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Chapter 3 A Fistful Of Stardust

  • Act III: Le Jeux Sont Fait
  • Max's profile listed his job as a detective for Cassiopeia Security Service. Jaxson hadn't spoken to him in over five years. He felt awkward reaching out asking to call in a favor after such a long time. He took Max under his wing back in his days as a detective and helped him survive the rough streets of Proxima B. Jaxson knew he wouldn't turn him down, but it still didn't feel right.
  • It had been several hours since Jaxson sent the message. He was sitting at the hotel bar when his hand terminal chimed. Taking another sip of his whiskey, he looked at the screen. Max had finally responded. Jaxson took a deep breath and slid his finger across the screen to play the message.
  • “Jaxson Reed,” Max said, looking up from the screen of Jaxson's terminal. “It's been ages. Sorry to be getting back to you so late. Cassiopeia never sleeps, you know. Anyway, I haven't forgotten about you. I'll help you this time, but after that, we're even. Just so we're clear.”
  • Jaxson saw Max was troubled by his request. He could see it in his eyes.
  • “Anyway, I found something,” Max went on. “Remy Delacroix is bad news. Are you sure you want to mess with him? He owns several nightclubs, brothels, and casinos on Cassiopeia's lower levels. His name has come up in several of our investigations, but we've never been able to pin anything on him. He's too well-connected. But there's a chance you might find something useful in his office at the Diamond Palace Casino.
  • “There's an encrypted terminal there that might have some information that could help with your case. I have embedded a code in this message that can help you hack the terminal, but you'll need to physically break into Remy's office. The terminal isn't connected to any network. Watch your back, security's tight.” Max leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. “Just be careful, Jax. Remy isn't someone you want to mess with. Good luck.”
  • Jaxson nodded to himself as the message cut out, already formulating a plan in his head. He tapped to record a response. "Thanks, Max. You're a lifesaver." Jaxson sat in silence for a few moments, contemplating his next move. He knew he was walking into a dangerous situation, but he had no other choice. He had to solve the case.
  • #
  • Jaxson felt his heart pounding as he stepped onto the opulent casino floor. The Diamond Palace Casino was filled with flashing lights, the sounds of machines ringing and the buzz of the crowd. He couldn't help but notice the number of wealthy patrons gambling away their fortunes on the various games, attended by sharply dressed croupiers and cheered on by scantily clad eye candy. The atmosphere was intoxicating, and Jaxson could feel himself getting lost in it. He took a deep breath and reminded himself of the task at hand.
  • Jaxson had spent the morning preparing his disguise. He wore a jumpsuit and carried a toolbox, looking like any other maintenance worker. It was enough to fool the guards, and they let him through the casino all by himself. But this was just the easy part. He followed the directions he'd been given and boarded the utility elevator. It took him down to the utility levels that were in stark contrast to the luxurious main floor. Jaxson made his way through the dimly lit corridors, searching for Remy's office. He passed by rows of servers and generators, the hum of their engines providing a constant background noise. Finally, he found the door to Remy's office. It was a heavy metal door, reinforced with security measures that Jaxson knew he would have to bypass.
  • Jaxson opened his toolkit and got to work. He made short work the electronic locks and encryption on the door. It was almost too easy. The door slid open to reveal a lavishly furnished office. The walls were covered in dark wood paneling, The walls were adorned with expensive artwork, and the shelves were filled with books and trinkets from around the galaxy. Jaxson's eyes were drawn to a life size painting on the wall, a portrait of Remy. A man in his mid-fifties, with salt-and-pepper hair and a stern expression. He wore an expensive suit, and his hand resting on the head of his domesticated Draconian razorback.
  • Jaxson knew he didn't have much time, so he quickly made his way to the large black marble desk in the center of the room with the encrypted terminal. He used the code Max had given him to connect his hand terminal to it. The room was quiet, except for the beeping of the terminal each time Jaxson cleared another level of the encryption. The last level was tricky. His heart was racing as his fingers tapped away at his terminal, barely staying ahead of the algorithm. Jaxson knew one false move could mean certain death. The terminal chimed, signaling the encryption had been broken and he let out a sigh of relief.
  • To his surprise, there was only one file. A video recording labeled Play Me. Jaxson felt his heart sink, as he double tapped the file and Remy's large holographic image appeared projected above the black marble desk towering over him.
  • “Jaxson Reed,” Remy's voice boomed out of the speakers embedded in the desk. “I've been waiting for you. I must say, I'm impressed. You managed to get this far, but I'm afraid it's over now, my dear detective. You have walked right into my trap.”
  • Jaxson's vision started to blur and he could fell the room start spinning.
  • “No doubt, you should be feeling light headed by now,” Remy went on. His voice started to sound like he was underwater. “That's just the knock-out gas that's been streaming out of the vents. But don't worry, the best is yet to come.”
  • Jaxson's trembling legs betrayed him, buckling beneath his weight as he crumpled to the floor. The room spun around him, a dizzying carousel of disorientation. He clenched his fists, desperately attempting to regain control, but the relentless vertigo had the final say. As his consciousness slipped away, darkness enveloping his vision, the image of Remy's face etched itself into his fading perception. From above the desk, her gaze bore into his, a mixture of concern and apprehension. His diabolic laugh echoed in his ears, but it soon faded into nothingness. Jaxson was out cold.