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Chapter 85 Me, Robert and his Daddy(1)

  • I am a rather shy person. I am short, petite, blond, and smiling. A good girl like many others. I believe in true love. I believe in world peace. I believe I will become a great writer. I believe in love at first sight. I believe that Chips and ice cream go well together. And I believe that teenage life is the hardest of all.
  • For a while now though things have been turning around. I mean I finally found the right guy. I'm dating a cool guy. An older one. A pretty popular guy named Robert. He has an insane amount of followers on Social Media. And I know from my friends that they've heard in girls' bathrooms that they think Robert is the cutest guy in school.
  • I'm kind of shy so I don't always dare to hang out with him and his friends during breaks or on the way out of school. But when Robert decides I need to hang out with them, I bring a few of my friends along to flirt with Robert's friends. All are equally populated. It's only been a short time since we've been dating, but I always feel like I'm touching the sky with my finger. And I always get butterflies in my stomach.
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