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Chapter 5 To Be Loved

  • ❣️ AUTHOR'S POV ❣️
  • Mitchell drove off ignoring Terry's plea to stop so he would hop in and they would talk.
  • Terry knows that the situation will be worse if he lets her go home alone and think all through the night, it's his bad luck that they have nosy friends and he has an over ambitious sister.
  • He boarded a cab and asked the driver to race after her. She didn't stop no matter how loud he called her so he stopped calling her and stayed calm until they pulled over in front of her gate.
  • He came down from the cab, paid the man and ran to her. He grabbed her when she came down from the car and tried to sidestep him.
  • "Honey, don't tell me that you let their words get at you. I didn't even see anything bad in what they did and said anyway" he said and got a glare.
  • "Oh, really? So this is what you stopped me to say right?" She glared at him.
  • "Okay, babe, I'm sorry. You can lash out on me all you want. Come on, let's forget about what happened, remember it's my birthday night and you want to spoil it after all the happiness" Terry pleaded.
  • "Are you saying that I am a joy killer? I..."
  • "You know that's not what I mean and this shouting isn't necessary, please honey, you made me horny back there and it's unfair to leave me like this"
  • "Wonderful, so that's the reason why you followed me pretending to care about me? I love this..." She mocked and walked away from him.
  • "Mitch, you are not being fair" he said smiling because he just won.
  • He ran into the house first when she opened her door and she ran after him and started dragging him out.
  • He hugged her tight and laughed at her attitude.
  • "Gotcha! We have unfinished business" he twirled her around, left palm plastered on the door, his right hand wandered around her waist as he tried to find her skirt's zipper.
  • "I'm not enchanted at all" she laughed and slid away from him.
  • "Babe, don't do this now, please stop... Okay, I'll do whatever you want and I promise to talk to Queen and Cindy because I know they are the brains behind that plan" He begged.
  • "Tame me if you can," She said and snapped the lights off.
  • The whole house turned dark and she tiptoed upstairs to her room.
  • "What sort of game are you playing, wildcat? Someone is messing around with a Sinclair... No cheating!" He mused following her scent.
  • She just doesn't know that it's so easy for him to get her even in the darkest place.
  • ❣️ MITCHELL'S POV ❣️
  • I love being in control of everything, yep! That's also a part of me that I love and that's why I haven't been in any serious relationship or one that lasted a year at the least.
  • I know people must be wondering what Terry did to me. I am so fond of him so much that our relationship has lasted a year and still counting. I am wondering about that because I don't know myself anymore.
  • I sneaked into my bedroom, undressed quietly and tiptoed into my bathroom. I locked the door firmly and switched the bathroom light on so I can see through while showering.
  • "Babe? I know you are here... What? You are in the bathroom? Come on, let me join you, please?" I heard Terry saying.
  • A laughter erupted from me as I danced around the bathroom. I have totally forgotten about what happened earlier because I know it's no big deal.
  • Sex on my mind, dripping wet and wild, I opened the door and dragged him in, careful not to slip on the wet tiles.
  • "My clothes!" He beamed trying to avoid getting his clothes wet, but it's already too late.
  • "Shut up, you are under a punishment" I winked at him.
  • "Yes, ma'am" he chuckled.
  • "I want you to bathe me," I said.
  • "Alright!" He grinned and took my shower gel and sponge to scrub my skin.
  • I closed my eyes when he gently rubbed the soap all over me, he started from my neck and I felt his heated gaze on my face as his hand got in-between my breasts.
  • He pinched my nipples one after the other before using the soap to massage it in the gentlest way.
  • When he closes his palm over my breasts, it slides away and I notice him smiling mischievously.
  • "Just as I expected" I whispered softly and opened my eyes to look straight into his eyes.
  • He continued what he was doing, when he tore his eyes away from mine, he squatted and rubbed the soap downwards till his hand moved to my vagina, there was a pause there.
  • "Terry..." I moaned, swallowing impatiently waiting for him to continue.
  • He jabbed two of his fingers into my pussy to my surprise making me budge and my hands held onto his shoulders to steady myself.
  • He fingered me for six seconds... I had the balls to count... he brought his fingers out and licked it.
  • "Unfair" I breathed, licking my lips.
  • He dropped kisses on my thighs before he finally got serious about scrubbing me with the sponge. I circled my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest when he turned the shower on.
  • Two minutes later, I pushed him to the bed and climbed on top of him and began to tie his hands up.
  • "You are serious about this? Gosh, you are about to suffer me greatly, and you know that" Terry grumbled.
  • "It's your punishment," I said.
  • What I want tonight is to pleasure him in a different way and be in charge. He's under my control. I just said it's a punishment, but to me, it's a birthday gift.
  • "On my birthday night, huh? Fine!" He accepted and kept his hands still over his head.
  • I trailed kisses all over his stomach slowly down to his penis, I licked and sucked his dick until he screamed my name.
  • I caressed it for a while before setting it to work between my breasts.
  • "Oh, shit! Have you been watching porn? Where did you learn such practice!!" He grasped, gritting his teeth.
  • "Breast fucking? You should know I have a very dirty mind, I don't need to watch any pornographic movie to think nastily" I said and stuck my tongue out to lick his cum.
  • I sat on him and used my hands to lead him into me, I smiled down at him as I moved rhythmically to the god-damned naughty song playing in my head.
  • When I increased the pace of my movement, he shut his eyes and gritted his teeth so strongly that I heard the sound and I feared it's going to break.
  • He hit the headboard with the tied hands as his muscles flexed.
  • "We ride!" I mocked. I went mad at once and forgot myself as I drove and rode him like a car without a faulty accelerator.
  • I brought my hands down to each side of him and plopped up my buttocks as I pushed myself up and down his body.
  • "Mitch! Please!! I'm coming!!!" He screamed.
  • "Come on, baby... I got you!" My hands flew to my head and dug into my hair.
  • The orgasm was freaking great! My teeth dug into my flesh and I tasted blood.
  • I fell limbless on his body and cried out his name.
  • I bubbled with joy. The butterflies in my belly forgot how to fly when I bursted into laughter. If they were active, my mouth was wide enough to let them fly out.
  • "Sweetheart!" He gasped.
  • I lifted my head to look at his face, still fighting to control my laughter. It subsided and I untied his hands. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I kissed him deeply.
  • "I love you, Mitchell," he whispered softly.
  • "Thank you, honey," I replied.
  • We cuddled and dozed off to sleep, different thoughts in our minds…