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Chapter 4 You Are A Failure

  • "Come on, get on!" Amber says to Katrina as she intercepts her with her motorcycle in a dark street. "I'll take you to a place where you'll forget about your idiot husband."
  • Katrina gets on the motorcycle behind her and puts on her helmet. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying so much during this time. She had been wandering the streets for hours until she called her friend, who came to her rescue immediately.
  • Katrina remains silent throughout the entire journey, her gaze lost on the road, and Amber prefers not to overwhelm her with silly questions, for now. She knows her, she knows that she only needs company and support at the moment. The complaints and truths will come later.
  • They arrive at a place that looks questionable. Katrina had never been to a place like this before, but she can imagine what it's about. Amber works as a waitress at a nightclub on weekends.
  • "I don't think this is a good idea," Katrina says, hesitating as she looks at the facade of the place.
  • "Don't worry so much. Inside, no one will approach you unless you want them to. Besides, we're just here to have a drink and forget, we'll be at one of the safe tables."
  • In the end, Amber convinces Katrina to go inside. The young woman is surprised by how beautiful it is on the inside. The place is quite picturesque, with lights and smoke of all colors, beautiful and sensual women dancing in front of elegantly dressed men, couples drinking some drinks at the tables.
  • Some people turn to look as they pass by, and Katrina is not surprised by that. Amber is stunning in a suggestive black dress and perfect makeup, while she feels like an ugly duckling among white swans.
  • They walk to one of the VIP sections where only a few select people have access for privacy. A young waiter approaches and serves caipirinhas for both of them.
  • "I can't drink alcohol," Katrina points to the glass. "Do you forget that I'm pregnant?"
  • "It's just a drink, it won't harm you or your little one. It's not like you drink every day. This time we need something strong."
  • Katrina takes the glass and takes a long sip of her drink. The alcohol burns her throat as it goes down, but it instantly makes her feel relieved and more courageous.
  • "I need another one," she says, pointing to the empty glass, but Amber shakes her head with a smile.
  • The friends end up drinking all night accompanied by a known gay couple from the pack. Katrina is completely drunk, just like everyone else. After the second glass, she firmly refused to stop and be taken home, as her friend suggested hundreds of times. Besides cursing her husband and her sister all night, she was sure of one thing, she was not going back to that house after catching her mate's infidelity.
  • Amber orders a taxi at dawn, as it is impossible to ride the motorcycle in that state, and they both go to sleep at her apartment. It isn't until the sun enters through the window that Katrina wakes up abruptly, disoriented.
  • She looks around and after focusing her sight, she realizes she is in her friend's bed.
  • Traces of what happened last night come back to her mind as short and confusing memories. She grabs her head with both hands to ease the pain. She had never before consumed alcohol, except for a few sips of wine at family gatherings, but never to reach such a deplorable state.
  • On the bedside table, along with a note from her friend, she finds a glass of orange juice and a headache pill which she doesn't hesitate to take.
  • The hardest part is yet to come, which is going back home and facing the situation. However, she doesn't plan on going to her house, but to Alba Noctis castle. The last thing she wants to see now is Jarl's face.
  • After washing her face, she takes a taxi and goes to the castle that used to belong to her mother. She works there with her friend during the mornings, but only in the offices. Now she will go to the house, to her old room.
  • Her father is sitting in the dining room, having his coffee, and next to him is Lorena, her father's second wife and Lizzie's mother. They both turn to see her arrive.
  • "Good morning," Katrina greets them.
  • Her father nods without saying anything, however, Lorena gets up and walks towards her. Without the young woman being able to guess her intentions, Lorena delivers a resounding slap on her cheek that instantly leaves a red mark on her face.
  • "You're a bad influence, Katrina! How could you insult your own sister like that in front of everyone at the company?" Lorena says with anger pouring out of her eyes. "Didn't your mother ever teach you anything?"
  • "You have no right to speak about my mother, ma'am," the young woman retorts, rubbing her face to relieve the stinging. "And don't accuse me of something that isn't true."
  • "Of course it's true! Jarl came here last night to tell us everything that happened in Sofisthy. Your sister arrived devastated from the office because of the humiliation you caused her in front of everyone."
  • "That's not true. She..."
  • "Don't you dare, Katrina Grimlore, or I swear by the moon goddess that you will regret it," Lorena interrupts her. "I won't allow you to tarnish Lizzie's reputation. She is a well-behaved, respectful, kind young woman, loved by the entire pack, unlike you."
  • Katrina's father remains impassive, with his cellphone in his hand, as if he doesn't care about what is happening between his daughter and his wife. Since her mother died, these two do whatever they want with Katrina, and he doesn't care at all.
  • Many times she has thought that he hates her too, because he never showed her any affection.
  • "I don't know what Jarl told you, dad, but it's not true," the young woman tries to approach Mauricio, but Lorena stands in her way.
  • "You are not only a liar, but also a vile harlot. Look at the state you're in. You reek of cheap alcohol. I feel sorry for poor Jarl, must be very difficult for him to find out the kind of woman he has as a mate, sloppy, useless, and who doesn't even have a wolf at 20 years old. You're a complete failure. A failure to the whole pack."