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Chapter 3 The Party

  • My hands shook vigorously as I clutched the tray of tall glasses. I could feel a sense of danger lingering in the elegantly decorated entry hall. Every step I took towards the formal living room felt like a step closer to my death. As I drew closer, I could hear the hum of conversation emanating from the room.
  • Suddenly, a hazy scent become prominent to me, a very nice woodsy scent. Realisation hit me immediately as I became aware that I would find my mate in that room. My heart started to race even faster and I developed a feeling of eagerness in my body. This made me move faster.
  • The dimly lit room was a sea of well-dressed people and sweet smelling extravagant perfume. The music was slow and nice, blending in well with the quiet conversation going on inside.
  • A few hands reached out for the drinks in my tray and I tried to maintain an easy smile as I glided around the white room. Something was pulling me towards the front of the room. All of a sudden, someone grabbed my wrist and started pulling me away from the room. The person was so aggressive and it was so unexpected that the remaining two glasses fell off my tray. I let it fall as well and allowed myself to be dragged out of the room into the hallway.
  • In the hallway, I stared at the person dragging me away and froze. He was very handsome and extremely tall. Before I could say anything, we were both in a locked room where he let go of me. I stared at the sexy man standing before me. He looked so good with his dishevelled hair.
  • The upper buttons of his shirt had been undone to reveal a beautiful rock hard chest sprinkled with a few light hairs. His muscular body looked so hot I wanted to run my hands all over it. I swallowed. The man had a well-defined jawline, a well-proportioned straight nose and sharp blue eyes which gave his handsome face a strong, masculine appearance.
  • Suddenly, he pulled me close to him and roughly kissed me. My body came alive instantly, and I kissed him back, our tongues duelling against each other. In those few moments, everything was perfect and I wanted the kiss to last forever.
  • One moment I was having the best kiss of my life, the next I was staggering back, my heart almost stopping from the shock of the shove.
  • Mate, I could hear the word somewhere in the recess of my mind. I regained my bearings and stood up straight. “What the hell is wrong with you? You’re my mate.”
  • “Are you one of the new ones?” he asked.
  • “Who are you?”
  • “Jackson King, who are you?”
  • I did a double take after hearing the name. So this was the famous jerk who liked to play around with other people’s lives. He looked as intimidating as I’d heard, but I had not expected him to be so handsome. He looked nicer than he was.
  • “Who the hell are you?” he growled, stepping closer to me.
  • “Your former mate,” I said before quickly continuing. “I, Kelsey Arlington, reject you Jackson King as my mate.”
  • The man looked like he had been stabbed through the heart. He walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders. “How dare you reject me? Take back those stupid words right now.”
  • Now, more than ever, I was convinced I didn’t want to be his mate. A man like him was not someone I could get along with.
  • “I will not do it,” I said, staring into his eyes and refusing to be intimidated. My wolf was growling menacingly, challenging him. “I do not want to be your mate and you can’t force me.”
  • He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. “Are you really sure of that?”
  • Suddenly. There was a series of knocks on the door.
  • “What?” Jackson King asked.
  • “Alpha Bryson is here.”
  • Jackson let go off me. He glared at me for a few seconds. “This is not over.” He said before going out of the room. I looked around the room and went to sit on the couch, holding my chest with my left hand. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and try to forget the fact that Jackson King almost killed me. The fact that I had the guts to reject him scared even me. I couldn’t believe I had stood up to one of the most powerful men in the island but wasn’t dead yet.
  • I decided to hide out in the room for a while but my happiness was short-lived. The door soon opened and Angella, the head housekeeper came in. “What are you doing here after all the commotion you caused? Come with me right now.”
  • I sighed and got up to follow her. The party was still going on in the foyer and formal living room. The party included a number of rich and powerful alphas with some of their families. It was Jackson King’s birthday and it seemed he was ready to splash all the money he had.
  • Midnight pack was everything it had been said to be. The pack house was a large white manor with light grey roofing. It had a perfect blend of modern and classical designs. It was a two storied building that spread over a large expanse of space with over a hundred rooms in total. There were trees all around it and a large grass yard. There was even a tennis court in the backyard. The front yard had a large court that could fit over 50 cars.
  • Every part of the building I had been to was luxuriously decorated and reeked of money. Strangely, most of the pack members did not live in the big pack mansion but on properties neighbouring it. The pack house had so many empty rooms which said a lot about the alpha. His people lived well, but the fact that he chose to keep all that much space to himself spoke of his selfishness. It was going to make things harder for me but I was not about to give up.
  • Suddenly, the woman I was following stopped walking and seemed trying to be listening to someone. After some seconds, she turned to me.
  • “Follow me,” she said and led me out through one of the French doors. I followed her, hoping she was not leading me to my death.