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Chapter 5 The Leaves

  • I got out of my car, walked towards the waste bin, and threw in my clothes, It was to close this page in my life.
  • From here on, am done being an office whore.
  • I would now act like a lady inside and out, and show that bastard Alex how ladylike I am.
  • I walked into my office to find Caroline typing something on my computer.
  • Miss Swan, I'm just replying to your emails, she said.
  • " Alright, are any of them important? I asked as I put down my handbag.
  • "Um no, Just a few portfolios from potential customers," She said.
  • " Okay well, print them for me, I would go through them all today, I instructed her.
  • Yes, Miss Swan,
  • You have a meeting in 5 minutes with Mr. Pierce, Mr. Carlos called to book an appointment for lunch today, should I confirm it? she asked " Ha! Cancel my meeting with Mr Pierce and if he tries to reschedule tell him I'm fully booked.
  • As for Mr. Carlos please let him know am not interested in our relationship anymore" I muttered while gathering my files.
  • Y..y.. you want me to cancel your meeting with Mr Pierce? She said stuttering looking scared.
  • I was surprised, The only person I ever saw her scared of was me.
  • I watch her squarely, Did she just question me?
  • Caro..line!!!! Did I stutter when I speak? I asked her tauntingly.
  • " No Miss Swan but - " She was trying to speak but I cut her off with my hand.
  • There is no but, Just follow my instructions. If anyone asks just say am busy, No one can disturb me.
  • Send me the portfolio, I said dismissively.
  • She just stared at me a little before exiting the room.
  • Thank God! She was so annoying.
  • For the last three hours, I have been viewing the potential client marketing files to see which ideas are good.
  • I was hungry and tired of reading but I had 4 more to go before I was done.
  • Suddenly my phone began to ring loudly making me jump.
  • " Miss Swan, how can I help you? I said " Lynn "A familiar male voice spoke through the phone.
  • " Mr Carlos, Is that you?
  • " How are you? I said in false happiness.
  • Are you sure you don't mean, Fuck you? You just like that you blew me off" he said in disgust.
  • " No I do mean it but Carlos you are taken, It doesn't make sense to continue cheating on your fiancee plus I have a daughter to take care of, You know that right? I explained.
  • You just used me Lynn, I hated you he screamed and with that, he hung up. I just stared at the phone.
  • He was being such a girl, I never acted like that when a guy no longer wanted me to fuck him.
  • But wait..... no guy has never wanted me to fuck him! I wasn't being cocky, But I was great in bed so men adore me and my skills.
  • Yes, Carlos was good in bed but he started to catch feelings, telling me he loved me and wanted to become serious with me.
  • He even wanted to leave his fiancee, Who does that? I had to get rid of him.
  • Didn't he understand the hashtag for this year? # DON'T WASTE THIS TIME 2023.
  • Not even 2 minutes, My door flew open Mr. Pierce looking quite pissed marched in.
  • I just stared at him unaffected.
  • You canceled our Fucking meeting " he screamed quite loudly making me jump, I didn't bother to look at him because he kept talking,
  • We have important things to discuss! So don't you fucking cancel it again, He said strictly.
  • I just rolled my eyes irritatedly like he was not in my office.
  • Get the fuckout of my office!
  • Mr Pierce thanks for gracing my office with your presence but I'm very busy so please leave, I said with an extra amount of politeness.
  • Miss Swan, I'm not leaving.
  • This meeting was about the business trip you and I will be making tomorrow to Australia for one week.
  • So you can take the rest of the day off to pack, he said.
  • What???
  • "Go on a business trip! Hell no! I have Lydia to take care of.
  • um, sir, I can't. I mumbled."
  • What do you mean you can't? Cancel all your appointments for the day that's all. he explained as if I was dumped.
  • " Sir I mean I can't go on the business trip, I have personal stuff to take care of" I tried to be vague. I don't like telling people about Lydia unless they find out for themselves.
  • "Listen, I think your prostitution can wait for a week, Plus they are lots of clubs in Australia so you can speak to them, and am sure they would love to meet an American porn star," he said with ease.
  • Those words cut through my soul like a million knives stabbing into me, He doesn't have to say that I had already quit the club business, of course, he didn't know that but still, his words hurt like hell.
  • " Fuck you, Mr. Pierce, Because you didn't seem to mind when I was on your bed fingering my wet pussy for you, You Look pretty hard to hush your cunt".
  • And with those words I left my office, walking to Mr Lockwood's office, leaving him staring at me in awkwardness.
  • I flung the door open without a warning and he was with a client, by the look on my face he must have realized, I was beyond pissed.
  • He told the client to give us a few minutes, As soon as the client left the room.
  • " Lynn are you okay?" he asked.
  • " Am I okay? Do I look fucking okay?
  • Did you approve of that Australia Trip? I asked clenching my teeth.
  • " Well yes, I had to, Australia is our next big hit to uplift the business, he said.
  • Explaining excitedly while I sat down watching him in open disgust.
  • " Big hit" Let me tell you what's the big hit my daughter, Who I refused to leave home with my sister to take care of while I went to Australia for your business," I said screaming at his face.
  • " Oh, Lydia! I forgot, he said.
  • Covering his eyes with his hands just then his office door flew open and Mr Pierce walked in.
  • " Mr Lockwood, if she doesn't come then I'm withdrawing my investment, Mr cockyarrogant asshole said.
  • " Well by all means withdraw you dumb ass" I commented loudly.
  • " No, no! Don't withdraw.
  • She would go I can assure you! Mr Lockwood said quickly and with that, Mr Pierce left with a smirk on his face.
  • That asshole! That asshole!
  • " Lockwood I can't leave her, I clearly stated.
  • " You are not going alone!
  • I would book flights for your sister and daughter too, So that she can take care of her when you are in the meetings, he said.
  • Like it was the brightest idea in the world.
  • ", Lockwood! I swear if this backfired, I would kill you, I muttered under my breath but he heard it.
  • plus I would be there so don't worry, he assured me smiling.
  • Great!
  • I was going to Australia.