is shifting.
  • She had to confess that after cradling his body in her arms and feeling the heat of his muscular body and the steady heartbeat in her ear, the earth shifted a little bit for her as well. As they slid closer to the rear entrance of her house, he seemed to regain his equilibrium and take part of her weight back.
  • Finally, they stumbled through the kitchen, and she pushed him to sit on the leather chair that had previously been her father's favorite because she couldn't bear the weight any longer. In an effort to understand why she felt a familiarity with the stranger's voice when he spoke, she squinted at him.
  • 'Ernest,' his voice sounded like it was hurting him. It was Ernest Kesler, I believe.
  • "Shit! She said, "I'll call for help. Don't go to sleep on me." Of course I should have known you!" Suddenly, she turned and retrieved her phone from the bench. But she hadn't been thinking clearly when she didn't take it to the wreckage of the jet. She was terrified now that Ernest Kesler was in her house. "Shit! They'll sue me if he dies or is hurt. I will be vilified by the media. When I'm done with this, I'll be known as the girl who killed one of Australia's wealthiest men!
  • Is that what you're saying? " As the man was questioned, his voice slurred.
  • 'Amanda.' She whispered, flashing her torch into his eyes and almost blinding him to inspect his pupils.
  • "Argh, stop that!" screams the screamer. He was unable to bat at her hand with any force.
  • When the emergency services number she phoned didn't respond, she repeated her warning, "Don't go to sleep," while she waited for them to take her call instead of playing the obnoxious music. "Do you recall what transpired?" "Do you have any idea where you are?"
  • "I landed my jet at the nearest airport since the storm was harsher than expected." I'm guessing it's yours, isn't it? " Ernest reacted by accusing the narrator.
  • "There is no longer an airport to land on. I tried my best to get you to go away, but you didn't listen. Since my father's passing, it has been in a state of disrepair and has not been used in over a decade. Even before that, it was scarcely ever used! " In order to protect herself, she raised her chin and straightened her back. Keep awake till I can tell someone what occurred and that you're here. Please! She yelled something ominous and swung the flame in his direction.
  • Ernest moaned as he twisted his neck to look away from where she had vanished. A massive swelling appeared when he reached up to touch the hairline on the top of his head, and he cursed as his fingers fumbled over it. He closed his eyes for a few minutes to rest them since they were tired. As she tossed a towel at him, he reopened his eyes.
  • "I don't want to be the girl who lets you die of pneumonia because you're all wet," she said. "Remove your wet clothes and let them air dry." Change into a robe that I'll provide. " When the emergency operator got on the line, she was on her way back to the restroom. A serious concussion is a definite possibility, but she didn't name the individual involved. No ambulance could get through the flooded roads, and the few rescue aircraft that were available were busy rescuing those who had been submerged. A medivac would be dispatched to get to her quickly. In the meantime, the fact that he appeared to be coherent and aware boded well.
  • Amanda snatched the robe from her backpack and headed outside to find him. She returned to where he sat, naked and fumbling with his belt, and said, "The roads are closed. You'll have to wait for a helicopter to arrive and hoist you out."
  • He murmured, "Fine," and then rose to his feet, only to feel the pain and fall back to his chair.
  • After seeing him struggling, she said, "Wait, I'll assist you," and he accepted. Reaching forward, she grasped the waistband of his jeans with her free hand. Despite her unease at touching one of the most attractive guys she had ever encountered, she ordered, "Lift!" She moved the soaked denim from his thighs down his back as he stood up from the seat.
  • He flashed a half-smile and a barely audible giggle as he said, "As long as you're down there."
  • "I'm in a state of shock." You've been in an aircraft crash and now you're trying to fling yourself at me! " Amanda's face heated as she shook her head and shook her head disapprovingly, despite the fact that her heart was pounding swiftly. "You must have had a serious blow to the head," she said.
  • As she helped him put on the robe and sat back in the chair, Ernest moaned. He wished he could doze off for a little period of time. When he tried to sleep, he couldn't recall the previous time.