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Chapter 5

  • His persistence
  • Rina's Pov
  • "Good morning to the daughters of Jezebel". Nick is one of the few male friends that I have said, actually the only male friend. He has been our bestie forever. I have always liked male friends. They have less drama and less gossiping, but when one decides to confess their love to me, I cut them off. Nick told me that he once wanted to confess until Raven warned him of getting himself hurt because I would not reciprocate and he chose to be my friend instead. Most people always think we are dating, but what they don't know is who is dating who, between Raven, Nick, and me. You see sometimes when Nick has a girl problem, one of us can just get in and pretend to be his girlfriend, or he can be a fake boyfriend to any of us to keep the men away. Great friends, right?
  • I remember this one time. His ex-girlfriend kept calling him, wanting them to get back together. I picked up his phone and talked to her to keep off. She never called back again. I think that was a pretty good job on my side. What are friends for if not for that?
  • "Good morning to you too 'Solomon'. How many legs have you opened?" I asked, smiling. Nick is a man whore. Don't let that sweet and innocent face of his fool you.
  • We all get settled in my office to catch up before getting started with work. I have been out on the field for a week now and only come to the office once in a while when I need to. The project kicked off a week ago and I had to make sure it succeeded. My secretary came in to inform me that the CEO wanted to see me as soon as I arrived. I have been avoiding him lately. He has tried to reach me through the phone and emails but I never reply. We met once in the construction area and I did my best to avoid him. I still can't understand why I got this pull toward him, but I am not going to give in to whatever that is.
  • "You haven't talked with him yet?" Nick asked, surprised.
  • "No shiz Sherlock" I replied to the obvious thing.
  • "You see, miss weirdo here thinks the more she keeps away from him he will forget about her" Raven replied. She has been asking me to talk to him but I have been doing the opposite.
  • "I am not a weirdo, you know, I am a smart, rational person capable of making my own decisions and my feelings towards a stranger aren't going to control me," I say in one go without breathing. That man is making me crazy.
  • Sometimes I wish I was not, in this project or want to pull out just to be away from him but it gives a lot of money and a girl has to eat you know, and I am good at it. Whenever I am working, my mind gets drawn back to the Greek god who is also my boss. Thinking about him has become my daily job.
  • After some time with my friends, I got myself ready to go and see my boss on the 17th floor. I have to face him if I like it or not. I get to the 17th floor and go to his office after his secretary confirms he is in. Before I even knock, the door is open from the inside and I am ushered in by him.
  • "Good morning, sir, you wanted to see me?"
  • "Yes, I did. Could we talk?" he asked.
  • "Of course sir, the project is going.............." I replied, playing stupid.
  • "Not about the project," he said, cutting me short with an annoyed look, and trying to move forward, but I took a step back, avoiding him like a virus.
  • "Rina you... " He started to say something but his office telephone started to ring.
  • "Why have you been avoiding me," he asked, not answering the incoming call.
  • "I think you should pick that up, Sir"
  • "Not more important than what we are talking about."
  • It took all my bravery not to run for the hills. I had to say no to this man so that he could stop pestering me. He's my boss. I hope I don't get fired.
  • "Sir I..."
  • "Damon, you told your secretary not to let me in?" someone barged in shouting.
  • "Who let you in?" he asked with anger in his voice.
  • "I am sorry, sir, I tried to call you." the secretary explained, standing behind the red-haired lady shaking like a leaf.
  • "It's okay to go back to work," the boss said after a while.
  • "I think I have to go back to work too, boss," I said, rushing to the door without waiting for any reply.
  • The moment I left his office I felt so horrible, it felt like I left part of me in that office, which was so weird. I decided to go to the construction area and keep myself busy there because I couldn't concentrate in the office.
  • My day was fruitful enough, but I was so tired. I got home a bit late because the construction site is 45 minutes away from the city. I had this feeling that someone had been following me lately, so I decided to inform Raven, in case I get murdered. You know, maybe watching horror movies gets me paranoid, but it's better safe than sorry.
  • The first thing I did was take a shower. I am a clean freak and I had germs all over. I felt like I couldn't breathe unless I got myself clean. After enjoying my shower, I went out of the bathroom naked since Raven said she was sleeping at her boyfriend's place. I had the room all to myself. Let's be sincere. Nobody living alone likes to wear clothes, especially me. I like to let my body breathe, so being nude ain't a big deal. That's until you find the last person you wanted to see today seated on your bedroom couch.
  • "Ahhhhhhh" I screamed, hiding my private parts with my hands, not having anything around to cover myself and I couldn't turn. I was naked.
  • "Damn woman, you'll burst my eardrums," he said, holding his ears.
  • "What are you doing here?"
  • "You know those hands aren't hiding anything?" he said, watching me and smiling, his eyes were changing from blue to black but i think I was just imagining things. But understanding my situation, he pulled a bed sheet and came closer to me, and covered me, not forgetting to smell me like a dog.
  • "We didn't finish the talk, remember?" he said in a deep voice next to my ear, sending chills down my spine.
  • “You do realize this is my bedroom, right?” I said, stepping back.
  • How on earth can I get myself away from this guy who keeps showing up everywhere?
  • “What do you want Sir?”
  • “I think you know what I want, and call me Damon”
  • “I don't”
  • “ I want you Rina, you know that and that's the reason you have been avoiding me” He declared.
  • “No I haven't, just been busy” I tried to say, but my voice betrayed me.
  • "Busy with what? Running away from me?" he said, moving back to the couch
  • “No”
  • “Come here”
  • “No”
  • “Don't make me force you.”
  • “ I will scream.”
  • “Okay go ahead”
  • “You're trying my patience, can you just sit down and we can talk like adults?”
  • I still stand on my ground not moving.
  • “Okay as you wish,” He said and within a second he moved so fast and now he was holding me on his lap on the couch. I tried to move but his words made me stay still.
  • “Keep moving to forget you're naked under that sheet”
  • We both stayed still for a while. The only thing you could hear was our breathing.
  • “ I like you and I have had feelings from the moment I saw you in that meeting room, I also know you feel the same things I feel but what I don't understand is why you have been avoiding me. I want to date you so what are your reasons for not wanting to be with me? Do you have a boyfriend?”
  • “No”
  • “So why?”
  • “I....” I can't say anything, how can I tell him he looks like trouble, 'Hey I like you too and I have been having wet dreams about you since we met and you look like trouble to me.
  • “you what?”
  • He asked but I couldn't think, my body was heating up with me closer to him.
  • My mind went back to the wet dream I had of him today and I jacked up the moment I felt his hand between my thighs, which made my hoo-haa wet.
  • He kissed my neck while his hands were roaming all over my body.
  • I couldn't think straight.
  • I wanted more.
  • He stopped but I couldn't and I just crashed my lips into his.
  • I don't know where that courage came from, but I wanted more.
  • He held both my hands and stopped the kiss.
  • “If we continue this, I won't be able to control myself and I don't want to have you when you're not even mine, to begin with.”
  • "What's happening to me? Why can't I stop it?
  • whenever I am closer to you I have all these feelings that scare the hell out of me.”
  • “I feel the same too princess, but why are you avoiding me?”
  • “Because you're my boss and I am not supposed to feel like that”
  • “Like what?”
  • “nye nye nye I am not going to say it”
  • “Like you want me to touch you, to be inside you and make you scream my name?” he says with a rough voice closer to my ear that might as well be foreplay.
  • "Okay, here is what is gonna happen. From today you're mine, so don't let any man touch you” he said, more of ordered
  • “I am not yours”
  • "YOU'RE"
  • “I am human, you know, not some goods or animals that anyone can own.”
  • “You’re going to listen......” He demanded, but that just woke my brain up.
  • “Don't f*****g tell me what to do, you better get the hell out of my house before I beat the f**k out of you”
  • “I already said what I came here to say, take it or leave it, punishment will be on you.”
  • “ You.....” before I could retort, he kissed me like an angry animal and stood up, setting me on the couch.
  • He just walked away leaving me with all these feelings, Jackass!
  • What just happened?