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Chapter 192 Jake

  • I listen as Alpha Jacob tells Javier to keep us updated of any change. they chat like the good friends they are. Making me smile, they chat like I do to Knox or one of the others. Then we decided to head out of the door and find out if we could speak to someone from the council. Surely they had to be ready to give us some information by now?
  • Alpha Jacob is striding ahead. To see him nobody would question whether he was an Alpha. He was happy being back in this role. I don’t think it is one they forget. He had been an awesome Alpha when he was in the role too. Though he had been proud to step down to allow Knox to take over. He was always proud of his son. The two of them very much alike. Makes me wonder if Kai and Knox will be the same. But watching Alpha Jacob now, anyone not knowing he was the former Alpha would assume he was still an Alpha, he still held that authority and power about him. He was someone to look up to, an Alpha aura to him, despite being retired.
  • Knox could have stayed up at the pack, but I understood his need to be down here with us, and I think it wasn’t his lack of respect for his Dad or his lack of confidence in his abilities either. I dont even think he was coming to deal with the stuff going on here at the pack, or with the Werewolf Council if I am honest. Knox was coming for Gabe. It was his and Dan’s need to be with our friend. And likely with us too.
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