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Chapter 9

  • I growled my frustration under my breath. I was sitting at my reading table with my chemistry report note in front of me, the sheets staring blankly at me with my pen tapping at the edge of my desk. It was the second day since our practical class and I still did not have a headway at understanding the question Christian and I were supposed to answer. The due date for the report wasn’t until tomorrow. I read the questions over and over. Find the concentration of your base with respect to moles and grams. How was I supposed to do that?
  • Beside me, Charlie was sleeping. Somehow yesterday she had convinced Heather to solve their questions so she was done with her own report while I mulled over mine. She tossed on the bed and shot me an evil look.
  • “If you don’t stop tapping that pain I swear I’ll grab it and break it in half,” she growled sleepily.
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