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Chapter 12

  • The following two days, Jessi didn't come near me. She only gave me hostile glares and whispered with her friends when they were close to her. My aunt noticed the tension between us but didn't say anything. She knew her daughter, and talking to her wouldn't solve anything; it would only make it worse.
  • I didn't need my aunt to intervene. I could handle my cousin now that I wasn't keeping quiet to avoid being kicked out of the house. Jessi couldn't run to her father for help with me anymore, which made me fear less when responding to her attacks. It's been days since he came to the house, and even my aunt doesn't know where he is. She assumes he took a vacation without telling anyone, not the first time he's done it.
  • Today, I arrived just in time thanks to the bus, which took ages to arrive. I practically ran to the classroom. Since I woke up this morning, one thought hadn't escaped my mind: I would see Donovan after his suspension.
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