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Chapter 4

  • As soon as Daniel left, she grabbed her car keys and drove to her parents' house without a second thought.
  • Upon arrival, her family greeted her warmly and they all hugged each other with love. Mr. Markson inquired if Daniel knew about her visit.
  • Laura confidently replied that she had informed Daniel about her plans and that she was entitled to spend time with her family.
  • Her father nodded approvingly and said, "I'm proud of you, Laura. It's important to stand up for yourself and do what makes you happy."
  • Laura wanted to have a private conversation with her mother. She felt she needed to confide in her about the difficult situation she was experiencing with her billionaire husband.
  • With tears already streaming down her face, she called her mother into the room.
  • "Laura, what's wrong?" her mother asked with concern.
  • Laura tried to compose herself, but the tears kept coming. "Mom, I'm in so much pain. I can't take it anymore," she said, her voice trembling.
  • Claudia was confused and didn't know what was causing her daughter so much distress.
  • "Darling, what's going on? I don't understand a word you just said," asked Laura's mother, noticing her daughter's distress.
  • Laura wiped her face and moved closer to her mother, taking her hands.
  • "It's Daniel Edward. He's the reason for my sadness.
  • He's holding me captive in my own home and he doesn't give me any attention or show any concern for me," she explained, looking directly at her mom with pain and agony reflecting in her eyes.
  • "Mom, I can't stay in this marriage anymore. He's causing me so much pain," Laura said, finally confessing the truth about her struggling marriage.
  • Claudia was overwhelmed with pity for her helpless daughter. She didn't know what to do at the moment, so she hugged her tightly and said, "I'm so sorry, darling. This is all my fault. I have failed you as a mother."
  • Tears rolled down Claudia's cheeks, and her eyes turned red from crying.
  • "Mom, you need to see how Daniel treats me. I feel like a nobody whenever he's around me. He's so arrogant and cold."
  • Claudia placed a comforting hand on Laura's shoulder and rubbed it gently.
  • "Laura, my child," she said, "I know you feel like you have to do this for our family, but you're stronger than this. Don't let him treat you this way anymore."
  • Laura looked up at her mom, wiping away her tears and smiling wryly. "I agree, Mom. No one deserves to be treated like this, and I won't let him maltreat me any longer."
  • They both exchanged smiles, and Laura experienced a sense of belonging. She wished to spend the weekend in the company of her family, surrounded by love and happiness that had been missing for a while.
  • After returning home, Daniel searched for Laura but couldn't locate her. He called out to his maid, "Anna!"
  • Anna rushed out of the kitchen where she was preparing dinner for her boss.
  • "Where is my wife? Did she go somewhere?" asked Daniel.
  • Anna replied, "Yes sir, she left in a hurry, but I have no idea where she went."
  • Daniel let out a deep sigh and said, "I understand. You can get back to whatever you were doing."
  • His anger was boiling inside him as he stormed into the room, grabbed his phone, and dialed Laura's number.
  • However, she didn't answer his call, and this only made him more furious.
  • Daniel promised himself that he would put her in her place when she finally returned.
  • The weekend was over and it was time for Laura to return to her husband's house. Her parents gave her comforting advice and wished her a happy home.
  • As she arrived at the house, she honked her car horn repeatedly, but the security didn't respond. She got out of the car and knocked on the gate.
  • The security man, Hassan, eventually walked up to her from inside the compound.
  • "Welcome, ma," Hassan said.
  • Laura glared at him and asked, "I've been honking for a while, didn't you hear it?"
  • "The boss gave an order not to let you in until he returns home, I'm so sorry, ma," Hassan explained nervously.
  • Laura didn't say anything. She simply got back into her car and waited for Daniel's return.
  • After almost two hours, Daniel Edward pulled up to the gate. Laura remained in her car, watching his reaction.
  • Daniel honked and Hassan, the security guard, quickly opened the gate. Laura drove in first, and Daniel followed.
  • Once they were both inside the house, he slammed the door shut and confronted her.
  • "Where did you go without my approval?" he demanded.
  • Laura turned to face him, looking angry. "I spent the weekend with my family," she replied, her voice tense.
  • Daniel approached her gently and looked deep into her eyes.
  • He held her neck, almost choking her.
  • "Let this be the last time you get on my nerves, you don't know what I might do to you if you provoke me again!"
  • Laura was almost suffocating with his hands tight around her neck.
  • He abruptly let go of her neck as she began coughing.
  • Daniel stormed into his room, slamming the door behind him.
  • Laura was in a state of shock and struggled to regain her breath.
  • With a determined look in her eyes, she vowed that the day of reckoning would come for him, and when it did, she wouldn't hold back.
  • Laura swiftly retrieved her phone from her bag and dialed Bryan's number. Despite the continuous ringing, she persisted until he finally picked up.
  • "Bryan, come over to the house," Laura demanded with a firm voice.
  • Without hesitation, Bryan agreed to her request and promptly ended the call, making his way over to Daniel's house.
  • As soon as Bryan arrived, he found Laura sitting miserably on the floor. Without wasting any time, he rushed to her and demanded to know what had happened. "What's going on, Laura? Why are you looking like this?" he asked sternly.
  • Laura answered, "Daniel did this. He doesn't want me to be happy and has chosen to make my life miserable."