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The Wrong Alpha - A Twist Of Fate?

The Wrong Alpha - A Twist Of Fate?

Beth Jackson

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 Lilah

  • I smiled lightly to myself as I slowly wiped the make-up from my face, the gentle covering of concealer covering my soft skin easily coming off onto the wipe in my hand, as I think of Logan, and what tomorrow may hold…………
  • Tomorrow he would turn seventeen, in a matter of hours he would be out in the moonlight with his family shifting for the first time, those first few minutes into the hour of his seventeenth birthday and they would want to be out into the moonlight in the hopes to encourage the shift, a massive step in the life of a young werewolf, especially one as special as him, he would get to meet his wolf, the Alpha wolf that would one day take over from his Father in running our pack.
  • See, we were werewolves and that meant a few things for us, turning seventeen as Logan would tomorrow, meant the first shift for him, where we were finally able to change from our human form into our wolf form, the painful alteration of the bones changing shape was nothing compared to the exhilaration of being in wolf form out in the wild or so I had been told, and he would finally meet his inner wolf, which I knew he was so desperate to do, being a young Alpha too, I knew that his wolf would be a powerful and strong wolf, one capable of leading and protecting our pack when his father decided to hand it over to him, probably a different character to the kind, loving and caring character I had come to know in Logan, but then our relationship was different and those were sides of him that not everyone got to see…..
  • The first shift could be bad, as it meant your body wasn’t used to going from human form to its wolf form so easily, from what I’d heard from other wolves it felt unnatural at first and hella painful too as your bones dislocate, shifting shape, altering and cracking into the right places as your form changes, I gotta say I definitely am not looking forward to that part of it but then I can’t wait to meet my wolf either!
  • Once you get past the first shift it isn’t as bad, and the shifting between human and wolf form and back becomes easier and more natural to you.
  • Each pack is like our group of wolves if you like, they vary in size and are run by one main Wolf, an Alpha, our current Alpha is Alpha Grayson, and is Logan’s Dad but he is also like a second Dad to me being my Dad’s best friend.
  • In a few years Alpha Grayson will step down for Logan to take over and become the Alpha once he completes his Alpha training, another reason I know when he meets his wolf he will be a powerful and intimidating wolf ready to take on this role. I couldn’t wait to meet his wolf either, and for my wolf to meet his when she comes along in a few months’ time when I turn seventeen.
  • You see having a wolf in your head is like having another personality in your head I guess, it’s another voice inside your head powering you to do the right thing, encouraging you, keeping you going.
  • I only had a few more months to go until I finally met my wolf and I couldn’t wait to meet her! It seemed like it was fated…… you see when a werewolf turns seventeen not only do you have the ability to shift and finally meet your wolf , but this is the incredibly special part that I love about being a werewolf, you are able to find your mate………
  • I say find you mate, they may have been there all along right next to you and you just didn’t know it, but when you turn seventeen and your wolf is there you have the ability to sense your mate.
  • Finding you own mate is truly one of the parts I love about being a werewolf, we have our moon goddess, Selene, she carefully fates us all a mate, and that mate has a sacred bond with us and our wolf, that brings an undeniable and amazing connection, or so I’m told.
  • While this probably sounds crazy, it works, and is so special! Each wolf has their own scent, it helps a pack know who is who, especially when we are in wolf form, and that scent to a mate of their own is the most addictive scent imaginable, it is stronger to them than anyone else, more enticing to the point it could drive you insane!
  • Or again, so I’ve been told, I’m clueless really, as I’ve yet to find all this out. I guess I’ll find out for sure in a few months…… but anyway, this scent and draw to your mate pulls you to your mate like nothing else, and when you touch your mate the touch is like a static shock, a tingling, attracting you, pulling you to your mate.
  • And another reason I can’t wait for tomorrow is that Logan will be able to sense his mate, and for so long everyone in the pack has predicted we would be mates. Our families are so close, my Dad is Alpha Grayson’s Beta – which is like his second in command I guess you could say, (like a right hand man my Dad likes to say, or his skivvy if he is in a bad mood with Uncle Grayson ha-ha).
  • My Mum is best friends with Luna Talia, Logan’s Mum – a Luna is the mate of the Alpha and is a big part of a pack and is there to support the Alpha in so many ways.
  • So many packs, especially the elders in those packs believe that a pack does not run effectively without a Luna by the Alpha’s side. It is crazy to think that one day I am expected to step into Auntie Talia’s shoes as Luna with me being expected to be Logan’s mate; she is an amazing woman, so strong and an amazing mother to Logan and his two sisters, and like a second mother to most of the other young wolves in our pack.
  • Her and my mum were so close as friends, they were almost like sisters, but with my Dad being Alpha Grayson’s best friend as well as Beta so always being together it was inevitable really that they would end up close.
  • Our families were forever together, that is why Logan and I ended up being so close, only a few months apart in age we spent most of our time together as youngsters as our Mums were together all the time.
  • We were like siblings for so long, because I didn’t have any other siblings and Logan’s sisters weren’t born until we were in high school, so me and him had a really close connection, could read each other’s minds and Logan knew instinctively how to cheer me up and how to make me smile.
  • We ended up dating when we were about 14 I think it was, after Logan completely freaked out when Deyton another boy from our pack and one of our friends asked me out on a date. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, I had thought Deyton was cute, but Logan was funny with me, saying that Deyton wasn’t good enough for me, and was so pissed off that I would, in his words “lower myself to go on a date with a guy like that”.
  • I couldn’t believe he’d been that nasty, Deyton was meant to be one of his friends, and we had a massive argument that night as I told Logan he had no right to dictate to me who I could and couldn’t see. He’d shouted some more about Deyton not being able to treat me right and not being able to ever be good enough for me.
  • I remember then screaming “ why is it your business Logan?! And who would be good enough?!” before running away from him crying, I had little intention of accepting Deyton’s offer of a date and was more flattered at the attention I think; but Logan had hurt me with his possessiveness, and the fact he’d shout at me that way as he knew I didn’t like people shouting at me.
  • He’d ran straight after me, grabbing my hand, pulling me close to him in an embrace and simply said “me, only me” before kissing me……
  • Awwwww my heart that day, and every day since and even now when I remember it felt like it was exploding with happiness and fireworks, the guy I’d known forever, my best friend and my predicted mate according to most of the pack wanted me!!! I was in total heaven!! And the following three years our bond and connection had only got stronger, waiting for the day that we were finally so close to! Literally a matter of hours away until Logan would be able to know……..
  • I could not wait to see Logan tomorrow, to see his shift, to see him shift into the perfect Alpha wolf I knew he would be, but more importantly to hear him call me mate when he could finally sense his mate – I just had to get to bed so morning would be here sooner!!
  • A good morning boo text waiting for me from Logan making me smile as it did every morning, before I noticed the time – 9.45am!!
  • Shit!! I’ve seriously overslept!!
  • Quickly stepping from the warmth of my bed wanting to be as quick as I can to get to see Logan and start celebrating his special day with him I head toward the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the shelves near my bedroom.
  • Rushing as much as I could I showered and dried my long, wavy honey blonde hair leaving it loose down my back the way I preferred it. Doing my make up while sitting in my underwear at the dressing table in my bedroom, then threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white crop top before throwing a pair of my favourite boots before checking myself over in my full length mirror on the back of my bedroom door.
  • Then I went to grab my phone and bag and pretty much run from my room knowing I wanted to get to my Logan as fast I could.
  • Both my Mum and Dad were sat at the breakfast bar in our family kitchen having coffee, which for this time of day in the week seemed odd in itself, my Dad being Beta would usually be busy at work in his office for the Alpha at the Pack House.
  • As I walked past them I could sense them watching me, and let’s just say the atmosphere in the room could be described as one of those that the tension could be cut with a knife - have they been arguing?