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Chapter 4 Alpha Ryder

  • It had been a week since my encounter with the human, and I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was always on my mind, and I couldn't get her sweet scent and the sounds she made out of my head. However, I knew I couldn't afford to see her again, and I felt guilty for thinking about another woman for such a long time, especially because of Maxine.
  • As I prepared for today's pack activities, I tried to push the thoughts of the human aside. I took a shower and got dressed in training gear. Chester and I were going to test the selected warriors today. When I walked out of the Royal pack house, many pack members bowed their heads to show respect, and I responded with a nod of my head as I passed them by.
  • When I got to the training grounds, the warriors were already in line, and I took my stance on the elevated podium and began to address them. I reminded them of their responsibilities and sacrifices as a warrior of the Blood Moon pack and congratulated them on making it to this stage. We then began the test.
  • After about two hours of training, Duscha interrupted us. She came to the training grounds and bowed as she addressed me. "Alpha, your attention is needed,” she said.
  • I knew my Beta was capable and wouldn't call me unless it was something very important, so I asked, “What is the problem?”
  • “There was a rogue attack on the Celestial Flame pack yesterday, and the Alpha is here to meet with you,” she said.
  • I was taken aback. "Another rogue attack?" I asked. The Celestial Flame pack had been attacked for the second time this week, and I understood the urgency of the situation. I left the training to Chester as we made our way out of the training grounds and to the meeting room.
  • Upon arriving at the meeting room, Alpha Ace stood up and greeted me with a bow. "Alpha," he said. I told him to sit and brief me on what had happened and what he had gathered. He explained that his pack members were worried sick and no longer felt safe. They had been attacked again, and it seemed as though the rogue pack had gotten stronger.
  • Duscha asked, “Did they attack the pack itself?”
  • “Yes. The last time, it was just the outskirts. This time, they dared to enter the border, which is what makes me conclude that they are stronger now,” he replied.
  • I knew I had to act fast. "Alright, for the meantime, I will dispatch Blood Moon warriors to your pack to keep you safe while I think about a good action plan. Make sure you train your warriors too, to prepare for any unforeseen incidents,” I said.
  • Alpha Ace thanked me, and I left the meeting room. As I was heading for my office, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was strange, but it lasted only for a short period.
  • Entering my office, I sat down at my desk and called other packs to help strengthen the border of Celestial Flame pack. Shortly after, my mother entered my office. "Hello, son," she said.
  • "Mother," I replied.
  • "Have you had your lunch?" She asked.
  • "No, I am in the middle of something now,” I said.
  • “The attacks on Celestial Flame's pack?” she asked.
  • My mother was a very wise she-wolf, so sometimes her opinion was welcome in my decision-making process. "Yes, Mother," I replied.
  • “Ask Alpha Ace to make sure no one is helping this rogue pack from the inside of his pack. Because only a pack member would know how to attack like that,” she said.
  • I hadn't even thought of that, and it was a very plausible possibility. "Thank you, Mother," I said just as another wave of the sharp pain hit me. I think it must have shown on my face because my mom was up in my face the next moment.
  • “Son, are you okay?” She asked.
  • “Yes, Mother,” I replied.
  • “That didn't look okay to me. Tell me,” she insisted.
  • “I felt a real pain for a moment," I said.
  • She looked at me for a moment and said, “When did this start?”
  • “This morning,” I said. “Maybe I need some rest.”
  • “Hmm,” she said with a weird look on her face.
  • “What do you mean what? Who have you slept with?” She asked.
  • Since when does she care about my sex life?
  • “Mother, you know I don't mess with she wolves anymore”
  • “Then how is it possible that a she-wolf is with child for you?” She asked
  • “WHAT?” I all but shouted.
  • “The pain in your chest indicates that a she wolf is with child for you” she said
  • How is that possible? I didn't touch a she wolf.
  • Then it clicked, was that human with child for me? But that is not possible. But she has been the only one I have slept with.
  • “Mother, can a human be with child for a wolf” I asked.
  • “Not a normal wolf but I guess for an Alpha king” she answered.
  • “Oh shit”, I exclaimed. “Mother I think that human is pregnant for me”
  • “What human?” she asked
  • “The human I was with last” I replied.
  • Oh moon goddess, what was this?
  • “You need to bring her here to protect her and the pup”, My mother said
  • “No. I don't, I will keep tabs on her from here”, I replied
  • “So you will leave your successor in the hands of a human?” She asked “The poor child may even die during childbirth, you can't do this”
  • “Yes mother, I can” I said about to leave
  • “You have many enemies, they will go for her once they find out she is with child. The pup is your successor” she retorted “Bring her here, I will personally see to her well being”
  • “That is enough mother!” I said gold flashing through my eyes, my wolf on edge, he didn't like to repeat himself “I will do what I have said I will and I will hear no more of this” I said walking out.