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Chapter 3 So Hot

  • "Hey, relax," Jake rasped as he lowered his face to my neck and bit me. I squirmed but he held me tight before he sucked on my neck next. His free hand slid over my body beneath the water and I held my breath in fear.
  • "Jake, let me go," I hissed. I tried to get away again as I twisted and bucked in his arms. "Get off!"
  • "That's what I'm trying to do," he laughed as his arm tightened around me. I could feel his half erection on my backside and I froze.
  • There was zero desire that ran through my body. Jake was always doing shit like this to me. Always. It was as if he felt like he could do whatever he wanted to me and get away with it.
  • "Jake," Asher warned as his eyes turned dark and menacing, "let her go."
  • "What?!" Jake protested as he bit my neck again and tried to grab my breast.
  • I cried out and dug my nails into his arm. I felt totally violated and right there in front of him.
  • "I said let her go!" Asher barked as he swam toward us. Jake immediately released me, but not before his arm got stuck in my bikini top and tore it.
  • It fell down and my breasts were fully exposed. I screamed and held my hands over them as I slowly made my way toward the edge of the pool once more.
  • "Jeez, dude! You said you didn't want her!" Jake protested as I cringed again.
  • I knew they had this thing with girls, but I tried not to believe it. They could mess around with any of them, just so long as one of them wasn't already interested in her. They took turns with their girls and it was disgusting.
  • "You okay?" Asher's voice was low as his eyes traveled down to my chest when I adjusted myself.
  • My bikini top was ruined and I was just manhandled by Jake. No, I wasn't okay. I ignored his question and held my top so that it covered my nips as I climbed out of the pool. But there was something different in Asher's eyes that made me confused. He had never looked at me like that before.
  • Harper and Tate were still flirting up a storm and she didn't even seem to notice the commotion between me and the boys. I rolled my eyes and ignored all of them as I stormed inside and straight up to Harper's bedroom.
  • I tossed my ruined top in the small garbage can next to her bed and slid my bottoms down.
  • "Are you okay?"
  • I screamed at the sound of Asher's voice as I tried to cover my naked body.
  • "Do you mind?!" I was literally completely naked and he just stood there like it was no big deal.
  • "Not at all." He grinned.
  • "Ugh! You are such a pig! Why do girls throw themselves at you?" I grabbed the blanket at the end of Harper's bed and wrapped it around myself.
  • He shrugged. "Must be my rugged good looks."
  • I rolled my eyes. "Oh, don't flatter yourself, Asher. Now can you please get out?"
  • He didn't say a word as he stared at me. Then his eyes wandered over my body and my cheeks blushed.
  • "Oh, not in this lifetime, buddy!" I walked toward him and shoved at his chest.
  • But he grabbed my hands and smirked down at me. "Relax, Stanford. You're not my type. I was just checking to see if you're okay."
  • Ouch. Not his type? I hated him even more now; despised him. So, why did it feel like he sucker punched me in the gut with that comment? I didn't care, did I?
  • He released my hands and left Harper's bedroom without another word. I stood there completely out of breath with a heavy feeling in my chest as my ego just took a major hit. I never pegged myself to be this super hot chick, but I wasn't that bad looking either. My naturally light blonde hair from my mother and my bright blue eyes from my dad always seemed to give me compliments. Yet, I wasn't Asher's type? Thank God for the rule because I wasn't even going to attempt to pursue him anyway. Jerk.
  • ~~~~~~~
  • We finally sat down for dinner with the Creeds and I couldn't stop thinking about Asher's words from earlier. I hated that they stuck with me, but they actually did hurt me.
  • "How was school today, guys?" Harper's mom asked as she passed the rolls to her husband. They were like a second family to me and I wouldn't change this for the world. They looked out for me whenever my parents were out of town, which meant I was here all the time.
  • I shrugged and noticed that Asher shrugged too, but it was Harper who replied, "It was just another day, Mom. Nothing exciting."
  • Small talk continued throughout the meal and I kept finding myself looking over at Asher across the table. He was minding his own business, but I couldn't stop thinking about how he had seen me naked earlier. I would never be able to look at him the same way ever again. It didn't seem to be phasing him one bit. Why would it, though? Asher was a man-whore. He was probably used to seeing a naked chick on a daily basis, so why would my body be any different? Why did it matter anyway? I groaned and pulled my gaze from his.
  • Once dinner was done, all three of us cleared the table while their parents went into the living room to watch TV. Harper's phone rang and she left me stranded with her brother without a single word.
  • Neither of us said a word to each other until we were in the kitchen. We were completely alone when Asher finally turned to me and grinned.
  • "Like what you saw at the table, Stanford?"
  • A blush crept into my cheeks as I turned my gaze away from him. "What are you talking about?" I played coy.
  • He stepped dangerously close to me. "I saw you staring at me. You can't deny it."
  • I laughed nervously and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Butterflies filled my stomach as goosebumps ran up my arms. I couldn't stop the excited emotions that ran through me.
  • "I definitely liked what I saw earlier." He rasped as his breath swept over my bare skin. I shivered at the sensation and closed my eyes.
  • This was my best friend's brother! I can't feel this way! There was one rule!
  • "A-Asher," I stuttered as I stepped away from him, "don't you have someplace to be right now?"
  • He grinned as he stepped right back up to me. "Yeah, between your legs."
  • An instant ache throbbed between my legs before I reacted without thinking. I turned and slapped him across the face. He froze as he stared down at me. Shit. By the sheer annoyed look on his face, I knew I shouldn't have done that.
  • Instead of what I expected him to do, he grinned again and shook his head. "Maybe we're not there yet." He reached up and ran his thumb across my bottom lip before he slid his fingers down my throat and across my collarbone. Then he completely stepped away and left the kitchen altogether.
  • I was a sweaty, hot, horny mess and he was the one who did this to me. The one guy I couldn't ever have. Damn you, Asher! Damn you, rule! Damn you, hormones!