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Chapter 9

  • Charles left the Adam’s family mansion with his bag and broken family heirloom. He was finally free from their torment and constant humiliation. Now divorced, he didn’t have to struggle to please Angela or her family.
  • “I should buy a house with my 10 million dollars,” he thought. He checked online for the best real estate organization in the city and he discovered it was Diamond Homes And Residence.
  • They had the most expensive houses in the city with the cheapest houses starting from three hundred thousand dollars.
  • He booked a cab to their main residence in order to purchase a house. He was certain that the houses would be built to his taste.
  • The cab pulled over at the parking lot which was occupied by luxurious cars. None of the cars cost less than 1 million dollars and it was truly the residence of many rich men in the city.
  • Charles took note of the buildings and the impressive view of the residential area. Indeed, Diamond homes was a fantastic real estate organization. He walked into their showroom after a brief examination of the properties.
  • When he entered the lobby, he saw about five salesmen and agents chatting with each other. They noticed him as he walked in but none of them approached him. They just pretended like he wasn’t there.
  • Charles felt awkward as he stood for minutes without anyone attending or speaking to him. The salesmen didn’t bother to ask him any questions because of his clothes. They assumed that a man like him was not there to purchase a house so there was no need to pay attention to him.
  • Most of the agents there had sold houses to several rich men. The men always looked luxurious and they were eager to speak to them because of the commission they earned with each sale. They could tell from Charles’ appearance that he could not afford even the cheapest house on sale.
  • After waiting for about twenty minutes, Charles became annoyed and decided to speak to them. But then, one of the agents walked up to him.
  • “Excuse me,” the agent said. “Please leave the lobby. This is not a residential area for a homeless man.”
  • Charles was taken aback by his words. “I’m not homeless. I’m here to check out the houses on sale and make a purchase if I like any.”
  • The agent burst into laughter, drawing the attention of everyone in the lobby. “You?” He asked, eyeing Charles from head to toe. “You want to buy one of our houses? Do you know how much the least expensive house is worth? It goes for three hundred thousand dollars. Where do you want to get a quarter of that amount from?”
  • “Can you let me see the houses first?” Charles asked. “And how much is your most expensive residence on sale? I'd like to take a look at that.”
  • The agent shook his head in disapproval. “Look man, you can’t afford our cheapest residence, talk more of the most expensive. The most expensive house in this residential area is on sale for 10 million dollars and no one has bought it for months. It’s a waste of my time showing you anything and a mockery to my job. Now, go away before you embarrass me further.”
  • “I want to view and purchase the house. What do you say?” Charles answered calmly.
  • Instead of replying him, the agent called his colleagues. “I need you all to come over here. Come and listen to this funny man.”
  • Two of the staff came up to him. “What’s going on? What’s this man doing here?”
  • “He came to view and purchase our most expensive house on sale.” The agent replied, chuckling. “Can you believe it? A homeless man wants to buy a house.”
  • The two salesmen burst into laughter.
  • “Do you think you can buy a house with a few cents? If you know what’s good for you, you better leave and find a place on the street to sleep before nighttime.” One of them mocked him.
  • “Look at his clothes and hair.” The other said. “He’s a miserable pauper. I don’t think he can even afford one square meal talk more of a house. Why did anyone even let him in here in the first place?”
  • “Is this how you treat everyone who walks in here?” Charles asked, utterly disappointed with their services and rudeness.
  • “Men like you don’t come here.” The agent scoffed. “We only entertain rich men who can afford the houses on sale. Do yourself a favor and leave.”
  • “Joshua, why are you talking to a potential buyer like that?” A young woman walked to Charles and the agent. She turned to Charles with a warm smile. “I apologize for the disrespect, Sir. Are you here to view our houses?”
  • “Yes,” Charles answered.
  • “Does he look like a potential buyer?” The other agent chipped in. “He’s going to be a complete waste of your time.”
  • The woman ignored him and moved closer to Charles. “I’m Julia, welcome to Diamond Homes And Residence. I’m an agent and I’ll attend to you today. What kind of house are you interested in today, Sir?”
  • “Thank you, Julia. I'd like to see the most expensive house on sale.” Charles replied.
  • Although Charles didn’t look like he could afford the houses, Julia still wanted to try her luck because she hadn’t had any buyer in months. She was really hoping to get a buyer and receive commission from the purchase.
  • “Please come with me, Sir.” She said, leading Charles to view the houses. “I’m very sure you’ll be impressed with the houses in this residential area.”
  • Immediately they left the lobby, other staff began to gossip and mock them.
  • “I can’t believe Julia is so desperate to get a buyer. She’s even showing that wretched man the houses on sale. Does she think he can afford them?”
  • The agent that disrespected Charles scoffed bitterly. “He’s going to embarrass her today. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when he makes a fool out of himself and her.”