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Chapter 122 Lola

  • I can’t get over just how busy it is in here tonight. I am sure the previous times we have been it has never been this busy. The queue at the bar is crazy as ever, could be waiting forever just waiting to get served. And if one more person knocks into me I swear I will karate chop someone in the head! Why do so many people lose their manners when they are out drinking ? Or perhaps they never have manners to begin with? Either way they were truly infuriating me with the amount of people knocking into me, or trying to jump the queue. I needed a strong drink already and the night had barely begun!
  • I had already been elbowed in the ribs by some muscly guy pushing his way to the bar, and some other dude stood on my foot, though I should be grateful I haven’t got dainty shoes on tonight or it would have likely hurt a lot more. Esme told me to make a note of what he looked like and if saw him again to accidentally on purpose stomp on his toe, I don’t think I would dare, but she made me laugh all the same. Though she had always been good at that.
  • She probably would do that, she has that fieriness in her. And I bet if she did it with the heel of her stiletto that would hurt like a bastard too! She was so funny, and I can imagine she probably would do that to someone without a second thought if they had irritated her or done to her what they had to me. But she was so much more stronger than I was, so much more independant and fierce. I should maybe learn a little from her. Always have been told that, we are so different yet so close and the best of friends.
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