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Chapter 4 The Party

  • I seriously could not think straight today, but who could blame me? Asher Creed had totally hit on me last night and there wasn't a single thing that I could do about it. Except maybe continue to have wet dreams about him and secretly touch myself in the bath while I thought about him.
  • I knew I was a horrible friend for having these thoughts, but I wasn't breaking the rule, right? We said we couldn't date each other's brothers; there was no rule that said we couldn't fantasize about them.
  • Ugh. I was going to hell, wasn't I?
  • "Hey, my parents' anniversary is today so they're going away for the night and Asher just texted me saying that he's throwing a party tonight. You're still coming over right?" Harper asked as we finished our final class of the day.
  • Shit. Their parents were going out of town and he's throwing a party. There would be alcohol there and I sometimes couldn't handle myself around that crap. I was also still fantasizing over a guy I couldn't have and when I mixed alcohol with my emotions, it could get ugly.
  • "Yep, I'm still coming over, "I replied.
  • I needed to get my drink on. If one thing could help me forget about Asher, it would be drinking my ass off before I made out with a random hot guy from the party.
  • "Yes! What are you going to wear?"
  • I had no idea, but the way I felt now, I knew I'd wear something to make the dogs drool. "Not sure yet," I lied. I knew exactly what I was going to wear tonight.
  • "Boo! I'm going to wear that blue dress we got last week. Do you think Tate will notice me in it?"
  • I laughed. "Every guy at that party will notice you in that dress, Harper."
  • She beamed. It was adorable how much she liked Tate and she had made it very clear to him and everyone around them just how much she liked him. If I'm not mistaken, I think he liked her too. The only problem with all of that was Asher. He didn't want his buddies dating his "little" sister.
  • I say "little" because they were twins. Asher was born thirty minutes before Harper, so he always claimed the big brother card which drove Harper crazy.
  • The end of the day bell rang and broke my thoughts as I quickly gathered my things and tore out of there behind Harper. Thank God today was over.
  • As soon as we stepped into the hallway, someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me off toward the side of the hall.
  • "Hey sexy," He purred into my neck.
  • Jake.
  • "You're barking up the wrong tree, buddy. You could never have this." I pushed against him with my elbow and broke free from him. I hated how he tried to make his claim over me.
  • He put his hand to his heart. "You've wounded me, Layla."
  • I smirked to hide a giggle. I used to have a crush on Jake for a short stint last year and when he found out, he never stopped harassing me. He was super hot, don't get me wrong, but he was a man-whore just like Asher and the other guys. I wasn't interested in that.
  • "I'll see you tonight." He winked before he walked away with a stupid grin on his face as he joined his other buddies in the mass of kids filling the hallway.
  • Smug bastard.
  • "I hate him, too," I told Harper as she stepped up to me.
  • She laughed and nudged my arm playfully as we headed toward the student parking lot.
  • "I know you do, but he doesn't hate you." She giggled again.
  • "I will kill you, Harper," I laughed back.
  • "Hey, Jake isn't that bad of a guy. I mean, sure he's a little forward and is a total man-whore, but he's super hot. You could totally have a guilt-free fling with him." She nudged me again. "When's the last time you got laid anyway?"
  • I blushed. "Longer than I'd like to admit."
  • "Exactly. Maybe tonight you can end that dry spell and let loose. I know just the guy." She winked and giggled again.
  • Gah, my best friend was going to be the death of me, but maybe she was right.
  • At least I wouldn't have to try that hard with Jake. I could literally bat my eyes at him and he'd be naked and willing in seconds. I made a mental note to remember to bring some condoms; who knows where that boy has been!
  • ~~~~~~
  • I stood in front of my mirror and gawked. Damn, I looked hot. I couldn't take my own eyes from myself, so I could only imagine how Jake would react. I smiled devilishly.
  • I picked up this little black number a few months ago when Harper and I were fooling around at the mall. It hugged my body tight as if it were my own skin and barely went just below my butt. The V cut in front went almost all the way down to my navel and gave me the perfect cleavage. I was going to make them all drool. After all, I deserved a night of letting loose just like Harper had said.
  • After I finished up the look with nude-colored heels, fluffed my wavy hair again, and applied one more layer of lip gloss I grabbed my clutch and headed for the door. I was ready.
  • I almost made it to the front door when Dillon popped out of nowhere and nearly scared me half to death. I screamed and threw my hand up to my chest.
  • "Seriously. Why do you keep creeping around like that?"
  • He bit into his apple and smirked. "Where are you going dressed like that?"
  • "None of your business," I snapped as I reached for the door.
  • "You wouldn't be going over to Asher Creed's party dressed like that, would you?"
  • I groaned. "Why does it matter to you?" I turned and glared at him. He might be my big brother who was back from college for a break, but he had no right to dictate to me. I also knew that he probably left school for good. A break, my ass. Who gets a break after being in session for a month? We're in the middle of the school year now. He wasn't fooling anyone.
  • "You're my little sister. I can't let you go over to his place looking like that." He grinned and stopped biting into his apple. "You know what happens at those parties, don't you?"
  • I rolled my eyes. "I'm a big girl, Dillon."
  • "Oh, you are now, huh?" He walked up to me and stared down at me like I was a kid. "I think I might join you."
  • I laughed. "You won't make it five minutes in there before someone kicks you out." He and Asher did not get along. They were sworn enemies and every time they were in the same room together, blood was spilled. I'm not entirely sure why, but I had once heard a rumor that Asher had slept with Dillon's now ex-girlfriend; at least that's what I heard. It wouldn't surprise me, though, and I didn't give two shits.
  • Dillon laughed. "Yeah, you're probably right." He shrugged and bit into his apple once more before he turned and walked away. "Don't get pregnant!" He called over his shoulder before he disappeared into the kitchen.
  • "What the fuck..." I said under my breath as I stared down the hall. I turned and finally left the house as I scoffed at my brother's last remark. Who the hell says shit like that?