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Chapter 4 Start Of A New Life

  • One Month Later
  • Clare stared at the large brick building before her, taking in a deep breath. Today was her first day at her new school and she felt both anxious and excited.
  • She left her pack and old life behind and was starting a new one at the academy. Clare knew it wasn’t a good thing to be a lone wolf but if she was being honest, she preferred it to being in a pack that bullied her.
  • And the bullying would get worse especially after Matthew and Natalie had become mates.
  • Besides, C City was neutral territory for all supernatural beings despite technically being the Lycan King’s territory. Still, everyone seemed to respect his rule even if he allowed rogues and other supernatural beings into the city.
  • It was probably what made it one of the richest cities in the country. Everyone was focused on making it better rather than fighting for it.
  • Shaking her head, Clare cleared the thoughts from her mind, heading inside the school. She hurried to the administration building, needing to get her class schedule.
  • She passed several students of different species hanging out together. Some glanced at her while others seemed disinterested. One thing they all had in common was they reeked of wealth and privilege.
  • Let’s just hope they’re not as snobbish as the dramas make them to be. Clare thought to herself as she got to the admin building.
  • Last thing she needed was rich bullies.
  • When she got to the front desk, she found herself staring at a middle-aged woman. She had a pair of glasses on but it didn’t hide her cat-like eyes. The woman before her was a witch.
  • “Um… hi. I’m the new transfer student…” Clare murmured nervously as the witch looked at her.
  • “Oh, you must be Clare Flora. I have your stuff right here…” The witch exclaimed as she picked up a stack of documents and handed it to Clare. “This is your schedule and this is the paperwork for your scholarship. You can meet the dean to discuss more about that.”
  • Clare nodded in understanding. “Okay thank you.”
  • “Sure dear. Now run along. Professor Harry hates tardiness.” The witch stated, shooing her away.
  • Clare nodded her head and quickly headed out. Her first class started in twenty minutes and she needed to get to the other side of the campus. At least according to the map, the kind secretary had given her.
  • As she ran to her first class, Clare failed to notice some of the stares she was getting.
  • ***
  • Stretching her arms in the air, Clare held back a yawn. She had had classes all morning and two in the afternoon, making her a little exhausted. Especially with all the running around she had to do to get to her lectures.
  • Thankfully, it seemed that her schedule wasn’t as crazy for the rest of the week. Still, she was going to need to work on her stamina.
  • Normally werewolves had great stamina but that was mostly because of their wolf. But with her not having a wolf, she was much weaker than normal werewolves. It meant she had to work extra hard to do something most werewolves took for granted.
  • Maybe I should join a gym. Clare thought to herself. After I find a job.
  • She was going to need one seeing as the scholarship was only covering her education and C City was an expensive place to live in.
  • Getting up from her seat in the somewhat empty lecture hall, Clare made her way out of her last class. She passed some students in the hallways, soon spotting a noticeboard.
  • She headed over to it, wanting to see if there was anything important on it. There were a few posters about various clubs as well as general notices.
  • Nothing really piqued her interest so Clare decided to leave.
  • As Clare turned away from the noticeboard, she found three females staring at her. Their eyes told her they were werewolves and she instantly felt the need to run.
  • She thought it was maybe because they were powerful werewolves and were just waiting for her to move so they could see the board, but suddenly the blond werewolf grabbed her as she passed them.
  • “Where do you think you’re going without showing respect?” The blond female growled. “Can’t you see the next Luna of C City is standing before you.”
  • Clare turned to look at the female next to her that was radiating the most power. She was a beautiful brunette with long legs and chocolate brown eyes. Everything about her screamed elegance from her clothing to the way she looked.
  • “Sorry.” Clare bowed her head. “I’m new to the city so don’t know much about the rules.”
  • Call it instinct but Clare knew she needed to keep on this group of females' good side. Otherwise her school life was going to be hell.
  • “Oh you must be the country bumpkin student that transferred here recently.” The brunette smirked. “I don’t know what your father was thinking, letting such a thing into this great academy.”
  • “I don’t know either.” The third female with blue eyes murmured. “Maybe it was for charity.”
  • Great. They already hate me. Clare sighed inwardly. There goes my peaceful life.
  • “If that’s the case I think we should teach it its place.” The brunette chuckled before lifting Clare’s chin to stare at her. “You’re going to be my little pet, bumpkin.”
  • “What’s going on here?” A male voice suddenly called out.
  • The brunette let go of her chin, allowing for Clare to gaze upon the newcomer. As her eyes landed upon the male, Clare felt her throat go dry.
  • The bronze skin male was tall, over 6ft at least with muscles bulging through his shirt. He had short, black hair that curled around his neck and piercing gold eyes that stared at her intensely. The sight of him made Clare weak in the knees.
  • Suddenly, the brunette wrapped herself around the male and it was like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water onto her. She knew immediately this male was off limits no matter how much she wanted to fling herself at him.
  • It would only end badly for her like last time.
  • “Xavier, we were just messing around.” The brunette exclaimed. “Helping out the new girl.”
  • “Yes.” Clare added quickly. “I’ll be going then. Thanks for the help.”
  • Before anyone could respond, Clare swiftly hurried away, not wanting to do something stupid and get herself into more problems.