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Chapter 7 A Mother & A Queen

  • Annie
  • After a long day of running around Verilia doing errands, I'm finally able to head back home. Daniel and I have been separated nearly all day and even though this has been our normal routine since he brought me back to the palace, it still sucks. I miss him more than I ever thought I could miss another person, and maybe it's the fact that I'm pregnant with not just one, but two babies, but I've been finding myself longing for him more and more. The highlight of my day is when I can fall asleep beside him and feel hims strong hands wrap around me or stroke my hair as we fall asleep together, or when I wake up to him looking down at me.
  • At first I thought it was beyond creepy. Daniel's always been a morning person, whereas I'm the would sleep till noon if I could kind of person, so he's almost always awake before me. Since he's awake before I am, he usually spends his time looking down at me and stroking my hair softly. He occasionally leans down and kisses my forehead or nose, as he does so. It's on the line between endearing and creepy, but for the past few days, pregnant me has considered it more endearing, whereas past normal me always thought it was odd.
  • These babies are doing things to me. If I'm not careful they'll make me think that Daniel's protective bahavior is more sweet than annoying. Oh dear. They certainly are Daniel's children if they make me feel this way.
  • All three of us get into the town car, gossiping and chatting about the babies and what things Daniel and I are going to need until we drop my mother off at home. She gives me a great big hug and tells me she will definitely see me soon.
  • "Go home to your King, Your Highness." She says with a chuckle and I roll my eyes and tell her to shush. I still haven't quite accepted the fact that I'm going to be the Queen. People are going to have to call me by royal titles. It's crazy, and something I won't be dealing with mentally right now.
  • "I will. I love you Mom. Tell Dad and Maxy I say hi."
  • She nods and with one final hug, Clarita and I are heading back to the palace. She makes polite small talk with me and explains how it's understandable that I'm worried. "You're an expectant mother," she says, "it's completely understandable if you're panicking, and that's before you add in the fact that you're going to be The Queen."
  • I nod. "I know. I just never thought this is where my life would be. A lot of new things are being thrown at me. I have no clue what I'm doing."
  • She grins. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Dear. No one really does."