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Chapter 2 Lurking In The Shadows

  • My name is Annabelle Benson. I am twenty eight years old... that's two years older than that bï are wondering who I am referring to as a bïtch, right? Don't worry, you will get to know soon.
  • I am a blogger, so I have time for all my enêmiés. I read computer science for three years so I know quite a lot about the internet and everything that has to do with computing at large.
  • Terry and I have been best of friends from childhood, we literally grew up together and went to the same school from kindergarten to the university.
  • His family and mine have also been family friends for as long as their generation started. Our friendship grew with time and we became friends with benefits and then lovers.
  • Everything was moving fine, everyone was already waiting for us to announce a wedding date or something like that before he met her and the plan changed.
  • Terry no longer has my time, he's all over her and I can't seem to understand his sudden change. I know Terry very well to see that he's crazily in love with her.
  • The good thing is that she doesn't seem to be in for marriage or serious stuff with him or any other guy, that's more of the reason why I haven't really poured my anger on her.
  • I simply left and believed that the relationship would be over just like so many other relationships he has been into before I came back, but this one is lasting longer than expected and I am back to end it for them.
  • Terry is mine and mine alone! I can't share him with any other woman, especially not... What's her name again...Mitchell!
  • His birthday is something I don't think I will ever forget or miss, definitely not this year, so I had the correct timing because I know his birthday is around the corner.
  • First things first, I will have to say hello to my sweetheart and then look that bïtch up to see what she's up to. If she messes around with me, I will teach her how to not get a person mäd.
  • It's been almost one year since I left to Kenya to wait for the breakup which never happened. Well, I am back to where I belong, to possess my possessions and take what belongs to me.
  • I know where to find him and that's where I am headed...
  • 🤍 TERRY'S POV❣️
  • "Thank you, Terry. What could I have done without you?" Mitchell said and wrapped her arms around my neck.
  • She called me last night when she bashed someone's car. Her story was understandable, she had an emergency and was driving with wheel screeching speed to the hospital and ended up hitting someone's car.
  • I felt happy that I was the person she trusted enough to call for help. I rushed over and settled everything then drove her to the hospital.
  • I helped her calm the accident victim down, and she told me to take her to my house since it was closer because she was exhausted. I loved that too.
  • We are set to leave for work the next morning.
  • "You know you don't have to thank me, and I don't feel you should go to the hospital this morning. Look at you,"
  • "I know, I will just check up on my patients and go home. I don't think I will be able to lift a syringe," She said, still hugging me.
  • "I will take you to the hospital and then...home" I complied with her by wrapping my arms around her waist.
  • "No, I have disturbed you enough for the past forty-eight hours if I'm correct. I will take a taxi home, just drop me off at the hospital on your way to work." She insisted.
  • "You are not disturbing me, you are doing me a favor by letting me stay by your side and look at your beautiful face" I said sincerely, but she wouldn't understand that.
  • "Sweet coated tongue," she mumbled.
  • "Is that what you think it is?"
  • "It is what it is... Oh my gosh, I left my bag inside, let me get it" she wiggled out of my reach.
  • "I'm waiting for you..." I said to myself because she has already disappeared into the house, forever I added silently and hoping after hope.
  • I was about to go into my car when I saw another car pull up in front of my gate, I watched as the person inside the car stepped down.
  • "Annabelle?" I voiced her name coherently.
  • "Oh yeah, it's me, Terry love. It's been ages since we last saw or spoke, I know you have missed me!" She laughed and walked up to me.
  • "Well, I guess so" I managed and looked around as she spread her arms widely for a hug.
  • I hugged and released her almost at the same time, but she hasn't changed one bit, she refused to let go.
  • "I have missed you, honey. Let's go in and have a swell time in each other's arms like before, I know you miss me in bed" she said out loud, shamelessly.
  • "What's going on here?" Mitchelle asked when she came out.
  • I pushed Annabelle aside and faced her.
  • "Oh, babe... You haven't met Annabelle, have you? She is a family friend... Annabelle, she's woman" I began.
  • "I see. Hello, Annabelle, am pleased to meet you" She surprised us both by hugging her.
  • "Oh... Mitchelle, my pleasure" Ann managed and pulled herself away from her hug.
  • "It seems you guys haven't seen each other for quite a long time, you two, go on and catch up for old times sake. I will wait for you inside if..."
  • "No, that's not necessary. We are done talking so let's go" I practically led her into the car and locked the door, I glared at Ann and ran into the driver's seat.
  • "Terry, you are not leaving me here, are you?!"
  • I'm not leaving you, I am abandoning you and you can go to héll for all I care... I replied in my mind as I drove out. Can you imagine that?
  • "Why did you do that?" Mitchelle asked.
  • "Do what?" I mumbled uncomfortably, she's asking that because she doesn't have the slightest idea who that lady is, that daughter of Jézebel.
  • "You know exactly what I am talking about, Terry. You introduced her as an old friend and you left her perplexed by your action" she said.
  • "Can you please stop talking about her here, I shall tell you later."
  • "Whatever, I just don't want any girl to think I am taking her friend away, you know how ladies can be,"
  • "Don't worry about her, she's no one to be bothered about"
  • The rest of the drive to the hospital was silent. She kissed me goodbye and left. I called my mechanic to repair her car and take it to her so it would be her means of transportation when going back home.
  • I was busy for the rest of the day, from one business meeting to another and I didn't even think twice when I closed for work to drive home straight to rest.