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Chapter 8

  • The Attack
  • Rina's pov:
  • It's the weekend today. Raven and Ian were still sleeping in the other room. My place is a two-bedroom apartment, so they have one room and I take the main one. So I woke up and got myself ready for the morning run down the park. There is something that always attracts me to the trees. Fresh air is one thing and sometimes I find peace just sitting under a tree and reading a book. Come to think of it, I don’t know where my new book “rich dad poor dad” is, since I am pretty sure it’s not on the bookshelf. All I remember is I bought it and read the first three chapters. I will have to look for it the moment I get home. I was so distracted that I didn’t notice that I ran to the deeper parts of the woods. I turned around to run back but there were four more roads leading in different directions. I have never come this deep, and I had no phone to track myself back. Wow! Bravo! To me. I always do crazy things, even when I am alone. I am brought back to reality when I hear a twig snap on my left side, but when I look, there’s nothing there.
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