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Chapter 5 Guns And Lust

  • I’m actually going to kill myself. I’m not even joking. The test results were positive. Turns out Dante and I are actually a perfect match and the doctor’s exact words were: “You two will have beautiful and healthy babies together.”
  • My heart stopped and all I saw was red. I almost threw up and burst into tears in the hospital when the doctor told us the results, but of course, I didn’t. The last thing I’ll do is cry in front of Dante and make him think he has any power over me whatsoever.
  • Dante however was very calm and nonchalant about the news. Like he always is. I can hardly read this man because he walks around like he has no emotions. How am I supposed to live with someone like that.
  • We’re in his car right now and I’m in the passenger’s seat next to him, my head leaning against the window as he keeps his gaze focused on the road. In a few minutes, we’ll be back at the mansion I grew up in to give my family the good news. Father will be happy. He’ll be able to form his alliance with Dante now. I don’t know how Antonio will react but I know for certain mom and Gianna will hate me even more.
  • It took Gianna a week for her test results to be announced but I guess Dante has his ways. I’m also guessing he wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible so he could finalize the alliance with my father. Both my father and Dante are personally benefiting from this contract marriage but what am I getting out of it?
  • Absolutely nothing.
  • Why does my life have to end so I can spend the rest of it with someone who will probably never even love me? Someone I will never love. Why does this have to end with my sister resenting me? Why is this all happening to me?
  • As Dante drives with calmness and a steady speed, I have a certain urge to wipe that nonchalant look off his face so I do something that I’ll probably regret, something that he’ll probably kill me for. I really don’t care. Death is better than whatever my life will look like spent with him.
  • I know how to fight. I didn’t have much to do while growing up and I didn’t have a lot of friends. Antonio used to be my training partner so even though I’ve never actually hurt anyone in real life, I sure know how to knock a man off his hinges.
  • And so, I don’t even think about my next actions before doing them. In a swift motion, I turn in my seat and kick Dante so hard in the ribs that the car swerves at a dangerous angle and before I know it, he’s cursing as he tries to find his balance. As he tries to get the car in control, I realize that I’m not even scared. I want to die.
  • My death with probably only start a war between the Giovannis and the Giuseppes but what do I care? I won’t be here to witness it, plus everyone hates me anyways.
  • He manages to get the car off the road and it slams into a tree with so much force that I jerk forwards, almost hitting my head on the windshield, but I feel strong hands grab my waist and before I know it, I’m out of my chair and into Dante’s laps. I fall forwards and brace myself by putting my hands on his rock hard chest while his hands tighten effortlessly on my small waist, securing me better on his lap.
  • I don’t even know how he had enough time to balance himself and catch me at the same time.
  • He’s breathing heavily and glaring at me with those light brown eyes, anger and frustration etched into his expression as his nostrils fume with anger.
  • He doesn’t even look scared that he was about to die just seconds ago and frankly, neither am I. As I sit in his lap, making eye contact with him, all I feel is annoyed and turned on. I hate him.
  • He does something unexpected and pulls a gun from the back of his trouser and points it straight at my forehead. My eyes widen and my breath hitches in my throat as fear overcomes me. His finger hovers over the trigger.
  • “Not so brave now, are we?” His voice is menacing. A warning. “What’s the matter? You only want to die when you’re the one in control?” He asks smirking at me, as if he wasn’t about to get in an accident a few minutes ago.
  • It makes me wonder if he’s in these types of situations frequently. He’s the don of his territory anyways and the biggest mafia leader in the city. Danger and death must not be new to him. He must take people’s lives every day.
  • “You’re not going to kill me.” I say with confidence. He may be more powerful than my father but still, he wont risk starting a war with the Giuseppes.
  • “You sound so sure Bella.” There he goes again, calling me by that awful nickname that sounds so good when he says it.
  • “You have no idea what I’m capable of. If you try something like that again, I’ll kill everyone you love and I’ll make you watch. And then I’ll kill you. And I do not fucking bluff Isabella.”
  • His jaw hardens as he keeps his gaze on mine and I can hear the sound of my heartbeat going on a rampage. I have a feeling he’s not joking but as I keep sitting in his lap, as we keep glaring at each other, I suddenly feel a wave of warmth hit me from how close we are.
  • I’m immediately self-aware of my short dress riding dangerously up my thigh, the heat emanating from his body and I make the mistake of thinking about how good he would feel with our bodies naked next to each other. My breaths are heavy as my chest rises and falls.
  • His jaw hardens as he slowly removes the gun from my forehead. His eyes trail from my hair, to the length of my arms and then to my lips. He lets out a low groan and I feel my core throb at the sound.
  • I hate myself do much right now for feeling any sort of attraction towards this man.
  • “I’m going to text Marco to come pick us up since you ruined my car.” He says, with me still on top of him. His voice is low and deep. His gaze is intense and warm.
  • We literally almost just died and we hate each other to the point where he points guns to my forehead. Yet here we are, undressing each other with our eyes.
  • I frown at him, push myself away from his body and step out of the car. We don’t talk to each other until Marco comes for us. Marco doesn’t ask us anything as he drives us back to my parents’ house but I’m guessing from the way Dante and I kept glaring at each other, he already understood what happened.
  • Once we get to my parents’, my entire family is already outside, including Gianna. Her eyes look heavy and red, as if she hasn’t stopped crying and I feel a pang of hurt in my chest because in a few seconds, when Dante announces our test results were favorable, she’ll hate me even more.
  • I have a feeling I’m going to lose what little part I had of my sister and I don’t think I’m ready for that. As we get closer, the well of tears I have kept locked up since this all started threatens to pull out of my eyes. My eyes become glassy and my vision blurry as Dante opens his mouth to form the words that will ruin everything.
  • “Positive.” Is all Dante says with his hands in his pockets. My father looks relieved. Antonio offers me an apologetic look but he doesn’t move towards me. My father won’t let him comfort me even though he’s my brother.
  • My mother has a scowl on her face, and Gianna, the look on her face only tells me one thing. She hates me. I try to talk to her but she opens her mouth first.
  • “You bitch!” Gianna’s voice echoes and before I can register anything else, she’s pulling out a gun from the back of her trousers and she’s pointing it directly at me.
  • My mother doesn’t even try to stop her. All she has is a smirk on her face. My father fumes with anger as he and Antonio yell at Gianna to put the gun down.
  • “Fuck.” Dante curses, but he doesn’t even look scared or worked up. He looks like this entire situation is annoying to him.
  • “I think you need to put your daughter on a leash Lorenzo.” Dante says to my dad with a slight tilt of his head.
  • “Why does it have to be you? In all your years of being a Giovanni what have you done to deserve to be married to Dante?” Gianna screams and she shakes the gun in her hands, pointing it aggressively at me.
  • “Gianna! Drop it. NOW!” My father yells making Gianna turn her face towards him. She’s crying now, tears filling her vision as she points the gun towards my dad instead.
  • “But it was supposed to be me daddy. I was supposed to be perfect.” All the training I received growing up suddenly comes back to me and now that Gianna is distracted with father, I can grab the gun from her before she hurts anyone. But before I can move forwards, Dante is walking past me and in one swift movement, he seizes the gun away from Gianna.
  • Everyone lets out a breath of relief as Dante empties the gun and tosses it to the ground.
  • He sighs and turns towards my dad with a serious look on his face. “Isabella is coming with me.” He says simply and starts walking towards Marco’s car. His words are like a slap to my face and it stings even more to see that all my father does is nod his head obediently at Dante.
  • “No.” I whisper. I cant go live with him now. It’s too soon.
  • “It is done Isabella.” My father says offering me a stern look. Antonio drags Gianna into the house and his eyes offer me an apologetic goodbye as he escapes into the house with a crying Gianna.
  • I have never wanted a husband like Dante Giuseppe. He’s everything my body thinks it needs yet everything my mind knows will destroy me. My father doesn’t offer me another word. He only walks back into the house and slams the door shut.
  • I hear his shouting from outside and I’m sure he’s going to punish Gianna one way or the other, for almost killing me and trying to jeopardize his alliance with Dante.
  • “Surely, you’re not going to stand there forever.” I suddenly hear Dante’s voice from behind me. His breath fans my neck and I want to direct all the frustration and hurt and pain I feel right now at him. I don’t even try to stop the tears from falling anymore. I turn towards him and start slamming my fists onto his chest as I sob.
  • He lets me.
  • I’m sure he doesn’t even feel a thing. His body is like a rock, strong and stable compared to mine. My hands soon get tired of hitting him and my throat becomes sore from crying.
  • “You done?” Is all he says in a harsh and deep voice. “Now get the hell in the car.”