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Chapter 5 Doesn't Deserve A Mate Like You

  • Hearing that filled the young woman with sadness and frustration. Although the moon goddess has not yet bestowed her with the gift of transformation, she knows that when the right time comes, she will. Her mother managed to transform for the first time at the age of 25, and despite that, she was the Alpha of the pack, an unparalleled and respected leader, even among other packs. She can't wait to prove to everyone that she is not as useless as they make her out to be.
  • "I don't know what you're accusing me of, Lorena, but I'm not staying here to find out or let you insult me," Katrina starts to make a move to go up the stairs, but her father finally speaks.
  • "Jarl was here last night. He came looking for you because you hadn't gone home and he got worried. Then he received a call from a friend of his saying that you were at some run-down nightclub getting drunk with a couple of omegas and your friend."
  • "But dad…"
  • "Is it untrue? His friend sent Jarl pictures and we all saw them, were they fake? Wasn't that you and Amber?"
  • Katrina's chin starts to tremble and tears flow down her face as if they had a life of their own. She can't process that this is happening. So now she's the villain of the story?
  • "I just went for a few drinks, dad. They're my friends, I wasn't doing anything wrong."
  • Lorena's laughter echoes throughout the large hall, while Mauricio shakes his head, disappointed.
  • "You're a big disappointment, Katrina. I'm really sorry about this, but Lorena is right. You embarrass the whole family and drag Lizzie down with you, who still hasn't found her mate. If you don't care about what people think of you, that's fine, but don't harm us, don't harm your husband who loves you despite how you are and what he has to endure because of this."
  • Does Jarl love her? What kind of sick joke is this?
  • "What am I doing wrong, dad?!" Katrina screams in frustration. Lorena laughs satisfied as she watches Katrina lose control. "Tell me what exactly bothers you so much so I can change!"
  • "Are you seriously asking me that? For the moon goddess's sake, Katrina! Have you never looked at yourself in the mirror? You're always poorly dressed, neglected, ugly, you look like a street girl and not the daughter of the Grimlore family and the future Luna of the pack. You only embarrass those who stand by your side with your rebellious attitude. You have a lot to learn from your sister, who is a clear example of how a true Luna should behave."
  • Now it's Katrina who laughs like a madwoman upon hearing that. Be like Lizzie? The world definitely turned upside down while she was asleep.
  • "I have simply decided to study and work, to do something with my life, to fend for myself. Is that tarnishing our family name? Is that having a rebellious attitude? I don't want to be a freeloader like these two hussies you brought to the castle."
  • "You will respect me, you insolent brat!" Lorena looks at her with anger. "That's all I needed, for you to come and insult me in my own house."
  • "This is also my house, this castle was built by my ancestors, my mother completely renovated it and it also belongs to me by right. Those who live here like beggars, are others, not me, I am a Grimlore.
  • This time Mauricio approaches his daughter with the intention of slapping her, but in the end he chickens out.
  • "Respect Lorena and your sister Lizzie, Katrina. They have more rights than you to be in this castle. The one your mother inherited to me, or do you want me to remind you of the will where she left everything to me? You have nothing, you are nobody here."
  • Katrina quickly wipes the tears from her face with the back of her hand and runs upstairs to her room, or what it used to be before she married Jarl. She enters and locks the door before going to the bureau where she keeps some pictures, and takes one in which she and her mother are embraced.
  • She puts it against her chest and throws herself onto the wide bed, crying bitterly, lamenting her fate and the fact that her mother is no longer here to take care of her. She doesn't understand why everyone is against her, why they hate her so much when she has never hurt anyone.
  • "But she's my little sister, the party girl, the deceitful drunkard," Lizzie's shrill voice makes her jump in the middle of her outburst.
  • "What are you doing here and how did you get in?!" Katrina asks, very upset.
  • Her sister shows her a bunch of keys triumphantly as she smiles pleased.
  • "Give them to me right now! You don't have the right to enter here without my permission, this is my room," the blonde screams, trying to snatch the keys from her, but without success.
  • "Don't overreact, I couldn't care less about this shabby little room, Katrina. Mine is ten times better and bigger than this pigsty that smells like wet dog," Lizzie looks with disgust at the place as she runs her fingers through her sister's low-quality colorful curtains. "I just came to bother you a little and see how you feel after spending the night with your little friends."
  • "Get out of my room, Lizzie! I don't want to see you, especially after what you did to me," Katrina cries in anguish, now, while her sister looks at her with an arched eyebrow. "You and Jarl are miserable, wretched, you don't deserve my forgiveness."
  • "Drama is your thing, definitely. You drown in a glass of water, Katrina. You're too toxic and jealous, just look at how you look," her sister covers her mouth to suppress her mocking laughter. "You're ugly, Jarl doesn't deserve a partner like you."
  • Lizzie throws the keys on the bureau and leaves the room, leaving Katrina desolate. Her mocking laughter can still be heard from the hallway, while her sister can't stop crying. Wasn't what she did enough? Does she also have to come and mock her?