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Chapter 7 You Had Sex With Me

  • I woke the next morning with the blanket still over me as I got out of bed and realized my dress was haphazardly clung to my body. Then I smiled at the memories of last night. That was the best sex I had ever had. It was just too bad that it was with Jake. I never knew he was that good in bed. I mean out of bed. Whatever, I knew what I meant.
  • My heart sank when I looked over and saw the condom still in its wrapper on the side of the bed. How the hell did I forget that?! Damn it! What was I thinking?!
  • I straightened my dress and hair as I noticed that Jake's bag was gone. He really was a hit 'em and quit 'em kind of guy, wasn't he? No snuggling required, which was fine with me. I only wanted one night with Jake and nothing more.
  • When I opened the door, I could hear Asher, Harper, and Tate upstairs in the kitchen. They better have breakfast up there because I was starved. I climbed the stairs and was greeted with silence the moment I entered the kitchen.
  • Harper grinned, Tate winked, and Asher glared at me. It was clear that he was still in a foul mood. Ha. Like I care.
  • "Spill the beans!" Harper squealed. "Was he good? Did Jake satisfy your appetite?" She giggled.
  • I blushed. "It was amazing," I whispered, "Who knew?"
  • Asher snorted while he poured himself some coffee as I threw him a dirty look.
  • "What? Is someone jealous that Jake is better in bed than you?" I snarled at Asher. I was so not in the mood for his bullshit this morning.
  • Harper and Tate quietly snickered as they watched us.
  • Asher turned to me then and cocked an eyebrow. "I can promise you that he isn't."
  • He handed me the cup of coffee in his hands as I looked down to grab it, but as I did so all the blood drained from my face.
  • Asher had a bite mark on his arm in the exact place I had bitten Jake last night. My eyes shot up to his as he stared down at me with a knowing look. I was going to faint. The realization slammed into me like a freight train. I didn't have sex with Jake last night. I had sex with Asher!
  • "You want this or not, Stanford?" Asher asked dryly.
  • I shook my head and stepped away from him. "I- I have to go."
  • He shrugged and took the cup back as he sipped it. I backed away from him as I held his gaze and tried not to panic.
  • "Where are you going?" Harper asked.
  • "I- I have to go home." I swallowed hard and tightened my grip on my clutch before I turned and literally ran from the kitchen.
  • ~~~~~
  • I sat on the edge of my own bed when I got home as confusion slammed into me. Did I really have sex with Asher last night? The best sex of my life and it was with my best friend's brother. I wanted to feel guilty about it, but I just couldn't. How can I feel guilty after sex like that? Sex like that didn't come into my life too often, so I wasn't going to feel guilty about the sex, just who it was with. Shit!
  • And what did it mean? Did Asher like me? Or was this just some kind of sick joke?
  • No. No, he wouldn't do that.
  • The doorbell rang as I jumped and held my breath. I waited for Dillon to answer the door but when it rang again, I groaned.
  • "Dillon!!"
  • He didn't answer me or the door, so that meant he wasn't home.
  • I ran downstairs and whipped open the door only to stumble back.
  • "What are you doing here?" I whispered.
  • Asher stood there staring down at me. We were all alone. This was a rare occurrence and it made me nervous.
  • "You forgot something." He grinned and held up his hand. There, in his fingers, was the condom I had brought last night. My cheeks turned rosy red as I lunged forward and grabbed the condom from him.
  • "What the hell was that last night, Asher?" I smacked his chest as he chuckled. I was so confused about everything. "I'm your sister's best friend!"
  • He shrugged. "And?"
  • "And... and..." I swallowed. What did I say to that? He had a point. "And we're going to forget that ever happened."
  • He smirked at me; the smug prick.
  • "Are you sure you can forget it?" He reached forward and traced my face with his fingers. "I know I won't be able to for a while. Thanks, by the way."
  • "You... you... you asshole!" I went to smack him again but he caught my wrist and pulled me toward him. Tears stung my eyes. "Let go of me," I hissed.
  • "Stanford. Stop." He breathed against my face. "I really did enjoy it." His raspy voice sent shivers over my skin as I closed my eyes for a split second.
  • "Asher," I breathed, "It never happened."
  • He released my wrist and I stepped away from him as I grabbed the door for strength. When I finally got the courage to look up at him, his expression was blank.
  • "Take it easy, Stanford." He turned on his heel and headed back to his truck.
  • I watched him walk away as I couldn't pull my gaze from him. I still couldn't believe it was Asher I was with last night, but it kind of made sense. There was no way I felt that connected to Jake. I still didnt' know why I was so connected to Asher, either, because I hated him. Shit, I despised him, yet I stood there like an idiot. A flush crept into my cheeks and I wasn't ashamed to admit that I wanted to do it again. After last night, I didn't care about the rule anymore.
  • Before I had the door shut, my phone rang. It was Harper.