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Chapter 294 Busty Mom And The Bullies:>44

  • With a final kiss, Elliott withdrew his mouth from his mother's pussy and stepped into the en-suite bathroom. The room was huge, with the massive glass-walled shower enclosure in one corner and a deep soaker tub in another. He ran the water in the tub, knowing she'd want it nice and hot to soothe her aching body. He poured in the bath crystals, which quickly foamed up, the warm flowery scent filling the air. As steam curled invitingly over the tub, he checked to make sure everything was in order, taking down a clean fluffy towel from the linen cupboard and setting it out nearby. Satisfied, he turned on his heel and returned to the bedroom. As soon as he went back into the room, the overpowering smell of the three Cs of sex hit him like a wave: cock, cunt, and cum.
  • When his mother saw him, she started to sit up, and Elliott saw her wince as she did. "Are you sure you're okay, Mom?" he asked as he hurried over and took her arm. She swung her legs over the side and sat on the edge of the bed. Elliott's eyes immediately went to her big tits, which settled and spread out over the whole breadth of her chest with a gentle wobble. Her rosy nipples tipped up slightly in their natural position, as if begging for attention.
  • "I'm fine, just a little stiff." Elliott wasn't surprised she was feeling 'a little stiff', because the three guys that had been fucking her for hours on end must have been 'a lot stiff'. "Oh dear, look at my bustier," she said as she reached across the bed and picked up the shiny red garment. As she held it in front of her, they both looked down at a number of pearly wads of spunk clinging to the satin. The shiny fabric was turning darker beneath each clumpy gob as the jizz slowly soaked into the tightly-weaved material.
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