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Chapter 6 Best Night

  • I placed my hands on Jake's as I ground my hips harder into him. Jake leaned down and began to suck and nibble on my neck as I closed my eyes and let out a moan. My plan was just beginning as I grabbed his hand and trailed him up my body before he took over.
  • My left arm wrapped around his neck as he continued to explore my body. Then his hand slipped into the front slit of my dress and I knew he was about to expose me. My eyes whipped open and right into Asher's. There was so much rage in his eyes that I almost felt guilty.
  • Asher grabbed an innocent bystander's drink right out of their hands as he chugged it down and then tossed the empty cup back at the kid. He never pulled his glare from us, and when I felt Jake close to revealing my breast to the whole party, I spun in his arms.
  • "Let's not show the whole school, yeah?"
  • He grinned as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. "Just me?"
  • I nodded. "Yeah, just you."
  • Jake grabbed my ass with one hand and squeezed, while his other hand slowly pushed my dress to the side. The cool air hit my nipple and immediately puckered into a tight bud as Jake groaned. He lowered his head and did a single lap over my nip.
  • I couldn't help it. I threw my head back and moaned.
  • Asher had gotten me far too excited and now I just desperately needed a release; from anyone!
  • "Let's..." I paused as I pushed his head back and covered myself back up, "let's go someplace more private."
  • "Fuck, yeah," he growled out as he leaned forward and kissed my lips lightly.
  • "Head on down to the guest room in the basement. I'll grab us some more drinks and be right down."
  • He slapped my ass before he walked over toward Asher. Shit. This was really happening, wasn't it? Was I going to be able to go through with this? Did I want it that bad? Shit. Too late to think about that now, right?
  • I went inside and down the familiar stairs to the basement as I looked over at the door I knew was Asher's. Deep down, that's the bedroom I wanted to be entering tonight, but that would never happen. Jake was as good as I was going to get for now.
  • Jake's bag was on the floor as I nervously stepped over it and sat down on the end of the bed. Did I turn on more lights? Did I turn them off? Did I get undressed? Did I lie down? Stand up? Good grief, you'd think this was my first time, but it wasn't. Why the hell was I so nervous?!
  • I set my clutch down on the side table after I pulled the condom out and set it on top. I wanted to make sure it was ready for when it was time to use it. Then I slipped out of my heels and set them nicely to the side.
  • As much as I loved this dress, it was really tight and I felt like I was suffocating. I pulled my hair to one side as I started to peel the dress from my shoulder.
  • The lights went out as darkness surrounded me. Jake came up behind me and placed one hand on my hip while his other helped slip my dress down. He leaned forward and lightly kissed my shoulder as his hand circled to my front and slid into the V of the dress.
  • He began to kiss my neck as a distraction as his hand slipped further into the V and grasped my breast gently. The sensation made me throw my head back as I let out a moan. He made me feel things I hadn't felt in months. I seriously needed this after all the personal pleasure I had given myself while thinking about Asher.
  • Asher.
  • He was fresh in my thoughts again as I imagined him behind me instead of Jake. What the hell is the matter with me?!
  • Jake gently pinched my nippled between his fingers and I let out another moan. "Jake..."
  • I wanted to touch him and as I tried to, he'd quickly move my hands away. Then his other hand pushed the bottom of my dress up over my hips as he lightly caressed my ass.
  • Goosebumps peppered over my cheeks as I held my breath and clenched my legs together. He grabbed my panties and tore them off in a forceful manner.
  • "Hey!" I hissed. I loved those panties!
  • He didn't seem to give two shits about my favorite pair of panties as he tossed them to the floor. His hand slid between my legs and I instinctively spread for him, silently begging him to touch me there. His lightly calloused fingers slid through my wet lips as my entire body quivered. Everything was so overly sensitive that I could hardly stand it. If he kept this up, I was going to cum just from all of my built-up tension.
  • "Please," I begged.
  • The sound of a zipper echoed behind me and then he adjusted behind me and slipped his dick between my legs. I almost lost it when the head of his dick slid across my clit. I was about to explode.
  • "Fuck," I hissed.
  • When I tried to lean forward onto the bed, he stopped me. His arm wrapped around my neck and held me tightly against his chest as I felt his dick center over my opening. He pushed into me as my breath hitched in my throat.
  • "Ah!" I finally screamed out. I didn't expect him to be this big as he filled me completely. I shivered as he slowly slid out and then back in with a deep thrust.
  • "Yes," I moaned before I bit down on his arm. There was no doubt that there'd be a mark on his arm tomorrow, but he didn't seem to mind. If anything, he fucked me harder.
  • He grabbed my leg then and put my foot on the bed as he pounded in harder and harder. His thrusting cock made my pussy throb as my desire spread through me like wildfire. I wanted to touch him and feel him, but he still wouldn't let me.
  • His hand slid between my legs and found my throbbing clit as he began to lightly circle me there.
  • "Jake! Ah!" I moaned as his fingers circled faster and faster. His cock thrust deeper and harder and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
  • His arm around my neck tightened and the sensation pushed me over the edge.
  • "Yes! I'm... I'm... I'm cumming," I growled the last part as my orgasm exploded to life. My walls squeezed him tight as I held my breath and rode the beautiful wave ripping through me.
  • He let out a small groan before he quickly pulled out of me and stroked himself to completion.
  • That orgasm had completely exhausted me as I dropped onto the end of the bed and tugged my dress back over my shoulders. I had never felt so drained and sated at the same time in my entire life. I let my head drop on the pillow as Jake draped a blanket over my body and I slipped into a deep sleep.