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Chapter 6

  • Laura wished Harold could visit daily, each passing moment without his presence made her yearn for his company.
  • She couldn't wait to meet him again solely to gaze upon his familiar face.
  • As the weekend drew near, the evening was cool accompanied by unmistakable warmth.
  • Daniel's voice cut through the calm atmosphere calling out to Laura in a loud voice.
  • "Laura!" She came to his side with haste, as there was a sound of urgency in his voice.
  • "Prepare dinner, my best friend Harold is coming over for dinner."
  • Laura with the unexpected news, her heart skipped a beat. She made an effort to conceal her burgeoning emotions.
  • "Alright then," she responded in a composed manner. " You should have told me earlier, that I and the maid would have finished with the preparation by now."
  • Daniel however became furious at her response. "Shut up! And just do as you are told!"
  • Despite his arrogance, Laura, fueled by her excitement, chose to ignore him.
  • She rushed into the kitchen accompanied by her maid to make the anticipated dinner.
  • Daniel observed an unusual excitement in Laura. He hasn't noticed such joy in her since they tied the knot.
  • He kept silent, keenly observing her every move.
  • 7:00 pm
  • The dinner was already prepared and arranged on the dining table, awaiting Harold's arrival.
  • Suddenly there was a knock on the door and there he stood dressed in a plain white shirt and designer jeans, his charm was undeniable.
  • "Omg bro, you are looking good!" Daniel exclaimed, giving him a warm tight hug.
  • "Daniel, oh my friend it's been kinda long, I missed my best buddy!"
  • The excitement between these two was discernible. Laura just stood there in silence staring at their heartfelt reunion.
  • Introduced formally, Laura and Harold exchanged greetings with a handshake, uttering in unison "Nice to meet you again."
  • They both laughed, breaking the initial tension. They all settled at the dining table, ready for a night of shared meals and conversations.
  • Harold and Daniel gisted all along and caught up on lost time.
  • As dinner progressed, Laura couldn't help but keep focus on Harold. She was captivated by his charm.
  • It was a night of rekindled friendship, as for Laura, the feelings she had for Harold got deeper.
  • It was a connection she hadn't anticipated but couldn't deny.
  • Harold made quite an impression on Laura during their unforgettable night together. She couldn't take her eyes off him throughout the entire dinner.
  • Being confined to her house for so long has left Laura feeling restless and bored.
  • That's why she's determined to speak with Daniel Edward about starting her own business. She knows that this is the only way she can find something worthwhile to do with her time.
  • It's 5:00 am and Laura has been up all night, strategizing about how to convince Daniel to support her business idea.
  • She's confident and assertive, and she's determined to make this happen.
  • She sat upright on the bed, waiting for Daniel to wake up. When he opened his eyes, she tapped him gently and he stirred.
  • With a firm voice, she said, "I'm sorry to wake you up so early, but I need to talk to you about something important."
  • "What is it?" Daniel asked, still groggy.
  • "I want to start my own business. I feel like I need to do something productive and meaningful with my life, rather than just sitting at home all day."
  • Daniel sat up straight and looked at her incredulously. "You have everything you could ever want, why do you need to start a business?"
  • "It's not about the money," she replied. "I want to feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my time. I'm tired of feeling like a prisoner in my own home."
  • Daniel's expression turned cold. "You're not a prisoner," he said sharply. "You're my wife, and you do what I tell you to do."
  • She stood up from the bed, feeling a surge of anger. "I am not your property," she said firmly. "I am my person, and I have the right to pursue my dreams and aspirations."
  • Without waiting for a response, she turned and left the room, determined to make something of her life, with or without Daniel's approval.
  • As Laura tried to walk away, Daniel grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back forcefully. "You can't just walk away from me. If you go against my word, you'll regret it for the rest of your miserable life. You have no rights here," he barked.
  • Laura winced in pain as he dragged her by the hair. "Stop it, you are hurting me!" She shouted.
  • As Laura hit the ground, the anger in her flared up. She couldn't believe the man she called her husband could treat her this way.
  • The tears that streamed down her face were a mix of pain and anger. She vowed to make Daniel feel the same way she did.
  • Mr. Markson hadn't spoken to Daniel since he got married to Laura. Now, he planned to pay him a visit to his company.
  • As he had breakfast with his wife Claudia, he announced his intentions to her.
  • "Claudia, I am going to see Daniel at his company today, and I won't take no for an answer."
  • "I haven't seen or talked to him since he got married to Laura," Claudia stated firmly.
  • "Well honey, you know how arrogant that boy is. He doesn't even care, he's so unbelievable," Mr. Markson replied with a hint of frustration. "But we need to play along for the sake of Laura."
  • Claudia had not disclosed to Mr. Markson the struggles Laura was facing with Daniel Edward.
  • Later that day, Mr. Markson went straight to Daniel's company to see him. He requested to see Daniel and was directed to his office.
  • "How are you doing?" Mr. Markson asked confidently upon entering Daniel's office.
  • "I'm good," Daniel replied, relaxing on the sofa. "It's been a while," he said.
  • "How is Laura? Are you guys getting along?" Mr. Markson asked with curiosity.
  • "She's okay. What brings you here to my office?" Daniel asked.
  • Mr. Markson chuckled. "It's been a while, and I decided to stop by."
  • Daniel Edward was taken aback by the presence of Mr. Markson and immediately spoke up, "Before you stop by my office, give me a call. I do not appreciate unnecessary visits."
  • Mr. Markson felt insulted and struggled to control his anger. He stood up to leave, saying, "Alright then, I shall take my leave now."