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Chapter 4 Important Document

  • Chapter 4
  • Important Document
  • Narrated by Amy
  • Amy: -And what document is this? - I ask in fear.
  • George: -A very valuable contract that has to be fulfilled without further delay - says my father decisively.
  • James: -Yes, we've all waited a long time to be fulfilled, it's about time - says Mr. impatient Harrison.
  • Alexander raises an eyebrow.
  • Alex: -But, what do we all have to do with this contract? - he asks.
  • Grace: -Well - says her mother happily - your marriage contract, what else could it be.
  • Alexander was falling off the small couch he was sitting on and I think I'm going to have a heart attack, I put my hand on my chest and I feel breathless.
  • I stand up quickly, for the air that is trapped to leave my lungs.
  • I look at the happy faces of those three and I just want to punch those smiling and silly faces.
  • Amy: -WHAT?? BUT ARE YOU CRAZY? - I screamed nervously.
  • George: -Calm down, daughter, how nervous is this! - says my father.
  • I gape at my dad, but is he crazy? He just can.
  • Amy: -You say something like that and what do you want, that you stay calm and accept it? - I say upset.
  • George: -But it's tradition Amy, you...
  • I stopped him right away. .
  • Amy: -I don't want to know any of this - I say unnerved.
  • Alexander, who had been silent until then, finally spoke.
  • Alex: -I'm not getting married! And even less with her - he says with disdain - it was not this bride you told me about.
  • I turn to him.
  • Amy: -I don't want to marry you you petulant.
  • That said, I leave the library and slam the door.
  • How unlucky...
  • Narrated by Alexander
  • After taking a few smacks from my father, Mr. George suggests that we accompany him to his library.
  • James: "You're going to apologize to Miss Amy right away," my dad says.
  • I look astonished and when I'm about to speak, my mother interrupts me.
  • Grace: -Shut up Alexander - she says irritated - that's not how we taught you to treat a lady.
  • I roll my eyes, but which lady? Oh my God.
  • We go into the library and she's sitting there reading a book, and she looks annoyed.
  • George: -I'm glad you're here, I was going to send for you - says Mr. George to the daughter.
  • She mumbles something I don't understand, I'm sure she's saying shit ffff.
  • George: -What did you say? - asks her father
  • Amy: -Nothing dad, nothing - she just says, not satisfied - what do you want from me after all.
  • James: -Alexander! - call my father - we are waiting!
  • Oh what the fuck.
  • I take three steps and quickly get close to her.
  • Alex: -Please accept my sincere apologies for having offended you in any way - I say, unconvincingly, I admit.
  • Amy: -Is this sincere or is it because you were told to say
  • What a fucking complicated woman.
  • Alex: -A little of both - I say
  • -What if I don't accept your apology?
  • What the fuck, she's pissed me off.
  • George: -Amy, but what's wrong with you, are these ways of treating guests? - her father scolds her.
  • Amy:-He also had no manners when he called me names in the garden. Alex: -How funny - I say - if I remember correctly it also offended me, and I still haven't heard her apologize for that
  • -Alexander!!! - scold my parents. - but what ways are these??
  • I cross my arms and go to a corner of the library.
  • I like these parties, I end up meeting half a dozen girls and then having fun for a while. And now here I am arguing with a girl who makes me nervous.
  • The purpose of this party is different, I don't understand what I'm doing closed here.
  • I glance at her, she's pretty, she has blonde curly hair down to her waist, green eyes and she's a lot shorter than me, maybe 1.65 cm, she's really charming… but… but, what the hell am I here for? think?? It's a fool, yes.
  • I cross my arms tighter, annoyed with myself.
  • Alex: -Can I go back to the party? - I ask hopefully. I don't do anything here anymore.
  • -NO - my parents and her father almost scream.
  • What the fuck, are you crazy?
  • Amy: -But what's going on anyway? she asked.
  • George: -Well - says George - I suggest that everyone feel - as we all know here, we are descendants of Dukes, Earls and Viscounts. And we have the ancient traditions of our ancestors very ingrained in us, it's in the blood, royal blood.” He smiles.
  • The daughter laughs and he looks at her disapprovingly. Boring.
  • George: - Well, that being so, it is not surprising that we continue to fulfill the traditions and for that we have this very important document that was signed the night that my dear wife and your mother left us
  • Amy: -And what document is this? - she asks.
  • George: -A very valuable contract that has to be fulfilled without further delay.
  • James: -Yes, we've all waited a long time for it to be done, it's about time - says my father.
  • I'm not liking this shit one bit
  • Alex: -But, what do we all have to do with this contract? I ask, afraid the answer is what I'm thinking.
  • Grace: -Well - says my mother - your marriage contract, what else could it be.
  • Oh no, I almost fall off the couch, won't she please.
  • I look at her and it looks like she's going to have a thing.
  • Oh I will, for sure, how unlucky for me.
  • Amy: -WHAT?? BUT ARE YOU CRAZY? - she screams out of control.
  • George: -Calm down, daughter, how nervous is this! - says her father.
  • She looks at her father.
  • Amy: -You say something like that and what do you want, that you stay calm and accept it?
  • George: -But it's tradition Amy, you...
  • Amy: "I don't want to know any of this," she says.
  • I finally speak, after this shock I took.
  • Alex: -I'm not getting married! And much less with her - I say - it wasn't this bride you told me about.
  • She turns to me.
  • Amu: -I don't want to marry you you petulant.
  • He heads for the door and leaves, knocking on it.
  • Really crazy.
  • I thought my fiancée would be a quiet woman, not a crazy one.