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Chapter 2

  • Ask Diddy your most personal interrelationship questions. Tell Diddy everything. Go on! We dare you!
  • Remember, the reason Ask Diddy is added to the school newspaper is to help students interact with a fellow yet an anonymous student. All secrets told to Diddy remain secret.
  • Dear Diddy,
  • When I first got here I was called a hoe, a bitch. But you know as much as I do who the real bitches of school are.
  • Anyway, I think I proved them right yesterday. I had sex with one of my classmates in that unused science lab. I have heard stories of girls who got pregnant and dropped out of school. I don't want to get pregnant and if I do I don't want my parent to know, it would be the death of them if I got pregnant at this age. It could even cause a scandal for my dad. What should I do!
  • _ Need help.
  • Dear Need help,
  • I must say you are the type who takes the medicine after death. This is a question you should have asked yourself before having sex with whoever you had sex with. It's not a new thing though, many teenage girls here at Edwin and Co. have had sex and have not gotten pregnant you would probably be lucky. Keyword probably.
  • -Diddy.
  • The walk to the hostel was a long one from the administrative building but it was comfortable since there was so much to look at. The school was huge and very beautifully decorated and the roads were good too, no portholes to the walk uncomfortable. I was able to wheel my bags rather than carry them since Mrs. Stella (the porter) didn't even help me with any. Not that I'm complaining! I'm not the whining type.
  • The environment was a little too quiet and since my new self would be needing that it was a plus. A quiet place, a quiet girl. A peaceful place, an equally peaceful girl.
  • The road led straight to the hostels. The six-row hostels were separated with a single fence so there were three on one side and three on the other and in front of each was a small building.
  • "That's for the matron, the concierge, and some porters " Mrs. Stella announced pointing to the small buildings. She looked back at me and assumed a pained expression "Don't be deceived by the peaceful quiet, soundproof doors have been installed to keep the noise the students make from reaching the neighbors. A lot of neighbors have been complaining about the noisy environment. "
  • Great. I mean that's was all I could think of. Great. Say goodbye to the peaceful, serene environment.
  • Once we got to what I assume to be the female part of the hostel the porter opened the first door which was actually a set of hard dark wood doors swung sideways, then the next door was glass and the porter opened this one with a card.
  • "Some of the students, especially the boys, broke the initial lock of the doors so now all the porters have cards to open the doors with " she explained.
  • It seemed like she was preparing me for some sort of surprise with the little comments she made. So let's just say I am going to live with animals for the next few months. If the students are really as wild as Mrs. Stella presents them then I don't blame the school for locking them up like prisoners. In fact, I think that's mug shot on my file was really worth it.
  • Once the glass door slid open.....only one thing came to mind. They say the gate of hell opens and the voices of the sinners in suffering are enough to deafen the righteous, that's the concept I'm gonna use, that's the one you will understand. My ears popped. The speed of sound traveling through my ears increased tremendously. Indistinct chatter from every direction reached my ears and I could even hear some boys shout through the fence at the other side. The girls' hostel itself was separated by a catwalk that connected one of the buildings to another. The doors to the rooms were made of composite wood and each room had two windows out front at opposite sides of the door
  • .
  • Some doors opened as the porter and I stepped into the hostel and girls of every size, color and shape stuck their heads out to look at us.
  • "Oh, it's just the porter and a new student ". And they closed their doors back and continued with their businesses.
  • The porter carried on like what just happened was a norm, like it was ok for the girls to peep out in various states of undress, check out what visitor they have and stick their heads back in.
  • "This way ".
  • I followed and climbed up three short steps to the rooms on the left side of the hostel. The porter walked past four doors and knocked on the fifth door. Without waiting for a reply she opened the door and walked in.
  • A girl was sitting on the bed in a light white shirt and black shorts her legs bent up and in her hands, she held a book. She dropped the book when we got in and sat up, in doing so her hair fell in a glossy pool around her. She was Asian with her tiny dark eyes, glossy black hair, strong sturdy legs and short build. Maybe that's because I stand at 6'2. She smiled immediately when her eyes fell on me and two deep dimples appeared at both sides of her lips, not her cheeks.
  • "Stella you didn't tell me I was having a roommate at last " she sang in a surprisingly deep voice. Mrs. Stella didn't look concerned that my new roommate just called her name without the Miss or Mrs. I had been calling her in my head.
  • Mrs. Stella simply nodded in my direction, she saw the confusion on my face and broke into a sudden smile that wiped off as soon as it came "You'll get used to it eventually, Edwin and Co schools raises pigs. I hope you won't be one too. "
  • Was I supposed to say something? Was I supposed to promise to be a good girl? I told you if I was pushed to the wall I could do just anything. Anything. Keep that in mind and don't get too comfortable.
  • * * * *
  • Ask Diddy your most personal interrelationship questions. Tell Diddy everything. Go on! We dare you!
  • Remember, the reason Ask Diddy is added to the school newspaper is to help students interact with a fellow yet an anonymous student. All secrets told to Diddy remains secret
  • Dear Diddy,
  • My mom complains and shouts whenever I sit in front of the TV. She says TV is satanic, that all the musicians I see on TV are satanic and I'm ruining my life watching them. I also have a problem. I masturbate a lot, do you think it's because of TV?. What should I do?
  • - Doom for hell.
  • Dear Doom for hell,
  • Your mother needs to know the world is moving. Now I want you to know that the world is moving in different ways and I hope you're mature enough to know which way to go. I'm not asking that you disobey your mother here I just want you to try to let her understand.
  • As for masturbating, I want to let you know that no one can influence whether or not you masturbate. I don't masturbate as a matter of fact so I don't know the best way to advise you on this. If you think you don't like it and you want to stop then do although a lot of teenagers do it so they don't have real sex when they don't want to. If it happens frequently then Diddy can't help you you need to see an adult for advice.
  • _Yours, Diddy.
  • * * * *
  • My roommate seized my bag once Mrs. Stella closed the door behind her and then caught the look of shock on my face. She laughed.
  • "Relax! I'm not one of those bullies who snatch things off victims and you don't seem like the victim type. I bet you could have me pinned on the floor with my hands to my back if you wanted to," she threw the bag on the empty bed a few feet beside hers and picked up another. " It's been so long since I had a roommate so I want to help you get settled so we can start talking all night long ".
  • It was a really strange thing to me because she had no idea if I was an extrovert or an introvert she really just jumped to talking all night. No introduction, no psycho test, although in a way it was nice to know I would not be stuck with someone who would keep to herself throughout our stay together. As she opened my first bag I looked around the room and noticed there was space for four in the room, four lockers and four bunks but just two roomies.
  • "Why? " I asked my roommate.
  • "Oh, that? Some seniors can choose to have just one roommate. Initially I wanted to stay alone but I got tired of the boredom and asked for a roommate. I didn't think you would come quickly ". She stopped in the process of reading through my schedule "I'm Charlie Forge by the way ", she held out a strong hand to shake.
  • My brow dipped in confusion "Charlie? " As in Charlie Brown and Snoopy?" I snickered. "Just saying! I haven't met many girls named Charlie"
  • She laughed, very deep and hearty "Yes, Charlie. I still don't understand why people think a girl can't be called that "
  • I shrugged and took her hand "Jessica Underwood ".
  • How I hate being called Jessica! Whatever happened to Jessie, Jess? Grandma seemed to think being called Jess was against the good girl book.
  • "I hope we are going to be cool roommates. My other roommates were a pain in the ass " she looked through my schedule again " and I can see we are sharing the same classes for this session! ".
  • I didn't know whether or not to be excited but she seemed excited so I stretched my lips into a smile "Great? ".
  • She glanced at me puzzled "Your first time in a hostel? I can tell. "
  • She's probably a sorcerer, a worshipper of the goddess Nüwa. But was no brainer that I was new, I mean I was standing there tongue-tied and stuff and she was just running her mouth doing all the talking.
  • "Let me give you a rundown of life in the hostel. It's fucked up! That summarizes it all. You would get to see a lot of things yourself as time goes on, anyway. The first rule of the hostel is to mind your own business "
  • "Why?" Yeah, why? It's not like I intend to meddle in anyone's business anyway.
  • Charlie hung my towel and a few undies in my locker and the fact that was letting her get so close to touching my stuff was freaking me out a little. "Because you don't want anyone in your own business too."
  • A loud knock interrupted us and a large lady in a plain skirt and equally, plain shirt opened the door. Her face was in a frowning mode and judging by the number of wrinkles on it I could tell that was her all-time mood.
  • "Jessica Underwood? " she asked as if there were a multitude of girls in the room who could possibly bear the name.
  • "Yes, that's me " I replied anyway.
  • In response, she threw some clothes on Charlie's bed and left. I raised my brow at the rudeness. Wow. Behind me, Charlie laughed.
  • "Think that's rude? Wait till you see what everyone here has in store for you " she reached for the clothes "These should be your uniforms ".
  • We pulled the clothes out of the thin nylon covering them. It was indeed my uniform. Plaid- white skirt stopping just above my knees, a white shirt with a stiff collar, long sleeves and the Edwin and Co emblem on it and my blue blazer with the emblem on it too.
  • "Neat," I said in awe at the beauty of it. I would have loved Lake George students to see it and eat their hearts out with envy.
  • Charlie wrinkled her nose "Not neat. Some girls have their period and when that happens on white it's disgusting "
  • I didn't even think of that. Hope it never happens to me! "Has that ever happened before? "
  • Charlie raised a brow as she helped to hang the uniform "What do you think? Do you think I made up that warning? "
  • "Wow! That's..... Crazy "
  • "And the worst part is sometimes some girls see it and won't tell you about it so you just go on shaking your blood-stained ass around with the boys laughing behind you " she laughed a little "It's happened to me before "
  • I positively shivered at the thought of it. If that ever happens to me I'll go crazy, tear the skin off my face so that no one would ever recognize me again.
  • "Want to know what else's crazy around here? "she asked.
  • "Tell me everything and anything," I said immediately. I gotta know how to survive in this jungle.
  • "A lot of people sneak in just about anything "
  • "Hmm uhn? I find that hard to believe ". Why hasn't anyone sneaked in a horse?
  • Charlie pushed one empty bag away and began to help me with another. She tossed my bedsheets to me and I covered my bed with it. Laying a bed is in Beatrice's portfolio, not mine so I wasn't too ceremonious about it.
  • "You underestimate the power of the students here. What do you think is impossible to sneak in?"
  • The only thing that came to my mind was "Dildo? "
  • Charlie took me by surprise when she burst out laughing. She laughed so hard I got scared.
  • "Wha... Wha..." she continued laughing "Are... Are you...? Are you fucking kidding?! "
  • I shrugged, a smile playing on my lips. Her laughter was so freaking contagious.
  • "A lot of girls get horny and when they can't hold it again the ones without boyfriends help themselves," she clucked her tongue at me "Wow your mind must be pretty decent if that's the worst you can come up with". She was still laughing even as she talked.
  • "What the fuck?! ". I started laughing too.
  • "Yeah, the fuck. Although I know only a few who bring that shit. Some juniors have it too "
  • What is this place? A jungle? A porn organization? A zoo?
  • I think I understand why the private school students at Lake George were always so happy to be in school. Now I totally understand.
  • And I thought I was bad. In my defense, I AM still the bad girl here but maybe my expectations were a little too low on this one.