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Chapter 3

  • "Excuse me, how may I help you?" One of the hotel staff at the receptionist desk asked Charles as he walked up to her. She examined him for some seconds, her face scrunching up in disgust because of his clothes.
  • "I’m Charles Lincoln and I'll like to–"
  • "Please, we don't accept door dash deliveries at Golden state hotel. Our residents are high class business men and women. They are served our very best exquisite meals and don't need to order food. Please, you may leave now before any of our residents spots you with your dirty appearance." The staff said, signaling to Charles to leave.
  • "You heard her, leave now. They have important guests like me to attend to." Mark added with a smug smile on his face. "And try to have your bath when you go home. You stink."
  • Charles ignored him and turned to the staff. "I'm not here to order food. I'd like to pay for one of your services."
  • "You?" The woman didn't bother to hide her incredulity. "Pay for one of your services?" She laughed for a few seconds, then continued. "I don't think you heard me well. People like you don't belong here. We receive business men from all over the world and not door dash drivers. You can't even afford good clothes and a proper haircut, how do you hope to pay for one of our services? Please leave this place before I ask the security personnels to throw you out."
  • Charles dipped his hands into his pocket and took out his bank card. "I'd like to pay and join the highest hotel membership offered by your hotel. Alongside that, I'll like to sign up for all premium services and offers available." He handed the card to the woman.
  • She took the card from the table and threw it back at Charles in an unprofessional manner. "Listen to me, you ignorant beggar. Our highest hotel membership goes for one million dollars and only three men in this city have been able to pay for it. I think you're lost or maybe looking for a job. When there's a vacancy for a cleaner or kitchen staff, please come back. That's all we can offer you at this moment."
  • Mark watched the interaction with amusement. He wondered what motivated his wretched brother-in-law to display such stupidity in the most expensive hotel in the city. He shook his head in pity. "When are you going to realize that you are nobody in this city? A failure like you should hide his face from the public. Now, excuse me, I'd like to pay for a membership card."
  • But Charles remained unmoving in his position. "You're going to regret it if I walk out of this hotel." He said. "I will make you regret ever disrespecting me."
  • The woman chuckled and called her colleagues to the front desk to mock Charles. "Evelyn, Michael, come and take a look at this pauper who's been disturbing me for minutes."
  • "What happened?" One of them asked. "Haven't you told him we don't accept door dash deliveries?" They looked down on Charles because of his dirty delivery clothes and laughed.
  • "I have," the woman replied. "He claims he wants to pay for our highest membership. I wonder how a person who can’t afford good clothes will manage to pay one million dollars. Even if he sells all his properties, I’m very sure he won’t be able to raise a hundred dollars.”
  • Her colleagues laughed loudly, pointing at Charles tattered shoes and clothes. “Go away, man. They are people waiting to be attended to. People who actually look sane and have the money. This is not a begging spot.” One of the other staff said.
  • Charles shook his head and smiled. “Why don’t you swipe my card and see if I can afford the highest membership card in this hotel. That’s the only solution to this problem, isn’t it?”
  • The staff's eyes widened with shock because of his confidence. Although he didn’t look like he could pay for the highest hotel membership, they were intrigued to find out.
  • “I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when they realize that I can pay for the hotel membership,” Charles remarked to himself. He was used to being humiliated because of his appearance but he was going to shock everyone present in the hotel.
  • The woman reluctantly took the card from Charles. “If I swipe this and there’s insufficient money to pay for the hotel membership, I will call the security and ask them to beat you up before throwing you out in the street.” Charles nodded and flashed her a wide grin.
  • “Are you crazy?” Mark asked, nudging Charles. “Anyway, I don’t care about you. I can’t wait to watch them beat you up and put you in your place on the streets because that’s where you belong.”
  • Charles ignored him, patiently waiting for the hotel staff to swipe his card and confirm his payment. He resolved to deal with Mark later.
  • Everyone watched with anticipation as the woman swiped Charles' card. They all expected the card to decline but to their surprise, it was accepted.
  • Three seconds later, the machine at the front desk chimed. “Payment Successful.”
  • Immediately, everyone at the front desk, including Mark, gasped. They stared at Charles like he had suddenly grown a second head.
  • “That’s not possible,” Mark said to the staff. “I know this man. He is a poor door dash delivery man. There’s no way he can afford to pay one million dollars.” Then he grabbed Charles by the collar in anger. “Who did you steal the card from? Huh? Where did you get that kind of money from? I know you can’t ever have 1 million dollars.”
  • “Sir, please do not harass any member of our hotel or you will be barred from ever coming here.” The staff said, addressing Mark who was holding Charles. Mark slowly released Charles but was still fuming in anger.
  • The hotel staff were no longer looking at Charles with disdain but with respect. “We are very sorry for the experience earlier.” The woman apologized. “I sincerely apologize for all the things I said. We will be more than happy to attend to you and render any services you need.”
  • Others looked at Charles like they were going to swallow him and Mark was fuming behind him. This was the first time someone of his status could afford the highest hotel membership, making the fourth person in the entire city to ever pay for it.
  • “I'd like to subscribe to all the premium services your hotel has to offer.” Charles said. “Also, I’ll need a change of clothes. Bring the best designer brands you have.”
  • “Alright, Mr. Charles, we will do everything according to what you’ve said. Please hold on while we process the membership card.” Once the membership card was printed, it was given to Charles.
  • “Sir, please wait while I call the relationship manager to take you in. We’re going to take you to the best private room in our hotel.” The woman said, smiling widely at Charles. “Also, what do you want us to do with this man who has been harassing you? The comfort and security of our residents is very important to us.”
  • Charles turned to Mark with a grin on his face. It was finally time to return the favor and humiliate him. “Please bar him from ever coming to this hotel except he can afford a million dollars. If he tries to beg or come after me, throw him out on the streets.” Charles said to the woman.
  • “Your orders will be granted.”
  • “What?” Mark staggered back in shock. “He doesn’t have the right to bar me from coming here. Do you know who I am? I am the eldest son of the Adam’s family and my family has a company in this city. How dare you humiliate me because of this wretched man?”
  • “Sir, you are expected to leave the hotel environment immediately,” Two bodyguards walked up to Mark and grabbed him.
  • “Let go of me.” Mark yelled. “I’m here to pay for the hotel membership. How can you harass me like this?”
  • “Do you have one million dollars to pay?” The woman asked Mark. He lowered his head in shame as he could not afford that amount. “If you can’t pay for our highest hotel membership, you cannot be allowed into this place. From today, you are barred from our hotel and also our services because you harassed one of our premium residents. Take him away.”
  • “This is unfair!” Mark yelled as the guards hauled him away. “Charles, this is not over!!”
  • “Is there any other request you'd like to make?” The woman asked Charles after Mark was thrown out of the hotel.
  • “No,” Charles answered, satisfied with himself.
  • Just then, a young beautiful woman came up to Charles in the lobby.
  • “I’m Vera Brown, the relationship manager in this hotel.” She said, extending her hand.
  • “I’m Charles,” he replied, taking her hands.
  • “Come with me,” she said, inviting Charles inside the main part of the hotel. “Welcome to Golden State Hotel, home for the wealthy and high class individuals in our city.”